African Journal of
Agricultural Research

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Agric. Res.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1991-637X
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJAR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 6918

Table of Content: May, 2022; 18(5)

May 2022

Effects of tractor forward velocity on soil compaction under different soil water contents in Tunisia

Africa is the second continent suffering from soil compaction; studies of this phenomenon must be multiplied in order to overcome this problem. Very few studies have been conducted in Tunisia to understand soil compaction, its causes and its effect on soil properties. The research was conducted on experimental field at the Higher Institute of Agronomy of Chott Mariam, Sousse, Tunisia. The main objective of this study...

Author(s): Chiheb Khemis, Khaoula Abrougui, Karim Gabsi, Roua Amami, Waweru Geofrey, Eunice Mutuku, Wim Cornelis and Sayed Chehaibi  

May 2022

Maize production constraints at household levels: The case of Hawassa Zuria district in Sidama Region, Ethiopia

Maize is the most important cereal crop in Ethiopia in terms of plantation area, production volume, and economic importance for food security. Despite the relative yield increment at the national level, maize production in the study area has been hindered by a couple of factors. This study was conducted to assess and evaluate maize production constraints in the Hawassa Zuria district. Primary data was collected from 60...

Author(s): Solomon Yokamo, Xiaoqiang Jiao, Fekadu Gurmu, Aklilu Atinafu, Tsadiku Alemu and Rongfeng Jiang  

May 2022

Impact of program-based sustainable urban agricultural intervention on women empowerment in Addis Ababa: Evidence from women empowerment in agriculture index analysis

Urban agriculture is increasingly recognized in academic research, policy practice, and advocacy as rural land is increasingly shrinking for agricultural production; and is argued as pro-poor urban intervention. This study argued that previous researches focused on: (1) rural agriculture; (2) women’s economic empowerment; and (3) positive impacts of urban agricultural interventions on the poor. By observing 10...

Author(s): Filmon Hadaro Hando and Mitke Alemu Legesse  

May 2022

Effects of spacing on yield and head characteristics of cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata L.) in two agro-ecologies of Ethiopia

Cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata) is one of the major vegetable crops grown in Ethiopia. In the 2018 rainy season, 31,400 tonnes of head cabbage was produced. Despite its importance, the productivity of cabbage in Ethiopia remains very low (6 t/ha) as compared to world (28.8 t/ha) and East Africa (16 t/ha). Low plant population was one of the major causes of low yield and big size heads, which consumers and...

Author(s): Getachew Tabor, Gizachew Atinafu, Fekadu Gebretensay, Demis Fikre, Yenenesh Asfaw and Fasil Tadesse Tewolde  

May 2022

Indigenous knowledge on host tree preference of the wild edible Gynanisa maja (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae) matches with the laboratory test results in western Zambia

Gynanisa maja is an edible caterpillar and contributes significantly towards household food security. The linkage between indigenous and scientific knowledge influencing G. maja forage preference is not yet clear, and therefore the study aimed at determining this linkage regarding host preferences for G. maja in western Zambia. A household survey was conducted to determine people’s perception on the most preferred...

Author(s): Benjamin Chanda, Calleb Ochia Olweny and Donald Chungu,  

May 2022

Family agriculture in mesoregions of the state of Alagoas, Brazil: Analysis from the production of rural settlements

This study aimed to analyze food production and verify the purpose of production in rural settlements, in different mesoregions of the state of Alagoas. Semi-structured interviews were used, with 245 families from six settlements distributed in the three mesoregions: East, Agreste, and Sertão, resulting in a diversity of crops in regions with water availability, and the main crops, such as corn and beans,...

Author(s): Miriam Monteiro da Costa, Raquel de Melo Silva, Luan Danilo Ferreira de Andrade Melo, João Luciano de Andrade Melo Junior, Vanuze Costa de Oliveira, Larice Bruna Ferreira Soares, Ivanildo Claudino da Silva, Adriana Guimarães Duarte, Reinaldo de Alencar Paes, Jaqueline Figueredo de Oliveira Costa, Priscila Cordeiro Souto, Lívia Francyne Gomes Chaves and Wesley Oliveira de Assis  

May 2022

Effect of selective micronutrients on productivity of upland rice varieties

The realization of optimal recommendations for the nutrient balance of upland rice is an excellent strategy to increase the productivity and sustainability of the production system, especially in soils with limiting conditions for cultivation. The objective of the study was to evaluate the behavior of upland rice cultivars (ANa 9005CL, ANa 8001, AN Cambará and BRS A502), by foliar fertilization (Maxi Zinc®,...

Author(s): Kauê Eduardo Martins da Silva, Marcelo Crestani Mota, Francismeire Bonadeu, Karina Galvão de Souza, Sérgio Monteze Alves, Andressa Gregolin Moreira and Marley Marico Utumi  

May 2022

Response of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) to sulfur impurity supplied as triple-super phosphate under gypsum and urea fertilizer backgrounds

On-farm experiments (24) were conducted in two seasons to assess the influence of sulfur impurity in triple-super phosphate (TSP) on wheat. The experiments were laid-out in completely randomized block design in triplicate. Nutrients investigated include: Nitrogen (N), sulfur (S) and phosphorus (P). The TSP is tested to contain about 2 to 6% sulfur as impurity. However, wheat did not show response to sulfur from TSP....

Author(s): Assefa Menna  

May 2022

Alkalinization and moist heat treatments of substrates for cultivation of edible mushrooms in pupunha and cocoa residues

In search of a healthier diet, the consumption of edible mushrooms has been expanding, as well as the use of agro-industrial residues for cultivation and the use of less costly techniques. In this work, residues of pupunha palm (Bactris gasipaes Kunth.) and cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) were tested as a substrate to produce Pleurotus pulmonarius CCB19, as well as two forms of disinfection: Moist heat (autoclaving) and...

Author(s): Geni Alves Casteliano, Tizá Teles Santos, Camila Oliveira Bezerra, Andréa Miura da Costa, Cid Edson Mendonça Póvoas,  Antonio Fábio Reis Figueirêdo,  Marliane de Cássia Soares da Silva, José Maria Rodrigues da Luz, Maria Catarina Megumi Kasuya, Givaldo Rocha Niela, Antônio Zózimo de Matos, José Luiz Bezerra and  Ana Paula Trovatti Uetanabaro