Educational Research and Reviews

  • Abbreviation: Educ. Res. Rev.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1990-3839
  • DOI: 10.5897/ERR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 2011

Full Length Research Paper

Investigating lifelong learning dispositions of students studying English language and literature in terms of different variables

Senel Elaldi
  • Senel Elaldi
  • Cumhuriyet University, Sivas, Turkey.
  • Google Scholar

  •  Received: 03 July 2015
  •  Accepted: 21 August 2015
  •  Published: 23 August 2015


This study aims to determine lifelong learning dispositions of English Language and Literature students in terms of gender, grade levels, and age variables. Descriptive research design was used. The study group consisted of 402 students studying English Language and Literature at Cumhuriyet University in Sivas, Turkey. Research data were collected with “Lifelong Learning Tendency Scale” developed by CoÅŸkun (2009). Data were analyzed using frequencies, percentages, arithmetic mean, standard deviation, independent sample t-test, One-Way ANOVA and Tukey test. The results revealed that students studying English Language and Literature had high level of lifelong learning dispositions. While no significant differences were observed in terms of gender variable, there were significant differences in terms of grade levels in favor of 4th grade and age variable in favor of the age range between 20-22. 

Key words: Lifelong learning, disposition, students studying English Language and Literature.