Full Length Research Paper
This research was conducted to develop indicators and test the congruence of structural relationship model and the indicator concurrent validity of creative and productive leadership for basic education school administrators. The first phase was creation of framework and outlining factors as well as indicators by focus group discussion with 9 experts selected by purposive sampling. The second phase was creation and developing indicator. A sample of 630 people was selected by multistage sampling composed of educational administrators, school administrators, and teachers in schools under the Office of the Basic Education and the same sample of 802 people in the third phase. The third phase was congruence examination of structural relationship model of indicators with empirical data. The fourth phase involves checking concurrent validity of indicators with known-group. A sample of 139 people was implemented comprising administrators. Research instrument were focus group discussion and questionnaire. A software package was used in statistical analysis. The results showed that: Indicators of creative and productive leadership for basic education school administrators consisted with 46 indicators of 5 main factors in descending order: Production (PRO) (ß = 0.991), participation (PAR) (ß = 0.981), adaptation (ADA) (ß = 0.933), creation (CRE) (ß = 0.894), and discretion (DIS) (ß = 0.677). The model fit to empirical data: Chi-Square (χ2) = 871.021, df = 859, p-value = 0.3803, CFI = 1.000, TLI = 1.000, RMSEA = 0.004, SRMR = 0.017, and χ2/df = 1.014 and all indicators had concurrent validity showing the level of statistical significance of 0.01.
Key words: Creative and productive leadership, indicators.
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