African Journal of

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Biotechnol.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1684-5315
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJB
  • Start Year: 2002
  • Published Articles: 12501

Table of Content: 26 October 2011; 10(66)

October 2011

Marker assisted selection and crop management for salt tolerance: A review

Salinity is one of the major abiotic constraints for crop management in irrigated as well as rainfed areas and results to poor harvests. The yield reduction in salt affected soils can be overcome by soil reclamation or by improving salt tolerance in crops. The saline soils can be reclaimed by leaching the salt and cultivation of salt tolerance crops. Rice is known as a good reclamation crop. Salt tolerance is a complex...

Author(s): D. Singh, A. Kumar, Ashok Kumar, P. Chauhan, V. Kumar, N. Kumar, A.Singh, N. Mahajan, P. Sirohi, S. Chand, B. Ramesh, J. Singh, P. Kumar, R. Kumar, R.B. Yadav and R. K. Naresh

October 2011

Cactus (Opuntia ficus indica) extract improves endoplasmic reticulum stress in Drosophila melanogaster

We reported in this paper the requirement of the extract of cactus (Opuntia ficus indica) for regulating unfolded protein response (UPR) target genes and maintaining endoplasmic reticulum (ER) homeostasis. The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is a subcellular organelle where many proteins are synthesized and sorted to various subcellular destinations. Accumulation of unfolded protein in ER can induce a stress. The ER responds...

Author(s): Sami Souid, Dalel Brahmi, Jean-Antoine Lepesant  and Lazhar Zourgui

October 2011

Interleukin-10 gene promoter polymorphism as a potential host susceptibility factor in Pakistani patients with pulmonary tuberculosis

Tuberculosis (TB) is an infectious disease, which causes the death of nearly three million humans and eight million cases worldwide annually. Pakistan ranks the seventh position globally in terms of mycobacterium tuberculosis infection. TB susceptibility has been associated with cytokines polymorphism in different populations. Single nucleotide polymorphisms within the promoter region of interleukin-10 (IL-10)...

Author(s): Muhammad Sohail Afzal, Sadia Anjum, Amna Salman, Sajjad Ashraf, Zia Ur Rehman Farooqi, Tahir Ahmed, Yasir waheed and Ishtiaq Qadri

October 2011

Polyploidy induction of clone of Eucalyptus grandis with colchicine

The study was conducted to find the dependency of polyploid inductivity rate of axillary buds of Eucalyptus grandis clone Eg5 with colchicine on treatment conditions by applying Plackkett-Burman design and uniform design. According to regression analysis, the functional relation equation between polyploid inductivity rate and independent variables including colchicines concentration and soaking...

Author(s): C. Han, J. M. Xu, Z. H. Du, G. Y. Li, B. S. Zeng, S. J. Wu and W. Wang

October 2011

First identification of Ganoderma boninense isolated from Sabah based on PCR and sequence homology

Basal stem rot (BSR) of oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) is caused by Ganoderma boninense, and, commercially, is one of the most devastating diseases in South East Asia. Losses of more than 80% of stands by the time they are halfway through their normal economic life have been reported. High incidence of BSR results in economic losses due to zero yields from dead palms and significantly reduced weight and number...

Author(s): K.P. Chong, M.S. Lum, C.P. Foong, C.M.V.L. Wong, M. Atong and S. Rossall

October 2011

Inheritance of leaf color and sequence-related amplified polymorphic (SRAP) molecular markers linked to the leaf color gene in Brassica juncea

Leaf color inheritance in Brassica juncea was studied in F1, F2 and BC1populations. Leaf color was found to be under the control of gene, and the purple leaf trait was dominant over the green leaf trait. Segregation analysis reveal that one pair of gene controlled the leaf color. To develop markers linked to the leaf color gene, SRAP (sequence-related amplified polymorphism) combined with BSA (bulked...

Author(s): Y. X. Luo, D. Z. Du, G. Fu, L. Xu, X. P. Li, X. R. Xing, Y. M Yao, X. M. Zhang, Z. Zhao, H. D. Liu

October 2011

Analysis of genetic diversity of Piper spp. in Hainan Island (China) using inter-simple sequence repeat ISSR markers

Inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) analysis was used to evaluate the genetic variation of Piper spp. from Hainan, China. 247 polymorphic bands out of a total of 248 (99.60%) were generated from 74 individual plants of Piper spp. The overall level of genetic diversity among Piper spp. in Hainan was high, with the mean Shannon information index (I) of 0.2843 and the mean Nei’s genetic...

Author(s): Yan Jiang, and Jin-Ping Liu,

October 2011

Isolation of candidate disease resistance genes from enrichment library of Oryza minuta based on conserved domains

A strategy was described for the isolation of disease resistance genes from Oryza minuta by integrating the techniques of transformation-competent genomic library, RecA-mediated magnetic bead enrichment library and candidate disease resistance gene cloning. The principal advantages of this method were: simple, rapid and suitable. In this research, a transformation-competent genomic library with a...

Author(s): Xiaoxia Han, , , Lei Li, Lingling Cui, JunJie Xing, Li Tang and Mengliang Cao, ,

October 2011

Assessment and characterization of genetic diversity in Withania somnifera (L.) Dunal using RAPD and AFLP markers

Genetic diversity of 23 accessions of Withania somnifera collected from different geographical regions of India was estimated by employing Random Amplification of Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP) markers. Eighteen RAPD primers and six AFLP primer combinations revealed 37.82 and 43.94% polymorphism, respectively, among 163 and 286 genetic loci amplified. The AFLP assay...

Author(s): Bilal Ahmad Mir , Sushma Koul, Arun Kumar, M. K. Kaul, A. S. Soodanand S. N. Raina

October 2011

Study of nutritional characteristics, mineral nutrients and agro-biodiversity in black cumin (Nigella sativa L.) genotypes from Pakistan

Nigella sativa (L.) a member of the family Ranunculaceae is being used for edible and medicinal purposes in several countries of the world. This study revealed the analysis of genetic diversity of thirty six (36) genotypes of N. sativa based on yield traits, nutritional characteristics, and mineral nutrients. Two genotypes PK - 020561 and PK - 020646 differed significantly from other...

Author(s): Muhammad Sajjad Iqbal, Abdul Ghafoor, Inamullah, Fida Muhammad Abbasi, Afsari S. Qureshi and Habib Ahmad

October 2011

Components of non-anthocyanin phenolic compounds in wines of Vitis amurensis and its hybrids

The non-anthocyanin phenolic compounds in wines from five grape cultivars (Zuo Shan Yi, Zuo Shan Er, Shuang Hong, Shuang You and Shuang Feng) of Vitis amurensis and two hybrid cultivars (Zuo Hong Yi and Zuo You Hong) were examined by high-performance liquid chromatography/electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC/ESI-MS/MS) technique in this study. The non-anthocyanin phenolic compounds detected from 7...

Author(s): Quan Zhao, Chang-Qing Duan and Jun Wang

October 2011

Foliar zinc fertilization improves the zinc nutritional value of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) grain

The objective of this research was to provide basic information for increasing the zinc (Zn) concentration and bioavailability in wheat grain. A field study was conducted on potential Zn-deficient soil (DTPA-Zn: 0.65 mgkg-1) during 2007 to 2008 and 2008 to 2009 cropping seasons to determine the effect of foliar Zn application on grain Zn and phytic acid concentrations in wheat (Triticum aestivumL. cv. Xiaoyan 22) grown...

Author(s): Yang Xi-wen, Tian Xiao-hong, Lu Xin-chun, Gale William J and Cao Yu-xian

October 2011

An efficient somatic embryogenesis based plant regeneration from the hypocotyl of Catharanthus roseus

An efficient and rapid somatic embryogenesis based plant regeneration from hypocotyls of three Catharanthus roseus cultivars, Pacifica cherry red (PCR), Heatwave mix color (HWMC), and Mediterranean Rose Red (MRR) was standardized. Hypocotyl-derived primary calluses (HPC) were formed on callus induction medium (MSCP1) after 10 days of culture. Embryogenic calluses (EC) with somatic embryos were induced from HPC...

Author(s): Fang Yuan, Quan Wang, Qifang Pan, Guofeng Wang, Jingya Zhao, Yuesheng Tian and Kexuan Tang

October 2011

Evaluation model development for sprinkler irrigation uniformity based on catch-can data

A new evaluation method with accompanying software was developed to precisely calculate uniformity from catch-can test data, assuming sprinkler distribution data to be a continuous variable. Two interpolation steps are required to compute unknown water application depths at grid distribution points from radial distribution of catch-cans’ data: using both radial and peripheral interpolations. Interpolation by cubic...

Author(s): Wenting, Han , , and Pute, Wu , ,

October 2011

Molecular cloning and characterization of P5CS gene from Jatropha curcas L.

Δ1-Pyrroline-5-carboxylate synthetase, (P5CS) is a bifunctional enzyme (EC that catalyses the first two steps of glutamate pathway in proline biosynthesis in plant. The JcP5CS was cloned from the leaves of Jatropha curcas L. The lengthen of the cDNA of JcP5CS was 2675 bp, containing a 2148 bp open reading frame, a 117 bp 5’-untranslated region and a 410...

Author(s): Guo-Qing Zhuang, Bin Li, Hong-Ying Guo, Jun-Li Liu and Fang Chen

October 2011

Eucalyptus plantlet growth in relation to foliar application with complete fertilizers in Southeast of Iran

In one experiment at greenhouse, condition was established to determine the effects of complete fertilizers on growth of plantlet Eucalyptus camaldulensis in Southeast of Iran. This experiment was conducted in the Agricultural Research Center, University of Zabol, in autumn year of 2008. This study was designed as a completely randomized design with four treatments involving control treatment and three complete...

Author(s): Mehdi Dahmardeh, Lila Mehravaran and Saleheh Naderi

October 2011

Proteome analysis of interaction between rootstocks and scions in Hevea brasiliensis

The main propagation method of rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis Muell. Arg.) is by grafting. However, the molecular mechanism underlying rootstock-scion interactions remains poorly understood. Identification and analysis of proteins related to rootstock-scion interactions are the bases of clarifying the molecular mechanism underlying rootstock-scion interactions. To identify proteins associated with rootstock-scion...

Author(s): Kun Yuan, Xuan Ding, Li-Fu Yang, Zhen-Hui Wang, Wei-Fu Lin and Jian-Hua Cao

October 2011

The effects of different irrigation levels on flowering and flower quality of carnation (Dianthus caryophllus L.) irrigated by drip irrigation

Water usage is a vital issue for all agricultural crops as well as for ornamental crops. To obtain high quality flowers, it is essential to supply water when it is required. A problem which is common with cut flower growers are determining when to irrigate and the amount of water to apply. The effect of two irrigation intervals (I1: 10 mm pan evaporation and I2: 20 mm pan evaporation) and four pan coefficients...

Author(s): Koksal Aydinsakir, Ismail Hakki Tuzel and Dursun Buyuktas

October 2011

Effects of superabsorbent polymer on the physiological characteristics of wheat under drought stress and rehydration

To explore the mechanism of superabsorbent polymer (SAP) function and its effect on the photosynthetic characteristics of winter wheat before and after rehydration during drought stress, the soil moisture and photosynthetic characteristics of winter wheat at jointing stage was analyzed in potted plants under the application of 0 (control group, CK), 27, 54, and 81 mg/kg of SAP as well as under normal...

Author(s): Yonghui Yang, Jicheng Wu and Pute Wu

October 2011

Effect of different hydropriming times on the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.)

In dry land areas of the western half of Iran, chickpea due to exposure to rotation with wheat and barley play an important role in maintaining survival of agriculture in these regions. Seed priming is a simple and cheap method and is highly efficient and acceptable, especially in areas with low fertility. In this study, effects of different times of hydropriming on yield, yield components, phenological characteristics...

Author(s): Iraj Zarei, Ghadir Mohammadi, Yousef Sohrabi, Danial Kahrizi, E.M. Khah and Kheirollah Yari

October 2011

Assessment of genetic diversity among wheat somaclonal variants lines using morphological traits and molecular markers

The objectives of this study were to compare the application and utility of inter simple sequence repeats (ISSR) and randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) techniques for analysis of genetic diversity among the somaclonal variants derived from the in vitro selection procedures and their parental plants, and to compare genetic diversity estimated using molecular markers with morpho-agronomic...

Author(s): Hanaa Mahdy Abouzied

October 2011

Physiological and biochemical responses of ultra-dry storage of Elymus dahuricus seeds

The silica gel drying method was utilized to reduce the moisture content of Elymus dahuricus seeds from an original content of 9.03 to 7.69, 6.10, 4.97, 4.47, 3.83, 2.58 and 1.26%. After sealing the seeds in aluminum foil bags, they were placed at -4°C, 4°C, room temperature and 45°C to store for 12 months and to identify their physiological and biochemical indicators. Results indicate that...

Author(s): Chen Zhi-hong, Wang Zan, Yun Xu-jiang, Li Xiang-fang and Gao Hong-wen  

October 2011

Evaluation of drought and salinity stress effects on germination and early growth of two cultivars of maize (Zea mays L.)

To study the effect of polyethylene glycol (PEG) and NaCl stress on germination and early seedling stages on two cultivars of maize, two separated experiment were laid out at seed laboratory in Iran in 2011. This investigation was performed as factorial experiment under completely randomized design (CRD) with three replications. Cultivar factor contains two cultivars (SC666 and SC704) and six levels of stress...

Author(s): Zahra Khodarahmpour and Mohammad Motamedi

October 2011

The combined effect of gibberellic acid and long time osmopriming on seed germination and subsequent seedling growth of Klussia odoratissima Mozaff.

Kelussia odoratissima Mozaff. is one of the endogenous plant species of Iran which is exposed to extinction during the recent decades. Seeds of this plant have dormancy that causes reduction of seed germination. Experiment was performed as factorial with complete randomized design with 3 factors: polyethylene glycol(PEG) priming, gibberellic acid (GA3) treatment, GA3 application time....

Author(s): R. Amooaghaie and M. Valivand

October 2011

Yield responses of sesame (Sesamium indicum L) to rates of poultry manure application and time of planting in a derived savannah ecology of south eastern Nigeria

A study was conducted in the year 2009 and repeated in 2010 to determine the response of sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) to date of planting and rates of poultry manure application in derived savannah ecology of south eastern Nigeria. The experiment was laid out in a 3 x 3 factorial experiment in randomized complete block design in three replications. The factors considered are time of planting and manure rates. Three...

Author(s): Ogbonna, P. E. and Umar-Shaaba, Y. G.

October 2011

Cold stratification, but not stratification in salinity, enhances seedling growth of wheat under salt treatment

Cold stratification was reported to release seed dormancy and enhance plant tolerance to salt stress. Experiments were conducted to test the hypothesis that cold stratification and cold stratification in salinity could enhance seedling growth of wheat under salt treatment. The results clearly demonstrated that cold stratification significantly improved emergence and shoot length of wheat seedlings under salt...

Author(s): Lei Wang, Hong-Ling Wang, Chuan-Hua Yin and Chang-Yan Tian

October 2011

The importance of spatial accuracy in characterizing stand types using remotely sensed data

This study assessed the potential use of Landsat 7 ETM+ (15 and 30 m spatial resolutions) images to estimate forest stand attributes such as development stages, crown closure and stand types. The study evaluates the performance of spatial and image classification accuracies between Landsat images (15 and 30 m spatial resolutions) and the forest cover type map (FCTM) with the spatial analysis functions of...

Author(s): Fatih Sivrikaya

October 2011

Isolation and characterization of β-glucosidase producing bacteria from different sources

b-Glucosidase producing microorganisms are potential sources that can be employed for bioconversion of cellulose. In the present study, nine morphologically different bacterial isolates were isolated from dairy effluent and seven were isolated from fermented barley. Four of the bacteria from the dairy effluent and five from barley source were found to possess b-glucosidase activity. This activity was tested by...

Author(s): Veena, V., Poornima, P., Parvatham, R. and Sivapriyadharsini and Kalaiselvi K.

October 2011

Purification and characterization of a novel 1,3-propanediol oxidoreductase from Klebsiella oxytoca

A novel 1,3-propanediol oxidoreductase (YqhD-1) found in Klebsiella oxytoca M5al was purified to homogeneity with a his-tag on a Ni-NTA column. Sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) of the purified protein showed a molecular weight of 42 kDa. When YqhD-1 was tested as a dehydrogenase, the optimal pH was 11 and the optimal temperature was 37°C. Both Zn2+ and...

Author(s): Gang Zhang, Guang Yang, Ying Li, and Jilun Li,   Both authors contributed equally to this work

October 2011

Processing of byproducts to improve nisin production by Lactococcus lactis

In the last years, disposal from dairy industries have received a special attention due its polluting power in the environment. For this reason, studies have obtained a positive support to develop different alternatives to recycle milk whey components. One of them is its utilization as culture media, aiming to produce biomolecules with noble applications. Nisin is an extracellular peptide, produced by Lactococcus...

Author(s): Angela Faustino Jozala, Daniel P. Silva, António A. Vicente, José A. Teixeira, Adalberto Pessoa Júnior and Thereza C. V. Penna

October 2011

Production of probiotic mixed pickles (TurÅŸu) and microbiological properties

TurÅŸu is a traditional fermented Turkish pickle made of vegetables such as cabbage, cucumber, carrot, beet, green tomato, pepper, turnip, eggplant and beans. In this study, development of Lactobacillus plantarum was investigated in TurÅŸu samples during storage periods (60 days). Changes in counts of lactic acid bacteria (LAB), yeast and mold, Enterobacteriaceae, Staphylococcus...

Author(s): Bülent Çetin

October 2011

Effect of essential oils of Thymus vulgaris and Mentha piperita on the control of green mould and postharvest quality of Citrus Sinensis cv. Valencia

One of the modern techniques used to control pests and diseases, especially to produce organic crops is to use natural or growing material and components with microbial and herbaceous origin. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of natural components on green mould control and the improvement of postharvest fruit quality. The experimental design was completely randomized design with 3 replications....

Author(s): Sajad Fatemi, Mehrdad Jafarpour, Shahin Eghbalsaied, Abbas Rezapourand Hasan Borji

October 2011

Effect of oil, surfactant and phenolic extract from mango seed kernel on the physicochemical properties of water-oil-water (W/O/W) emulsions

The effects and interactions of emulsion components namely refined soybean oil content (1.87 to 4.12%, w/w), polyglycerol polyricinoleate (PGPR) content (0.89 to 1.93%, w/w) and mango seed kernel extract (MSKE) content (0.00 to 0.24%, w/w) on water–oil–water (W/O/W) emulsion characteristics were studied using response surface methodology. The emulsion properties studied as response variables were droplet...

Author(s): Pitchaon Maisuthisakul and Michael H. Gordon

October 2011

Ensiling and in vitro digestibility characteristics of Ceratoides arborescens treated with lactic acid bacteria inoculants and cellulase

The effects of different additives, including lactic acid bacteria inoculants, acremonium cellulase and mixtures of lactic acid bacteria inoculants and acremonium cellulase on changes of nutritive components and in vitro digestibility of Ceratoides arborescens during ensiling were investigated. The silages of each treatment were prepared in plastic film bags, kept in an incubator at...

Author(s): L. Tao, Z. Yu, X. S. Guo and H. Zhou

October 2011

Epidemiological aspects of bean decline disease caused by Fusarium species and evaluation of the bean resistant cultivars to disease in Northwest Iran

The national project of Iran aimed to study the etiology of bean decline disease and the induction of bean resistant cultivars to the disease. Samples of 75 infected bean plants (300 in total) were collected from four growing locations in three provinces ofNorthwest Iran. The isolated pathogens were Fusarium solani (41.6%), Fusarium oxysporum (32%), Fusarium sambucinum Fuckel...

Author(s): H. Saremi, M. E. Amiri and J. Ashrafi

October 2011

Antiviral and antifungal activity of some dermaseptin S4 analogues

Dermaseptins are peptides found in skin secretions of Phyllomedusinae frogs. These peptides exert lytic action on various microorganisms, and do not have a considerable haemolytic effect apart from dermaseptin S4 (DS-S4) that presents a potent cytotoxic effect. This investigation was an attempt to synthesize several biochemically modified, shorter bioactive analogues of DRS-S4, and to improve its biological profile...

Author(s): Afifa Belaid and Khaled Hani

October 2011

Expression and comparison of recombinant cholesterol oxidases (COD) in Escherichia coli with native cholesterol oxidase expressed in Brevibacterium sp.

The structure and bio-activity of an endogenous cholesterol oxidase fromBrevibacterium sp. was compared to the same enzyme exogenously expressed inEscherichia coli BL21 (DE3) with and without N- or C-terminal his-tags. The different proteins were purified with affinity and subtractive protocols. The specific activity of the natural enzyme from Brevibacterium sp. was 17.5 ± 0.2 U/mg, while the...

Author(s): Yu Xin, Hailin Yang, Xiaole Xia, Ling Zhang, Yuran Zhang, Yanjun Tong,Yi Chen and Wu Wang

October 2011

Prevalence of metabolic syndrome using NCEP-ATPIII and ınternational dietetics federation (IDF) definitions: A cross- sectional study in Turkish adults

To estimate the prevalence of metabolic syndrome using Ä±nternational dietetics federation (IDF) versus National cholesterol education program; adult treatment panel III (NCEP-ATPIII) definitions in Turkish adults. A cross-sectional study was conducted on a total of 1531 (male 758 and female 773) Turkish adults, aged between 20 to 64 years. Subjects were randomly selected from the general...

Author(s): Saniye Bilici, Gamze Akbulut, Nilüfer Acar tek, Hilal Yildiran, Eda Koksal,Makbule Gezmen Karadag and Nevin Sanlier

October 2011

Response of weaner rabbits to diets containing graded levels of processed velvet beans (Mucuna pruriens)

An 8-week study was conducted to investigate the effect of feeding graded levels of cooked velvet beans (Mucuna pruriens) on growth performance and blood of weaner rabbits. 24, 6 week-old hybrid (Chinchilla x New Zealand white) weaner rabbits with initial average weight of 0.52 kg were housed in a hutch which accommodated two rabbits, partitioned with metallic sheets and wire mesh, and fitted with metallic trays. The...

Author(s): Ani, A. O. and Ugwuowo, L. C.

October 2011

Growth, feed efficiency and carcass mineral composition of Heterobranchus longifilis, Oreochromis niloticus and Sarotherodon melanotheron juveniles fed different dietary levels of soybean meal-based diets.

The effects of substitution dietary fish protein by soybean protein on growth, survival, biochemical composition and mineral composition of juvenileHeterobranchus longifilis, Sarotherodon melanotheron and Oreochromis niloticuswere evaluated. Three diets were formulated to be isonitrogenous (35% crude protein) by substituting fish meal for soybean meal at levels of 0 (FM), 25 (SBM25) and 50%...

Author(s): Ahou Rachel Koumi, Kouamé Mathias Koffi, Boua Celestin Atsé and Lucien Patrice Kouame

October 2011

Chemical composition changes of post-harvest coconut inflorescence sap during natural fermentation

Coconut inflorescence sap (CIS) is sweet, oyster-white and translucent and was reported to be highly nutritive and a good digestive agent. The chemical composition changes including total sugar, reducing sugar, ethanol, total acidity, volatile acid, amino acid, vitamin C and total phenolic contents of post-harvest coconut inflorescence sap (PCIS) were investigated during a 12-day natural fermentation, and the...

Author(s): Qiuyu Xia, Rui Li, Songlin Zhao, Weijun Chen, Hua Chen, Bo Xin, Yulin Huang, and Minmin Tang,

October 2011

Safety evaluation of hydroalcoholic extract of Cochlospermum planchonii rhizome in rats

Plant materials have long been known to contain biochemical substances that could have adverse effects on animal tissues. This study was initiated to investigate the effect of hydroalcoholic extract of Cochlospermum planchonii rhizome on biochemical and haematological indices of hepatotoxicity in adult albino Wistar rats. Four groups of five rats per group were used. Group A was given only distilled water and...

Author(s): Ogbe, Raphael John, Abu, Adakole Hyacinth Eustace, Bonghan Berinyuy and Ochalefu Dickson Owoicho

October 2011

The effects of interferon-gamma (INF-γ) on the expression of insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) in uterus, ovaries and peripheral blood of rats in early pregnancy

To explore the immunological regulatory mechanisms of interferon-gamma (IFN-γ) on insulin-like growth factor 1(IGF-1) and its effect on pregnancy, the dynamic expression of mRNA and cellular localization of IGF-1 protein in the early pregnant (Day 9) rats after the injection of different doses of IFN-γ, their ovaries and uterus were collected and processed by RT-PCR and immunohistochemistry. ELISA assay...

Author(s): Lifang Si, Chunsheng Gao, Xiangchao Cheng, Wen Deng, Jin Zhao and   Shulin Chen,

October 2011

Evaluation of androgenic activity of Mucuna pruriens in male rats

Methanolic extract of Mucuna pruriens seed was tested for their possible androgenic activity in Wister male albino rats. The methanolic extract of M. pruriensplant was gavaged separately into 2 group of rat at similar doses of 1000 mg/kg b.wt and 1500 mg/kg b.wt for 30 days. At the end of the treatment, the animals were killed and the blood, testis, epididymis, seminal vesicles and prostate were collected...

Author(s): K. Muthu and P. Krishnamoorthy

October 2011

Phytochemical constituents of some selected medicinal plants

Tannins, saponins, phlobatannins, flavonoids, anthraquinones, terpenoids, steroids, alkaloids, carbohydrates and glycosides distribution in four medicinal plants belonging to different families were investigated and compared. The medicinal plants investigated were Carica papaya, Ocimum gratissimum, Adenia cissampeloides and Cymbopogan citratus. All the plants were found to contain tannins,...

Author(s): V.O. Njoku, C. Obi and O.M. Onyema

October 2011

Gene expression profiles in adenosine-treated human mast cells

The role of mast cells in allergic diseases and innate immunity has been widely researched and much is known about the expression profiles of immune-related genes in mast cells after bacterial challenges. However, little is known about the gene expression profiles of mast cells in response to adenosine. Herein, we profiled the transcriptome changes of human mast cells treated with adenosine. To perform comparative...

Author(s): Se Won Kang#, Ji Eun Jeong#, Chan-Hee Kim, Sang-Haeng Choi, Sung-Hwa Chae, Sung Ah Jun, Hee-Jae Cha, Jae-Hyung Kim, Young-Min Lee, Jun-Sang Lee, Yeon Soo Han, Inho Choi, Hong-Seog Park, Bok Luel Lee and Yong Seok Lee   #These authors contributed equally to this work.

October 2011

α-Amylase and α-glucosidase inhibitory effects of Sclerocarya birrea [(A. Rich.) Hochst.] subspecies caffra (Sond) Kokwaro (Anacardiaceae) stem-bark extracts

Inhibition of intestinal α-amylase and α-glucosidase is an important strategy to control post-prandial hyperglycemia associated with type 2 diabetes mellitus. In vitro inhibitory effects of crude Sclerocarya birrea stem bark (SBSB) extracts against human urinary α-amylase and Bacillus steatothermophilus α-glucosidase were studied. Crude SBSB methanolic and acetone...

Author(s): Mogale, M. A, Lebelo, S. L., Thovhogi, N, de Freitas A. N. and Shai, L. J

October 2011

Increased COX-2 expression in patients with ovarian cancer

The pathogenesis of ovarian cancer remains poorly understood. Genome-wide gene expression profiling can provide novel genetic data involved in the pathogenesis of disease. In this study, using normal ovarian surface epithelium and abnormal ovarian surface epithelium of patients with ovarian cancer as models for cDNA microarray analysis, we found that cyclooxygenase-2(COX-2) expression of...

Author(s): Yang Lin,  Manhua Cui, Yanyu Shi , Fengwen Wang ,  Quyuan Wang and Hong Teng

October 2011

Construction of lentiviral shRNA expression vector targeting phospholipase D2 (PLD2 geneâ–³

The aim of this research was to construct a lentiviral shRNA vectors targeting phospholipase D2 (PLD2) gene, thus providing information for further study of the biological functions of PLD2 and clinical treatments of leukemia. Specific siRNA targets with short hairpin frame were designed using the siDESIGN software and synthesized according to cDNA sequence of PLD2 (GenBank accession number: NM_002663). DNA oligo was...

Author(s): Xue-Feng Lian, Chuan-Xing YU, Xiao-Li He, Jun-Jin Lin,Yi-Zhong Chenand Ling Zhu

October 2011

Optimization of medium components and operating conditions for the production of solvent-tolerant lipase by Bacillus sphaericus MTCC 7542

The production of lipase by Bacillus sphaericus MTCC 7542 growing on basal media with various carbon, nitrogen sources and environmental conditions was studied. Studies were undertaken to improve lipase production. Olive oil, Tween 80, rice bran oil, sunflower oil, soybean oil, palm oil and groundnut oil were tested as different lipid sources in this medium, with olive oil at 1% giving a lipolytic...

Author(s): K. Tamilarasan and M. Dharmendira Kumar

October 2011

Hepatic pathologies in the brackish water catfish (Chrysicthys nigrodigitatus) from contaminated locations of the Lagos lagoon complex

Several toxicological studies into the effects of aquatic pollutants on the liver of teleost fish exist in literature. The focus on the liver in these studies is predicated on its central nature in the scheme of biotransformation and excretion of xenobiotics following exposure in polluted water bodies. As a consequence of the latter primary role of the liver in these processes, it is regarded as...

Author(s): O. M. Olarinmoye, V. O. Taiwo, E. O. Clarke, C. A. Kumolu-Johnson, O. J. Aderinola and F.  Adekunbi

October 2011

Effects of commercial enrichment products on fatty acid components of rotifer, Brachionus plicatilis

This study was undertaken to test the effects of enrichment products. Red pepper paste (ZA), AlgaMac 3050 (ZB) and Spresso (ZC) on fatty acid compositions in rotifers (Brachionus plicatilis) which were intensively cultured on a mixture of ω3 algae and ω3 yeast. Enriched rotifers were seen to have higher level of unsaturated fatty acids of linoleic acid (LOA) and total n-6 unsaturated fatty acid...

Author(s): Orhan Demir and Gürkan Diken

October 2011

Bioconversion of paper sludge with low cellulosic content to ethanol by separate hydrolysis and fermentation

The purpose of the present work was to evaluate the possibility of converting paper sludge into ethanol using xylose-fermenting yeast SHY07-1 in separate hydrolysis and fermentation. In the enzymatic hydrolysis step, sludge on 2% (w/v, expressed in terms of total carbohydrate mass) substrate consistency was incubated with the filter-sterilized enzyme solutions (Celluclast 1.5 L on a dosage of 15 FPU/g cellulose and...

Author(s): Ming-Jun Zhu, Zhi-Sheng Zhu and Xu-Hui Li

October 2011

Study on the differences in chemical compositions of various medicinal parts of Rumex patientia in different growth years by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)

The objective of this study was to explore the differences in the main chemical compositions of the various medicinal parts of Rumex patientia growing in different years in Jilin City. The marsh in the forest wetlands along the Songhua River was selected as the location for collecting samples and various parts of R. patientia in different growth years. Methanol–silica gel adsorption, a simple,...

Author(s): Zhang Feng-Chun, Zhao Meng, Yin Dandan, Luo Su and Chen Xia

October 2011

Effect of combination of citric acid and microbial phytase on digestibility of calcium, phosphorous and mineralization parameters of tibia bone in broilers

This experiment was conducted to evaluate the combined effects of citric acid (CA) and microbial phytase (MP) on digestibility of calcium, phosphorus and mineralization parameters of tibia bone in broilers chicks. A total of 360 Ross-308 male broiler chicks were used in a completely randomized design with a 3 × 2 factorial arrangement (0, 2.5 and 5% CA and 0 and 500 FTU MP). Four replicate of 15 chicks each were...

Author(s): Y. Ebrahim Nezhad, J. Ghyasi Gale-Kandi, T. Farahvash and A. R. Yeganeh

October 2011

Sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) of crude extracted insecticidal crystal proteins of Bacillus thuringiensis and Brevibacillus laterosporus

Sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) was conducted to determine the number and size of the insecticidal crystal proteins (ICPs) synthesized by four isolates of entomopathogenic spore-forming bacteria. Only three of the four bacteria produced ICPs with SDS-PAGE profiles, of which two were strains of Bacillus thuringiensis and one was a strain of Brevibacillus laterosporus....

Author(s): N. Du Rand and M. D. Laing

October 2011

Antitumor activity of baicalein on the mice bearing U14 cervical cancer

Baicalein is one of the major constituents of Scutellaria baicalensis, and some cancer cells could be inhibited by it according to some studies in recent years. Mice tumor models of U14 cervical cancer was established in our study, baicalein of high and low dose (40 and 20 mg/kg, respectively) were given orally to mice. The tumor inhibition rates and the thymus (spleen) weight index were studied, the cell...

Author(s): Yong Peng, Qingwang Li, Kun Li, Hongwei Zhao, Zengsheng Han, Fenglin Li , Man Sun and Yanxia Zhang

October 2011

Preventive effect of polydatin against thrombosis: and its mechanism

This study aimed to investigate the effect of polydatin against thrombosis and its possible mechanisms. The methods of injection of arachidonic acid into mouse tail vein electrically stimulated carotid thrombosis in rats, and the rats’ inferior vena ligation were used to evaluate the antithrombotic effects of polydatin. Platelet aggregation was tested by use of Born’s method, and platelet cytosolic...

Author(s): Peng Chen, Yu Yun, Bo He, Shaobin Ma and Zhiqiang Shen

October 2011

Genetic basis of carbapenem resistance in Acinetobacter clinical isolates in Saudi Arabia

Carbapenem-hydrolyzing oxacillinases are reported increasingly in Acinetobacter baumannii. Here we report the contribution of carbapenem-hydrolyzing oxacillinases genes to carbapenem resistance in clinical Acinetobacter baumannii strains in Saudi Arabia. Forty non-repetitive clinical A. baumannii strains were isolated and identified from 40 patients, hospitalized in various wards in King Khalid...

Author(s): Abdullah A. Al-Arfaj, Abdelnasser S.S. Ibrahim, Ali Mohammed Somily and Ali A. Al-Salamah

October 2011

Effect on osmotic fragility of red blood cells of whole blood submitted to vibrations in an oscillating platform

Whole body vibration (WBV) exercises in oscillating platforms (OP) have emerged in sports and in the rehabilitation procedures of clinical disorders. The aim of this work was to verify the effects of vibrations on the osmotic fragility (OF) of red blood cells (RBC) isolated from whole blood submitted to OP. Heparinized blood samples were withdrawn from German dog, and distributed in tubes that were divided in three...

Author(s): Milena O. B. Monteiro, Nelson de Souza Pinto, Pedro J. Marin, Sebastião David Santos-Filho, and Mario Bernardo-Filho,

October 2011

Effect of altering the starter and finisher dietary phases on growth performance of broilers

The current study was conducted to determine the effect of altering a starter and finisher diets of a three-phase commercial feeding program on growth performance and feed conversion efficiency (FCE) of broilers in a small-scale production system. A total of 2400 unsexed day-old chicks of commercial strain (Cobb 500) were housed in an open-sided house and randomly allocated to the following three treatments. Body weight...

Author(s): C. S. Gajana, T. T. Nkukwana, M. Chimonyo and V. Muchenje

October 2011

Determination of free amino acids of porcine serum responsible for the meat quality by 1H NMR and HPLC analyses

The objective of this study was to determine alternative meat-quality factors in porcine sera. We investigated serum metabolites from high pH group (HpHG) and low pH group (LpHG) on the basis of pH 24 h of post-mortem muscle (pH24h). The pH24h correlated well with the water holding capacity (WHC) of porcine meat, whereas a strongly negative correlation was observed between pH24h and serum sodium level. For...

Author(s): A Reum Kim, Seong Hwa Park, Juhyun Nam, Joseph Kwon , Min Hwa Park, Sang-Oh Kwon, Eun Jung Kwon, Jong Hyun Jung, Hwa Choon Park, Beom Young Park, Geum Sook Hwang, Ik Soon Jang, Woo Young Bang, Chul Wook Kim and Jong-Soon Choi,

October 2011

Nutritional evaluation of treated canola straw for ruminants using in vitro gas production technique

The aim of the present study was to determine the chemical composition and estimate the nutritive value of molasses treated with canola straw using in vitro gas production technique with Taleshi native male cattle. Experimental materials were collected from different regions of Parsabad province (Ardabile, Iran). Experimental group were: untreated canola straw (control) and 4% molasses treated canola...

Author(s): Bakhshali Khodaparast, Ramin Salamat Doust-Nobar, Naser Maheri-Sis, Mohammad Salamat Azar and Mohammad Taher Maddah

October 2011

Comparative study on semen characteristics of Kolbroek and Large White boars following computer aided sperm analysis® (CASA)

Consistent estimates of boar fertility potential from objective semen evaluation could be a valuable tool for boar selection. The objective of this study was to evaluate semen characteristics of Kolbroek and Large White boars following computer aided sperm analysis® (CASA). Eight ejaculates were collected separately from individual Kolbroek (n = 4) and Large White (n = 4) boars using the gloved-hand...

Author(s): Matshidiso Bailekae Masenya, M. L. Mphaphathi, M. H. Mapeka, P. H. Munyai, M. B. Makhafola, F. V. Ramukhithi, P. P. Malusi, D. O. Umesiobi and T. L. Nedambale,

October 2011

Comparative evaluation of the nutrient profile of four selected browse plants in the tropics, recommended for use as non-conventional livestock feeding materials

This study is a comparative evaluation of the nutrient profile of four selected browse plants often recommended for use as non-conventional feeding materials. Fresh leaves of Myrianthus arboreus, Gmelina arborea, Terminalia catappa andDacroydes edulis were collected from farmlands in Asaba, Delta State, Nigeria. Proximate analysis was carried out on the dried leaves to determine the levels of crude...

Author(s): Amata, I. A. and Lebari, T.