African Journal of

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Biotechnol.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1684-5315
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJB
  • Start Year: 2002
  • Published Articles: 12501

Table of Content: 14 November 2011; 10(71)

November 2011

Genetic diversity of an endangered species, Fokienia hodginsii (Cupressaceae)

Fokienia hodginsii (Cupressaceae) is distributed in montane evergreen forests in North and Central Vietnam and extends to southeastern China at 900 m above sea level. The species has been threatened in its area of distribution in recent years because of habitat destruction and over-exploitation. The genetic variation of F. hodginsii in Vietnam was investigated on the basis of eight ISSR markers. Three...

Author(s): Nguyen Minh Tam, Nguyen T. Phuong Trang and Nguyen Thi Hoa,

November 2011

Marker aided selection for aroma in F2 populations of rice

Marker aided selection (MAS) can be used for monitoring the presence or absence of genes in breeding populations and can be combined with conventional breeding approaches. In this study, crosses between two high yielding cultivars, Neda and Nemat with local aromatic varieties Sang tarom and Tarom deylamani were made followed by phenotypic selection for desirable individual plants in F2 populations. Then, marker...

Author(s): Ghaffar Kiani

November 2011

Identification and sequence analysis of pyrokinin/PBAN peptide of psocids, Liposcelis entomophila

Using an antiserum against Helicoverpa zea pheromone biosynthesis activating neuropeptide (PBAN), pyrokinin/PBAN-like immunoreactivity in the head and body of female of Liposcelis entomophila was detected by competitive ELISA. Pyrokinin/PBAN peptides were extracted and purified by reverse-phase HPLC, and the sequence were elucidated by a matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time of flight mass...

Author(s): Yujie Lu, Zhongjian Guo, Ruifang Li and Wei Yan

November 2011

Cloning and expression analysis of a partial LEAFY homologue from pineapple (Ananas comosus (L.) Merr.)

LEAFY-like genes are crucial regulators of flowering in angiosperms. A partial homologue of LEAFY, designated as AcLFY (Genebank accession no HQ433335), was isolated from pineapple (Ananas comosus L. cv. Comte de Paris) by PCR. The conserved cDNA fragment of AcLFY is 256 bp in length and contained an open reading frame of 248 bp, which encodes 82 amino acids protein. The amino acid...

Author(s): Lv Lingling,, Sun Guangming, Xie Jianghui, Zhang Jianxia, Liu Shenghui,Liu Yuge, Wei Changbin, Zeng Songjun and Duan Jun  

November 2011

Effect of plant density on the characteristics of photosynthetic apparatus of garlic (Allium sativum var. vulgare L.)

Field experiments were conducted to study green garlic response to the following plant densities: 300,000; 450,000; 600,000; 750,000 and 900,000 plants/ha. The experiment lasted for two years. Plant measurements started 40 days after planting (DAP) and were performed at ten-day intervals. Eight measurements per year were made in total and the following traits were measured: leaf number per plant, leaf surface...

Author(s): Djordje Moravčević, Vukašin Bjelić, Dubravka Savić, Jelica Gvozdanović Varga, Damir Beatović, Slavica Jelačić and Vlade Zarić

November 2011

Germination, seedling growth and ion accumulation of bitter vetch (Vicia ervilia (L.) Willd. ) lines under NaCl stress

This study was conducted to compare the effect of NaCl levels on germination and seedling growth, and ion accumulation in five bitter vetch lines. Germination percentage (%), mean germination time (MGT, day), emergence percentage (%), shoot and root length (mm), shoot and root fresh and dry weight (mg/plant) and the Na+, K+, Cl-, and Na+/K+ ratio for both root and shoot were determined at different NaCl salt...

Author(s): Sati Çöçü and OÄŸuzhan Uzun

November 2011

Growth responses of tropical onion cultivars to photoperiod and temperature based on growing degree days

Onions (Allium cepa L.) are widely produced within the tropics, but little is known about the Eritrean cultivars Hagaz Red 1 and 2 (HR 1, and HR 2) and Red Creole (RC). Responses of the onion cvs. HR 1, HR 2 and RC to photoperiod and temperature on bulbing were compared. Plants were grown in growth rooms under combinations of photoperiod (11.5, 12, and 12.5 h) and day/night temperatures (25/12, 30/15 and...

Author(s): S. Z. Tesfay, I. Bertling, A. O. Odindo, P. L. Greenfield and T.S. Workneh.

November 2011

Genetic diversity in coastal and inland desert populations of Peganum harmala L. (Peganaceae)

This study compared the genetic diversity within and among six naturally growing coastal and inland populations of Peganum harmala by using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) technique. Seven primers generated a total of 63 RAPD bands (loci) of which 60 (95.24%) were polymorphic across all individuals. The genetic diversity of P. harmala at the population level and...

Author(s): R. El-Bakatoushi, A. K. Hegazy, H. Saad, and M. Fawzy

November 2011

Perioxidases play important roles in abscisic acid (ABA)-simulating photosystem II (PSII) thermostabilty of apple tree rootstock leaves

Leaf photosynthetic activity limited by summer heat stress represents large constraint to production process of fruit trees. To cope with this problem, we tested photosystem II (PS II) thermostability in clonal apple tree rootstocks with different growth intensity - semi-vigorous-MM106 and dwarfing-J-TE-F experiencing summer heat stress, and related antioxidative activity and phytohormonal...

Author(s): M. Brestic, Shao H. B.,, P. Ferus and J. Malbeck

November 2011

Effects of seed pretreatment and seed source on germination of five Acacia spp.

The effects of seed pre-sowing treatment and geographic source of seeds on three germination parameters of five Acacia species (GP = germination percent; GMT = germination mean time (days) and GI = germination index) were studied. Pre-sowing treatment included immersion in concentrated sulphuric acid for 5, 10 and 15 min; immersion in hot water for 2, 4 and 6 min; abrasion of the seed coat and control. Seeds...

Author(s): Ibrahim Mohamed Aref, Hashim Ali El Atta, Thobayet Al Shahrani and Abdullah Ismail Mohamed.

November 2011

Influence of plant age on fructan content and fructosyltranserase activity in Agave atrovirens Karw leaves

An evaluation of non-structural carbohydrate content, fructan:fructan 1-fructosyltransferase (1-FFT; EC. enzymatic activity and electrophoretic pattern of proteins in Agave atrovirens leaves was performed to establish the optimum age for plant harvest. The highest soluble carbohydrate content was observed in 3-year-old leaves, but inulin-type fructan content was highest in 6-year-old leaves. Fructan...

Author(s): González-Cruz Leopoldo, Jaramillo-Flores María Eugenia, Bernardino-Nicanor Aurea and Mora-Escobedo Rosalva

November 2011

Effects of early water stress levels on berry set and berry development in Merlot cv. (Vitis vinifera L.)

Early water deficit at flowering results in poor berry set or aborted grape yield reduction. The main aim of this study was to find out the effects of water stress levels on berry set and embryo berry development. This study was carried out in Montpellier using by ECOTRON System, SupAgro/INRA, France. Seven years old Merlot / SO4 grafting combination was used as a plant material. Potted...

Author(s): Ilknur Korkutal, Alain Carbonneau and Elman Bahar

November 2011

Effect of gibberellic acid on the quality of chrysanthemum (Dendranthema grandiflora L.) cv. Faroe

The aim of the present work was to evaluate the quality of chrysanthemum cultivar Faroe, subjected to different gibberellic acid (GA3) concentrations applied to the field. The treatments were composed of four doses of GA3 (0, 15, 30 and 45 mg L-1) applied at the beginning of the formation of buttom floral (28 days after transplanting of seedlings). According to the results, a single low concentration of...

Author(s): Marcos Ribeiro da Silva Vieira⊃, Giuseppina Pace Pereira Lima⊃, Angela Vacaro de Souza⊃, Paula Nepomuceno Costa⊃, Caio Marcio Guimarães Santos⊃, Leonardo de Sousa Alves⊃ and Nelson Geraldo de Oliveira⊃

November 2011

Effect of organic and conventional production practices on nutritional value and antioxidant activity of tomatoes

The aim of this study was to compare fruit quality parameters in different tomato cultivars (Robin-F1, Amati-F1 and Elpida-F1) derived from organic and conventional greenhouse production in North-Eastern Greece. Tomato fruit from conventional greenhouse production observed higher levels of TSS, sugars and vitamin C, while those grown organically contained substantial amounts of lycopene and carotenoids. The...

Author(s): Nikolaos Kapoulas, Zoran S. Ilić, Mihal Đurovka, Radmila Trajković and Lidija Milenković

November 2011

The efficiency of potassium fertilization methods on the growth of rice (Oryza sativa L.) under salinity stress

Land salinization in the coastal region, caused by the progressing of sea or by rising of the saline ground water to the soil surface, is a principal problem in some parts of Iran. It decreases the efficiency of used fertilizers. This study was conducted with the aim of comparing the efficiency of potassium spraying and application in soil; and its effect on yield and yield components of rice under salinity stress in a...

Author(s): Mohiti, M., Ardalan, M. M., Mohammadi Torkashvand, A. and Shokri Vahed, H.

November 2011

Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) yield loss estimation with common cocklebur (Xanthium strumarium L.) interference

Common cocklebur (Xanthium strumarium L.) is the most prevalent weed for sesame in Turkey. Sesame yield decreased by the increasing densities of common cocklebur. The asymptotic weed-free yield of sesame was 1863 kg ha-1 in 2005 and 1931 kg ha-1 in 2006, while the yield was estimated to be 239 and 424 kg ha-1 at the 7 plant m-1 crop row of common cocklebur density in 2005 and 2006, respectively....

Author(s): Bekir Bukun

November 2011

Screening maize (Zea mays L.) hybrids for salt stress tolerance at germination stage

  Plant breeding may provide a relatively cost effective short-term solution to the salinity problem by producing cultivars that are able to remain productive at low to moderate levels of salinity. To determine the most tolerant hybrid to salinity stress, an experiment was performed as factorial form under completely randomized design (CRD) with three replications. Hybrid factor consisted of fifteen hybrids...

Author(s): Zahra Khodarahmpour

November 2011

Effect of lead on metallothionein concentration in lead-resistant bacteria Bacillus cereus isolated from industrial effluent

Metallothioneins (MTs) are cysteine-rich metal-binding proteins found in a wide variety of organisms including bacteria, fungi as well as all eukaryotic plant and animal species. MTs bind essential and non-essential heavy metals. MTs production was evaluated by a simple spectrophotometry methodology. The study elucidated that the metallothionein concentration in Bacillus cereus treated with different...

Author(s): Shruti Murthy, Geetha Bali and S. K. Sarangi

November 2011

Cultivation of oyster mushroom (Pleurotus spp.) on palm oil mesocarp fibre

Oyster mushroom is a popular mushroom due to its nutritional, medicinal and potential commercial value. In Malaysia, the fungus is currently cultivated on sawdust and rice husk. In this study, the efficiency of cultivating oyster mushroom was assessed using palm oil mesocarp fibre as a substrate. The experiment consisted of four samples; sample A (composed of 100% mesocarp fibre), sample B (composed...

Author(s): Mohammed Saidu, Mohd Razman Salim and Muhamad Ali Mohamed Yuzir

November 2011

Changes in soil properties with vegetation types in highland grassland of the Loess Plateau, China

The response of soil properties to vegetation types is still not well understood and the relationship between vegetation types and soil properties has not been quantified in highland grasslands. A field experiment was conducted in highland grassland of the Loess Plateau in China to study the distribution of soil properties under different vegetation. 22 plant communities totaling 17 species that belong to 8 families...

Author(s): Liping Qiu, Xingchang Zhang, Linhai Li and Jianlun Gao

November 2011

Immobilization of raw starch digesting amylase on silica gel: A comparative study

To stabilize the raw starch digesting amylase from fungus Aspergillus carbonarius(Bainier) Thom IMI 366159, the enzyme was immobilized on an inorganic porous support silica gel using different methods. Immobilization was carried out by spontaneous adsorption and crosslinking (reticulation), initial physical adsorption followed by crosslinking or conjugation on a silica gel activated with glutaraldehyde or...

Author(s): Tochukwu N. Nwagu, Bartho N. Okolo, Hideki Aoyagi

November 2011

The antimicrobial effect of Origanum compactum essential oil, nisin and their combination against Escherichia coli in tryptic soy broth (TSB) and in sheep natural sausage casings during storage at 25 and 7°C

The aim of this study was to investigate the antimicrobial effect of oregano essential oil (EO) at 0.015, 0.03 or 0.06%, nisin at 800 or 1600 IU/g, and their combination onEscherichia coli in tryptic soy broth (TSB) and in sheep natural sausage casings. At 0.015%, EO presented a weak antibacterial activity against the pathogen in TSB. Consequently, only the levels of 0.03 and 0.06% were examined in casings. EO at...

Author(s): Ben Hammou, F., Skali, S. N., Idaomar, M. and Abrini, J.

November 2011

In vitro assessment of bioactive components of Mirabilis jalapa ethanolic extract on clinical isolates of Salmonella typhi and Bacillus cereus

We investigated the effects of bioactive components of ethanolic leaf extract ofMirabilis jalapa on the disease causing enteric pathogens by testing their activity against Salmonella typhi and Bacillus cereus at an initial stock solution of 20 mg/ml of the crude extract. Following serial dilutions of stock solution, and the determination of minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum...

Author(s): Eneji, S.M., Inuwa, H.M., Ibrahim, S., Ibrahim, A.B. and Abdulfattah, A.

November 2011

Detection of mycobacterial antibodies in serum samples by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay

Tuberculosis (TB) is a common and deadly infectious disease caused byMycobacterium tuberculosis and rarely by other subspecies of the M. tuberculosiscomplex, such as Mycobacterium bovis. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for diagnosis of tuberculosis has been widely explored over the years. The purpose of this study was to reduce the time duration required for the diagnosis of tuberculosis. We...

Author(s): Sooraj S. Nath, K. Nathiya, R. Dhanabalan, J. Angayarkanni, and M. Palaniswamy

November 2011

Characterization of the bacterial flora of tilapia (Oreochoromis niloticus) harvested from four lakes in the north of Cameroon

The aim of this study was to investigate the presence of Aeromonas spp., Vibriospp. and Plesiomonas shigelloides in Cameroonian tilapia.120 samples of tilapia were collected from June to December 2005 in four localities in the north of Cameroon and were delivered to the laboratory in cool boxes. For the sample preparation to isolate the bacteria, 50 g of sample (gills, intestine and skin of...

Author(s): N. Nganou Donkeng, J. Maiwore, L. Tatsadjieu Ngoune, D. Montet and C. M. F. Donkeng

November 2011

Comparative evaluation of agar gel precipitation test (AGPT) and indirect haemagglutination test (IHA) for the detection of antibodies against infectious bursal disease (IBD) virus in village chickens

This study compared the antibody titers to infectious bursal disease (IBD) virus in village chickens using agar gel precipitation test (AGPT) and indirect haemagglutination test (IHAT). 484 serum samples were collected from these chickens, which were rarely vaccinated against IBD. In the AGPT, 282 (52.1%) of the serum samples tested positive and in the IHAT, 428 (88.4%) tested positive for presence of IBD...

Author(s): E. C. Okwor, D. C. Eze, K. E. Okonkwo and J. O. Ibu

November 2011

Physicochemical properties of masa and corn tortilla made by ohmic heating

Instant corn flour obtained by ohmic heating (OHICF) was used to prepare masa and tortillas. In this study, the effect of average particle size, moisture, and the final temperature on the physicochemical properties of masa and tortillas elaborated from OHICF was evaluated and were compared with flour obtained by the traditional process  instant corn flours (TPICF). The results...

Author(s): Gaytán-Martínez M., Figueroa J. D. C., Morales-Sánchez E., Vázquez-Landaverde P. A. and Martínez-Flores H. E.

November 2011

Effectiveness of matured Morus nigra L. (black mulberry) fruit extract on 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH●) and hydroxyl (OH●) radicals as compared to less matured fruit extract

In this study, we investigated the antioxidant effect of the Morus nigra L. (black mulberry) fruit extracts in 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH·) and hydroxyl (OH·)radicals environments gathered from the district of Elazig. Fruits were extracted with 80%...

Author(s): Sevinç Aydin, ÖkkeÅŸ Yilmaz and Zehra Gokce

November 2011

The intensity of pollutant genotoxicity in Lake Uluabat: Investigation of the peripheral erythrocytes of Cyprinus carpio

Clastogenic effects of home wastes and agricultural contaminates of Lake Uluabat ("40°11'41.38"N, "28°27'08.40"E) were investigated in peripheral erythrocytes ofCyprinus carpio. Examination of blood smears showed that the formation of micronuclei was significantly increased (f = 21.89, df = 3) with p value > 0.001during one year, and where more abundant in the same species of fish...

Author(s): Kamel Ahmad Saleh and Mohammad Ali Alshehri

November 2011

Spectrophotometric determination of iron (III) in tap water using 8-hydoxyquinoline as a chromogenic reagent

A simple, rapid and sensitive spectrophotometric method was developed for the determinationation of trace amounts of iron (III) using 8-hydroxyquinoline as a chromogenic reagent. The proposed method was based on the reaction of iron (III) with 8-hydroxyquinoline in chloroform solution to form a metal-oxine complex having a maximum absorption at 359 nm. Beers law was obeyed in the range of 1 to...

Author(s): Basheer K. Adebayo, Segun Ayejuyo, Hussein K. Okoro and B. J. Ximba

November 2011

Expression and characterization of recombinant human serum albumin fusion protein with C-peptide

C-peptide (CP), connecting the A and B chains in proinsulin, has been considered to possess physiological effects in diabetes. In order to prolong the half-life of CP in vivo, a long acting CP analog [human serum albumin (HSA-CP)] was obtained by direct gene fusion of a single-chain CP to HSA and expressed in host Pichia pastoris GS115. After 72 h of growth on methanol, the recombinant HSA-CP...

Author(s): Hai-Lin Yang, Yan-Yu Wei, Li-Ping Zhou and Jing-Jing Kong

November 2011

Effect of altitude on fatty acid composition in Turkish hazelnut(Coryllus avellana L.) varieties

The objective of this study was to evaluate the change of fatty acid composition in Delisava, Yomra, Sivri and Karayaglı Turkish hazelnut varieties with altitude. Fatty acid composition were determined by gas chromatography (GC) equiped with flame ionisation detector (FID) after obtained fatty acid methyl esters from crude oil. According to the obtained results, total unsaturated...

Author(s): Ömer Beyhan, Mahfuz ElmastaÅŸ, Nusret Genc and Hüseyin AkÅŸit

November 2011

A novel filarial topoisomerase II inhibitor produced by native isolateMicrococcus luteus B1252

A novel inhibitor of filarial topoisomerase II was isolated from the culture filtrate of native isolate Micrococcus luteus B1252. The methanolic extract of the cell pellet was partially purified by silica column chromatography and preparative high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The active fraction obtained from HPLC was subjected to gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy (GC-MS)...

Author(s): Ramasamy Sivasamy, Jayaraman Angayarkanni and Muthuswamy Palaniswamy

November 2011

Comparative investigation of marginal adaptation of mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) and Portland cement as root-end filling materials: A scanning electron microscopy (SEM) study

Apical seal is a major cause of surgical endodontic failures, so the use of suitable substance as root-end filling material that prevents egress of potential contaminants into periapical tissue is very important. The purpose of this study was to compare the marginal adaptation of four root-end filling materials [white mineral trioxide aggregate (WMTA), gray mineral trioxide aggregate (GMTA), white Portland cement (WPC)...

Author(s): Shahriar Shahi, Hamid Reza Yavari, Mahsa Eskandarinezhad Arezoo Kashani,Saeed Rahimi and Hooman Sadrhaghighi

November 2011

Environmental assessment of ground water pollution by heavy metals and bioaccumulation of mercury residues in chicken tissues

The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between the concentrations of heavy metals in well water and bioaccumulation of the most abundant metals in chicken tissues in some areas in the province of Mecca Almokaramah, Saudi Arabia. Among the heavy metals (Cd, Zn, Cr, Mn, Cu Hg, Pb and Ni) studied, mercury (Hg) revealed highest in concentration in well waters. The concentration of mercury in ground water,...

Author(s): Hussein Khamis Hussein, Osama Abdullah Abu-Zinadah, Haddad Abdel Samie El Rabey and Mohamed Fareez Meerasahib

November 2011

Functional alteration of breast muscle fatty acid profile by manipulation of dietary n-6:n-3 ratios in broiler chickens

Breast muscle fatty acid (FA) profile was studied in broiler chickens fed at different levels of n-6:n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) ratios in 4 treatment groups; very high level of n-6:n-3 ratios (VH), high level of n-6:n-3 ratios (H), low level of n-6:n-3ratios (L), very low level of n-6:n-3 ratios (VL) and control, respectively. All the birds were...

Author(s): E. Maroufyan, A. Kasim, M. Hair Bejo, T. C. Loh, A. F. Soleimani,  and M. Ebrahimi

November 2011

The effect of sex, slaughter weight and weight gains in PEN-AR-LAN fatteners on their slaughter value

The aim of the study was to determine the effect of sex, body weight and growth rates on basic fattening and slaughter indexes in PEN-AR-LAN fatteners. The research was conducted on 274 PEN-AR-LAN hybrid fatteners coming from sows of the Naïma maternal line and was sired by boars of the P-76 meat line. Recorded fattening and slaughter performance values indicated that PEN-AR-LAN hybrid pigs could be good...

Author(s): Karolina Szulc, Magdalena Szyndler-Nędza, Piotr Luciński, Ewa Skrzypczakand Janusz T. Buczyński