African Journal of

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Biotechnol.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1684-5315
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJB
  • Start Year: 2002
  • Published Articles: 12496

Full Length Research Paper

Sequences polymorphism and variation of major histocompatibility complex DRB exon 2 of black Dahe pig

  Lizhou Tang1, Long Yu1, Jiangang Chen1, Junjie Wang1, Mei Ma1, Weidong Lu1*and Tongzuo Zhang2*        
  1Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau Institute of Biodiversity, College of Biologic Resource and Environment Science, Qujing Normal University, Qujing, Yunnan 655011, China. 2Key Laboratory of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau Ecosystem and Biological Evolution and Adaptation, Northwest Institute of Plateau Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xining, Qinghai 810001, China.
Email: [email protected], [email protected]

  •  Accepted: 17 January 2012
  •  Published: 01 March 2012



DNA sequences of swine leukocyte antigens (SLA) DRB exon 2 from five populations were used to investigate genetic polymorphism of black Dahe pig in Yunnan province of China. Our results showed that the SLA-DRB exon 2 of black Dahe pig obtained high variable rate of 23.50%, which was higher than the values analyzed for cattles or other livestocks. The average G + C content at the third synonymous variable coding positions (GC3) was closed to 0.78. The amino acids composition rate and majority of relative synonymous codon usage were near the ranges of 0.00 to 11.27 and 1.00 to 2.00, respectively. These significant polymorphism, high GC3 content and differentiation of preferred codon usage could be resulted from over dominance selection, base compositional bias and the diversity of gene expression level. Aforementioned results adequately testified the SLA-DRB exon 2 may be an important genetic marker for studies in genetic diversity, population genetics, breeding reproduction investigation and exploring new functional genes of black Dahe pig.


Key words: Black Dahe pig, DRB exon 2, genetic polymorphism, major histocompatibility complex, swine lymphocyte alloantigen, Yunnan province of China.