Educational Research and Reviews

  • Abbreviation: Educ. Res. Rev.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1990-3839
  • DOI: 10.5897/ERR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 2011

Full Length Research Paper

Development of the inner wisdom development programs with Buddhist doctrines to improvement of self-mindedness for bachelor educational students

Janphen Phusopha1*
  • Janphen Phusopha1*
  • 1Faculty of Education, Mahasarakam University, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Education, Muang District, Mahasarakham; 44000 Thailand.
  • Google Scholar
Patananusorn Sathapornwong1
  • Patananusorn Sathapornwong1
  • 1Faculty of Education, Mahasarakam University, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Education, Muang District, Mahasarakham; 44000 Thailand.
  • Google Scholar
Khanchit Saenubon2
  • Khanchit Saenubon2
  • 2Faculty of Education, Srinakarinwirot University, Thailand.
  • Google Scholar

  •  Received: 08 May 2015
  •  Accepted: 27 July 2015
  •  Published: 23 August 2015


To investigate inner wisdom development programs with Buddhist doctrines of 508 educational students and 104 lecturers, a wisdom test, diary short note, interview, and observation were used. The principle of Specific Conditionality; the 5-Aggregates, Rule of 3-Characteristics, and practice of 4-Foundations of Insight Meditation were needed. Inner wisdom skills perceived greater actual students considered with the student's views. The mindfulness practice and meditation increased gradually, distracted, bad-tempered to serene, relaxed, relieved, physically fatigued to fresh and active activities worthwhile of students were higher of students’ satisfaction. The knowledge aspect, students gained knowledge in 4-Elements and 5-Aggregates, understanding changes and emerges, existing and ceasing causes of their feeling aspect. Students’ participations were too happiness, warmness, relief to their awareness and thinking distraction and concentration, controlling their temperament of their inner wisdom training program was at excellent level. Regarding students at the moderate’s condition, problems and needs, lecturers’ opinion toward inner wisdom based on Buddhist principles were provided. Statistically significances were differentiated between the pre- and post-training intelligence and the inner wisdom of the control and experimental groups revealed at the .01 level, and the relationships to the overall satisfaction of students toward their training program for developing inner wisdom was found.                    

Key words: Inner wisdom, development programs, Buddhist doctrines, and bachelor educational students