Assessment of leaf spot disease on water leaf (Talinum triangulare (jacq.) Willd and in vitro effect of three medicinal plant extracts on pathogen(s) in the Northwest Region of Cameroon
September 2022
Cultivation of waterleaf improves the life quality of families and provides additional income for farmers. However, waterleaf production in Cameroon has suffered a major blow from leaf spot disease. Ten farms with dimensions of 4 m by 3 m each in Nkwen, Bamenda, Cameroon were surveyed for leaf spot disease of Talinum triangulare. Disease incidence and severity were assessed by surveying the farms after every fourteen...
Screening and identification of antagonistic bacterial strains against Botrytis cinerea in Panax ginseng
September 2022
Endophytic bacterial strains were isolated from healthy mountain-cultivated ginseng leaves, and Botrytis cinerea was responsible for the fungus disease. Antagonistic strain was identified based on morphological characteristic and 16S rRNA sequence analysis. The results showed that 56 endophytic bacteria were isolated from healthy mountain-cultivated ginseng leaves, and FS-1 strain has good inhibitory effect on B....
On-station evaluation of straws and stovers with urea to increase utilization in Somali Region
September 2022
Wheat straw (WS), barley straw (BS), sorghum stover (SS), and maize stover (MS) were subjected to different times of ensiling and urea treatment levels in order to identify the most effective ensiling time and urea treatment level to attain preferable nutritional aptitude. Both straws and stovers were treated with 0.40 and 0.50 g concentration levels of urea solution dissolved in 0.8 L of water and sealed plastic sheet...
Analysis of inputs variability on rice growth stages in Mbeya region
September 2022
As rice develops from sowing to harvesting stages require a combination of both natural and non-natural inputs. Thus, at every stage, specific proportions are demanded as aggregates which contribute to the final yields. Understanding these inputs and their impacts on rice yield will help the small scale rice farmers in Tanzania to boost rice yields. This study pursues to (i) characterize rice farmers’ in Mbeya...
Farmers’ perceptions and adaptation strategies to rainfall variability in northwestern Katsina State, Nigeria
September 2022
The research examined farmers’ perception and adaptation strategies to rainfall variability in north-western Katsina. The objectives were to determine the level of rainfall variability using 1976 to 2015 rainfall data; find-out farmers’ perceptions of rainfall variability; determine its effects on farming activities, and identify adaptation strategies within the farming systems. Rainfall data were sourced...
Unravelling systems of inequality and debating pro-poor policy results in drought prone areas of South West Ethiopia
September 2022
A desk review, survey, interview and on-site observation were used to collect data. The impact of external systems on smallholder water scarcity management institutions in the context drought stress was analyzed in this study. The findings show that the external intervention eliminated resilient people’s institutions such as water scarcity (in droughts). Interventions introduce new water management systems that...
Factors that influence the dominance of X-Jigna cultivar under smallholder rice production in Fogera Plain, Northwest Ethiopia
August 2022
The aim of this study is to learn more about the status and factors that influence the uptake of improved rice varieties in the Fogera plain, a well-known rice-growing area in Ethiopia. A total of 155 rice-producing households were chosen through a systematic random sampling method. Simple descriptive statistics like mean, frequency, percentage, and standard deviation were utilized to characterize the sample households,...
Morphological and molecular diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi associated to Carica papaya L. rhizosphere in two agro-ecological zones in Cameroon
August 2022
The papaya tree is not very exploitable on the international market because of the post-harvest decline of the fruits. In this study, we identified arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) from the rhizosphere of papaya in two agroecological zones of Cameroon (Njombe-Pendja: NP and Yaounde: Y). Morphological studies on the density, the rate of root colonization, the diversity of AMF species were evaluated. Molecular...
Effect of soil-applied and foliar fertilizer on rice (Oryza sativa)
August 2022
Utilization of foliar fertilizer is not a common practice in field crop production in Ghana, upon this background this research was carried out to assess the combined effect of soil-applied and foliar fertilizer on growth and yield parameters of rice. Four treatments comprising of a control, soil-applied fertilizer and three others comprising of a combination of soil-applied and foliar fertilizer were used. The analyzed...
Effects of the naked neck phenotype and feed withdrawal on growth performance and carcass characteristics of F1 crossbred broilers from a cross between local naked neck males and Hubbard Flex 15 broiler females
August 2022
An eleven-month experiment was conducted to establish the influence of phenotype and feeding systems on growth performance and carcass characteristics of F1 crossbred broilers. One hundred normal feathered broiler breeder females were mated with 10 naked neck males to obtain the F1. Two hundred and seventy-two chicks obtained from the F1 generation and from four hatches were randomly assigned into four treatments...
Evaluation of the residual effect of bioslurry effluent on biological yield and nutritional content of swiss chard (Beta vulgaris L.)
August 2022
An experiment was conducted to evaluate the residual effect of inorganic fertilizer and bioslurry application on biological yield and nutrient content of Swiss chard. The study was conducted at Döhne Agricultural Development Institute (DADI) (32°31’ 34.077” S; 27°27’ 37.473” E) in Stutterheim, Eastern Cape, South Africa. Following planting and harvesting of two Swiss chard cultivars...
Use of termites as protein supplement for indigenous chicken on smallholder farms in Siaya County, Kenya
August 2022
Smallholder indigenous chicken (IC) production systems have been associated with low productivity thereby contributing to food insecurity and reduced livelihoods. Despite this scenario, smallholder IC producers have been harvesting and feeding termites supplementarily. This study determined the demographic characteristics that influence the use of termites as protein supplement for indigenous chicken by...
Social network analysis of innovation platforms in the local rice value chains in Benin: Shield or showcase for endogenous innovation?
August 2022
Innovation platforms (IPs) bring agricultural value chain stakeholders together to successfully overcome constraints in agricultural systems. In Bénin, they are introduced to foster collaboration, partnership, and mutual focus to generate innovation on the commodity such as the local rice production and processing systems. Based on Social Networks Analysis, this research examines this IPs in influencing the...
Influence of FBO interaction with research and extension on the adoption of technologies by FBO members in the Central Region of Ghana
August 2022
The study examined the influence of Farmer Based Organization (FBO) interaction with research and extension service providers on the adoption of technologies by members of FBOs in the Central Region of Ghana. In conducting the study, a combination of purposive and convenient sampling methods was utilized in selecting the FBOs and other key players in the field. In all, the study covered 177 respondents. The approach...
Performance of mustard varieties under saline prone areas of Bangladesh
August 2022
This study was conducted at farmers’ field with three disperse replicas in three different places viz. Satkhira (AEZ-11), Koyra (AEZ-13), and Bagerhat (AEZ-11) of Khulna division in the Rabi season of 2019-2020 to determine salt tolerant varieties for maximizing mustard yield, as well as farmers’ income. Characterization was done with six varieties namely BARI Sarisha-11, BARI Sarisha-14, BARI Sarisha-16,...
Implications of diet and quality consistence of feed on poultry layers egg quality
August 2022
Impaction of different brands of commercial layers feeds on egg quality was assessed in a complete block design with five treatments in three blocks replicated with twenty birds each. Hyline birds and the deep litter system were used. Feed constituents from proximate analysis were linearly correlated to quality parameters measured on the eggs. Results showed that nutrition impacts on most egg quality parameters except...
Growth and yield of carrots affected by integrated nutrient management of organic and inorganic fertilizers
July 2022
Two experiments were conducted at the Multipurpose Crop Nursery Research fields of the Akenten Appiah-Menka University of Skill Training and Entrepreneurial Development (AAMUSTED), Mampong-Ashanti during the 2018 major (March-July) and minor (September-December) seasons to assess the effect of organic and inorganic fertilizers and their combinations on the growth and yield of carrot. Four organic manures [cattle dung...
Investigating the resistance of barnyard grass populations to pretilachlor in direct-seed rice in the Central Region of Vietnam
July 2022
Barnyard grass (Echinochloa crus-galli (L.) Beauv.) is a major weed widely distributed across the world and causes serious damage to rice production. Yield loss due to barnyard grass was estimated at about 7 to 27% in Vietnam. This study aimed to investigate the rice production, weed impacts, herbicide usage and herbicide resistance in the Central Region of Vietnam. A survey of farmers producing rice and yield loss due...
Influence of Ca CaCl2 dipping on postharvest quality and shelf life of bell pepper (Capsicum annuum L. cv. California Wonder)
July 2022
Bell pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) experiences significant loss during postharvest handling. This study aimed to provide an alternative postharvest handling technology for the vegetable. The factor studied was Ca CaCl2 at 4 levels: 0% (distilled water), 3, 6 and 9%. Weight loss and total soluble solids were determined at an interval of 3 days whereas total chlorophyll, Fe, ascorbic acid and Ca content were determined at...
Technical efficiency of pineapple production and challenges in Southern Benin
July 2022
The need to improve the productivity and quality of pineapple produced to meet demand and supply with international standards necessitates exploring production potentials. So, assessing the technical efficiency of pineapple producers is essential to avoid waste of resources and above all to target advices for improving the productivity of the pineapple producers. Studies conducted on pineapple in Benin have paid less...
Use of néré seeds, Parkia biglobosa (Jacq.) Benth as a partial substitute for roasted soybeans in diet of broiler chickens
July 2022
This study was undertaken to contribute to the search for alternative ways to improve poultry feed. The objective was to evaluate the effects of incorporating roasted cowpea seed meal as a protein source in broiler feed. The experiment was conducted for 56 days with 120 Dutch Blue hybrid chicks divided into three batches of 40 chicks. These batches were each subdivided into two sub-batches of 20 chicks corresponding to...
Understanding the role of finance in technology adoption among smallholder maize farmers in Nigeria
July 2022
Maize is an important staple food in Nigeria; however, Nigeria’s local maize production only meets about 60% of its demand due to low yield (t/ha). The low maize yield has been linked to limited technology adoption, while finance has been identified to strongly impact technology adoption. Using a qualitative approach, data were collected through focus group discussions and interviews to identify the typology of...
Agriculture in sub-Sahara Africa developing countries and the role of government: Economic perspectives
July 2022
Recent agricultural and economic growth has been impressive in sub Saharan Africa (SSA), and explained in part by decades of donor investments. Sustaining recent progress will hence require a fundamental reshaping of SSA host country government policy priorities, which traditionally underinvest in agricultural research. This article investigates country-specific factors that explain government’s tendencies towards...
Effects of lime, NPK fertilizer and intercropping on selected properties of an acid mollic andosol in potato (solanum tuberosum) production systems
July 2022
This study investigated the effects of intercropping, liming, and NPK fertilizer application on soil pH, available soil phosphorus (P), and total soil nitrogen (N) in potato production system during a two season’s field experiment in Molo sub-county, Kenya. A randomized complete block design with a split-split plot arrangement of treatments and three replicates was used. Main plot factors were NPK fertilizer...
Agripreneurs profile: A case study of farmers in Delta State oil and gas producing area
July 2022
Various government policies and programs initiated to address the challenges facing agriculture over the years have not met their objectives. This is evidenced by the volume of such policies and programs and the constant changes in their form. It is therefore important to identify the profile of Agripreneurs in the rural arears as a first step diagnoses of the challenges so that appropriate solutions can be provided....
Analysis of agro-morphological diversity among plantains (Musa species AAB) in Benin Republic, West Africa
July 2022
The purpose of this study was to investigate the morphological diversity of plantain accessions from three main plantain growing districts in Benin Republic. Sixteen descriptors were used including 5 quantitative. Overall, 31 cultivars were identified and associated with various names depending on the sociolinguistic groups. Results indicated the presence in each district of the three types of inflorescences (male...
Pre-harvest Loss Assessment of Maize crop in Semi-arid Areas in Tanzania Due to Rodent pests
June 2022
Two experiments were conducted, first was to estimate maize seedling damage in farmers’ fields and a simulation experiment. This study aim to investigate the impact of rodent pest species, damage to maize crop in semi-arid areas at pre-harvest, with a view to provide farmers with appropriate information on rodent pest management interventions. In farmers’ fields, damage assessment was done by counting the...
Dominant practices, information, and constraints of soil moisture conservation and nutrient management for range pastures in a sedentary grazing system in South-Western Uganda
June 2022
Range pastures constitute the major source of livestock feeds throughout the year in the grazing areas of Uganda. However, pasture yields have been declining overtime, yet there is limited information on efforts of improving pasture productivity through soil moisture conservation and nutrient management. This study assessed soil moisture conservation and nutrient management practices used by livestock farmers, sources...
Research achievements and recommendations in crop management for enhancing the productivity of spices: A review
June 2022
Spices are invaluable crops in Ethiopia and research. Just like coffee, their production started many years ago. Availability of diverse agro ecology allowed the country to cultivate different spices. Lowland (ginger, turmeric, black pepper, cardamom, and vanilla) and highland seed spices (black cumin and white cumin, fenugreek, and coriander) were some of the target in research. Appropriate crop management practices,...
Stability of productivity parameters of six cocoa clones [Theobroma cacao (Malvaceae)] during the main production season in Côte d'Ivoire
June 2022
The strong climatic fluctuation observed during the major cocoa production period with reductions in rainfall and rising temperatures lead to a low graining index. This climatic situation makes cocoa marketing difficult for producers. The stability of quantitative productivity parameters in six cacao clones on farm was analyzed during the main production season. Flowering, average pod weight, number of beans per pod,...
Maize intercropped between Eucalyptus urophylla in agroforestry systems in Brazil
June 2022
The objective of this work was to evaluate the agronomic characteristics of maize intercropping with Eucalyptus urophylla at agroforestry system in two triple row distance (alleys) at different sampling distances and positions in relation to the eucalyptus external row (transect), and three positions in relation to the cardinal points: east side, west side and middle. Eucalyptus (E. urophylla) seedlings were planted...
Spatial and temporal variability of soil micronutrients and their relationships with wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) yield and some major soil variables
June 2022
Studying the spatial and temporal variability of soil micronutrients and their effects on plant growth is important for implementing precision-farming and/or economizing fertilizer management. The present investigation was done through soil sampling (0–20 cm depth) from three locations in central Ethiopia. The tools employed include, descriptive and/or classical statistics. The concentrations of available copper...
Floral activity of Chrysomya putoria Wiedemann, 1830 (Diptera: Calliphoridae) enhances the pollination and fruit set rate of Ricinus communis L., 1753 (Euphorbiaceae)
June 2022
Experiments were conducted to study the foraging behaviour of blowfly species, Chrysomya putoria (Diptera: Calliphoridae) on Ricinus communis (Euphorbiaceae) in Sudano-Sahelian area of Cameroon in 2017 and 2018. To do so, castor bean plants were flagged and fly foraging parameters were recorded. The effects of blowfly activity on pollination and fruiting rate of R. communis were estimated by comparing unrestricted and...
Analysis of the determinants of adoption of bio-herbicide technology for sustainable food production in the North-Eastern Region of Nigeria
June 2022
There is a growing concern in many developing countries of sub-Saharan Africa on the harmful effects of synthetic herbicide usage on the agro-ecology, as well as food crop production. Therefore, this study focused on analyzing the factors that influence the adoption of bio-herbicide technology as an alternative to the chemical herbicides used by rural farmers in the North-Eastern region of Nigeria. Multi-stage random...
Experimental study on the effect of light quality on the quality of hydroponic Cichorium endivia L. in plant factory with artificial light
June 2022
In recent years, plant factories have developed rapidly and played an important role in modern agricultural production. Finding the best lighting formula has become the most basic and important research topic for the industrialization of the plant factory with artificial lighting (PFAL) hydroponic Cichorium endivia L. In this paper, the LED plant growth lamp with adjustable ratio of red, blue and white light intensity...
Comparison of the infestation of three rubber tree clones by Phragmantera capitata (Sprengel) S. Balle (Loranthaceae) in the South-west region of Cameroon
June 2022
Rubber tree clones are used for their high latex production, resistance to the diseases and to the climatic conditions. The aim of this study was to characterize the parasitism of Phragmanthera capitata on three rubber clones. The study was carried out in the rubber plantations of the Cameroon Development Corporation located in 4 villages around Muyuka and Tiko, two locality of the Fako Department, South-West Region of...
Indigenous knowledge on host tree preference of the wild edible Gynanisa maja (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae) matches with the laboratory test results in western Zambia
May 2022
Gynanisa maja is an edible caterpillar and contributes significantly towards household food security. The linkage between indigenous and scientific knowledge influencing G. maja forage preference is not yet clear, and therefore the study aimed at determining this linkage regarding host preferences for G. maja in western Zambia. A household survey was conducted to determine people’s perception on the most preferred...
Effects of spacing on yield and head characteristics of cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata L.) in two agro-ecologies of Ethiopia
May 2022
Cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata) is one of the major vegetable crops grown in Ethiopia. In the 2018 rainy season, 31,400 tonnes of head cabbage was produced. Despite its importance, the productivity of cabbage in Ethiopia remains very low (6 t/ha) as compared to world (28.8 t/ha) and East Africa (16 t/ha). Low plant population was one of the major causes of low yield and big size heads, which consumers and...
Impact of program-based sustainable urban agricultural intervention on women empowerment in Addis Ababa: Evidence from women empowerment in agriculture index analysis
May 2022
Urban agriculture is increasingly recognized in academic research, policy practice, and advocacy as rural land is increasingly shrinking for agricultural production; and is argued as pro-poor urban intervention. This study argued that previous researches focused on: (1) rural agriculture; (2) women’s economic empowerment; and (3) positive impacts of urban agricultural interventions on the poor. By observing 10...
Alkalinization and moist heat treatments of substrates for cultivation of edible mushrooms in pupunha and cocoa residues
May 2022
In search of a healthier diet, the consumption of edible mushrooms has been expanding, as well as the use of agro-industrial residues for cultivation and the use of less costly techniques. In this work, residues of pupunha palm (Bactris gasipaes Kunth.) and cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) were tested as a substrate to produce Pleurotus pulmonarius CCB19, as well as two forms of disinfection: Moist heat (autoclaving) and...
Family agriculture in mesoregions of the state of Alagoas, Brazil: Analysis from the production of rural settlements
May 2022
This study aimed to analyze food production and verify the purpose of production in rural settlements, in different mesoregions of the state of Alagoas. Semi-structured interviews were used, with 245 families from six settlements distributed in the three mesoregions: East, Agreste, and Sertão, resulting in a diversity of crops in regions with water availability, and the main crops, such as corn and beans,...
Effect of selective micronutrients on productivity of upland rice varieties
May 2022
The realization of optimal recommendations for the nutrient balance of upland rice is an excellent strategy to increase the productivity and sustainability of the production system, especially in soils with limiting conditions for cultivation. The objective of the study was to evaluate the behavior of upland rice cultivars (ANa 9005CL, ANa 8001, AN Cambará and BRS A502), by foliar fertilization (Maxi Zinc®,...
Response of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) to sulfur impurity supplied as triple-super phosphate under gypsum and urea fertilizer backgrounds
May 2022
On-farm experiments (24) were conducted in two seasons to assess the influence of sulfur impurity in triple-super phosphate (TSP) on wheat. The experiments were laid-out in completely randomized block design in triplicate. Nutrients investigated include: Nitrogen (N), sulfur (S) and phosphorus (P). The TSP is tested to contain about 2 to 6% sulfur as impurity. However, wheat did not show response to sulfur from TSP....
Effects of tractor forward velocity on soil compaction under different soil water contents in Tunisia
May 2022
Africa is the second continent suffering from soil compaction; studies of this phenomenon must be multiplied in order to overcome this problem. Very few studies have been conducted in Tunisia to understand soil compaction, its causes and its effect on soil properties. The research was conducted on experimental field at the Higher Institute of Agronomy of Chott Mariam, Sousse, Tunisia. The main objective of this study...
Maize production constraints at household levels: The case of Hawassa Zuria district in Sidama Region, Ethiopia
May 2022
Maize is the most important cereal crop in Ethiopia in terms of plantation area, production volume, and economic importance for food security. Despite the relative yield increment at the national level, maize production in the study area has been hindered by a couple of factors. This study was conducted to assess and evaluate maize production constraints in the Hawassa Zuria district. Primary data was collected from 60...
Evaluation of medium maturity group of soybean (Glycine max L. Merr) for agronomic performance and adaptation in Sudanian zone of Burkina Faso
April 2022
Soybean is an economically important crop that provides oil and high-quality protein. In Burkina Faso, soybean is one of the promising crops identified in the framework of the strategy for the development of agricultural sectors. However, very few improved varieties have been developed. The identification of newly improved varieties with high agronomic potential and adapted to the climatic conditions will strengthen...
Assessment of aflatoxin awareness in The Gambia
April 2022
Aflatoxins belong to a category of mycotoxins that have impacted mankind since the beginning of organized cultivation. This toxin is produced by certain molds in food and feeds and results to adverse health effects to both humans and animals, as well as economic barriers to farmers and countries. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the current level of aflatoxin awareness and knowledge of its contamination,...
Biological control using essential oil of Ocimum gratissimum and four other biopesticides on Formicococcus njalensis, the most active mealybugs species in the transmission of CSSV (Cocoa swollen shoot virus)
April 2022
A laboratory investigation was conducted to evaluate the use of Ocimum gratissimum essential oil to control the development of Formicococcus njalensis, the main vector of Cocoa Swollen shoot virus (CSSV) in West Africa. Commercial biopesticides (Squad, Agriphy, Mycotal and Banole), the essential oil of O. gratissimum obtained by hydrodistillation were compared at the concentration of 0, 1000, 2000 and 3000 µl.l-1...
Silicon on rice seed yield and quality
April 2022
The study aimed to evaluate the yield components and physiological quality of rice seeds produced, obtained from coated seeds with rice rusk ash and kaolin®. Treatments consisted of coating rice seeds with two sources of silicon (silicate of aluminum-70% SiO2 (kaolin® and rice husk ash- 95% SiO2) at doses of 0; 30; 60; 90 and 120 g.100 kg-1 seed. Yield components were evaluated: Seed yield per plant, number of...
Assessment of water yam (Dioscorea alata L.) landrace varieties for resistance to anthracnose disease
March 2022
Yam anthracnose disease (YAD), caused by the fungus Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Penz, is the most damaging fungal disease of Dioscorea alata yam worldwide. Local yam varieties, which sustain Côte d'Ivoire’s farmers and other end-users livelihoods, are highly susceptible to this pathogen. Thus, there is a need for developing new yam cultivars to sustain yam production in Côte d'Ivoire. To...
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