African Journal of

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Biotechnol.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1684-5315
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJB
  • Start Year: 2002

AJB Articles in press

Development of Paper-based colorimetric strip for rapid detection of Phytochemical

Article in Press

One fascinating discipline in Biotechnological studies is the examination of phytochemicals as possible agents for developing medications and enhancing nutritional characteristics. The phytochemicals have impacts for many areas, like pharmaceutical development, food quality control, and studying plants. The newly suggested paper-based colorimetric method was used coupled with traditional procedures to perform chemical...

Author(s):Usama khan?? , Tanzeel Quddus

Chemical composition, physicochemical parameters and nutritional value of Lannea velutina A. Rich (Anacardiaceae) seed and seed oil

Article in Press

A study on Lannea velutina seeds was carried out to establish their chemical compositions. Proximate composition, physicochemical parameters, fatty acids, tocopherols, minerals, amino acids, simple sugars, phytates, fibers and polyphenols of seed kernel and seed oils were evaluated using the pre-established methods. The oil content was 57.3%. Oleic acid (43.9%), palmitic acid (34.9%) and linoleic acid (12.7%) were the most...

Author(s):Bazongo Patrice, Ouédraogo Lassané, Kaboré Donatien, Konan Brou Roger et Barro Nicolas

Monoclonal Antibodies Production Through Hybridoma Technology: A review

Article in Press

Laboratory-made molecules known as monoclonal antibodies are designed to act as replacement antibodies and repair, improve, alter, or imitate the immune system's attack against unwanted cells. These antibodies identify specific binding sites, or epitopes, on a particular antigen. The protein sequence, antigen-binding site area, binding affinity for their targets, and downstream functional effects of mAbs are all similar....

Author(s):Ayansa Kebenessa Medeksa and Emebet Teshome

Bacillus thuringiensis: A Nature Package for Agriculture, Health and Industrial Application

Article in Press

Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) is a naturally occurring sporulating bacterium isolated worldwide from different ecosystems. It is packed with several Cry proteins that are toxic to different organisms. The presence of Cry toxins is the main factor conferring entomopathogenic properties to Bt which makes Bt different from other Bacilli. The Cry proteins are encoded by Cry genes, there are many Cry genes. Some single strains...

Author(s):Nnaemeka E. Vitalis, Nyamaharo C. Kundai, and Yuqiang Sun

Effect of Roasting, soaking and Alkaline Treatment on Chemical properties of Neem Seed ( Azadirachta indica A. juss )

Article in Press

Neem tree (Azadirachta indica A. juss) products, including seed, possess lots of scientific and economic benefits. Neem seeds contain adequate amount of azadirachtin, a triterpeniod compound, which can also be obtained from other parts of the plant. The compound acts as an insect repellent by inhibiting them from feeding and disrupting their increase reproduction. However, there may be sparse literature on secure human...

Author(s):SALAMI Latifat Olajumoke, AKINOSO Rahman, SANNI Lateef Oladimeji: OMONIYI Oluleye; KAJIHAUSA Olatundun: ADEBAYO Kafayat O..

Assessment of Genetic Diversity in Nigerian Local Chicken Population Based on Haematological Parameters

Article in Press

Assessment of Genetic Diversity in Nigerian Local Chicken Population Based on Haematological Parameters was studied using one hundred and fifty (150) chickens comprising of fifty (50) Normal feathered, Frizzled feathered and Naked neck local birds were used for the study. The chickens were reared under deep litter system where the animalswere allowed to acclimatize for four (4) weeks.Males and females were reared...

Author(s):Okon, B., Ibom, L. A., Dauda, A. and Udayi, M.

Isolation and characterization of Bacillus thuringiensis strains and their toxicity against Anopheles mosquito larvae from Amhara region, Ethiopia

Article in Press

Introduction: Malaria is one of the most prevalent public health problems worldwide. Globally, nearly half the world’s population remains at risk of malaria transmitted by Anopheles mosquito vector. Chemical insecticides, which are toxic and cause environmental deprivation, have been used to control the vector. So,safe environmentally friendly and effective alternative method are need to control malaria vectors. ...

Author(s):Tadele Tamiru, Yigrem Alemu, Nega Berhane, Mulu Muche, Mulualem Kelebie

Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and their Genotypes in the three Breeds of Sheep

Article in Press

Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and their Genotypes in the three Breeds of Sheep was conducted with ninety (90) sheep, thirty from each breed (30 Balami, 30 Yankasa and 30 Uda) sheep were used for the study. Phenotypic characterization, blood sample collection, DNA Extraction, Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and Single-Strand Conformational Polymorphism Analysis (SSCPA), Agarose gel electrophoresis, Sequencing of...

Author(s):Ibom, L. A., Okon, B., Dauda, A. and Udayi, M.

Molecular characterization of Escherichia coli and Salmonella enterica isolated from fresh meat, ready-to-eat meat, and their handling sources in Ghana

Article in Press

Escherichia coli (E. coli) and Salmonella enterica (S. enterica) are Gram-negative bacteria commonly found in the gastrointestinal tract of animals and can cause illness in humans, particularly through contaminated meat products and their handling. Genetic identification techniques offer rapid and precise methods for characterizing these bacteria and revealing their genetic diversity. This study aimed to investigate the...

Author(s):Frederick Adzitey, Francis Addy, Gideon Adu-Bonsu, Samuel Maxwell Ackom, Jesse Anane-Asamoah, Mariam Osman, Alex Ofosu Appiah, Esther Oduro, Daniel Gyamfi Amoako, and Nurul Huda

A Relationship between Soil bacterial Community and Ginseng Rusty Root Disease

Article in Press

Ginseng rusty root disease (GRRD) is one of the major diseases of ginseng, which disease is leading to a severe decline in the quality and yield of ginseng. Soil bacterial communities’ long-term survival in soil, and it plays an important role in the growth of ginseng health. To clarify the relationship between soil bacterial community and GRRD, soil properties, bacterial community structure and diversity from eight sites...

Author(s):Chunyuan Yuanyuan

Parasites show no link to Hemisus guttatus (Hemisotidae) rare status, differential Heavy Metals Accumulation between them and Milvus migrans parasitus in a tropical terrestrial ecosystem

Article in Press

In Ikwoka, Southeast Nigeria Hemisus guttatus and Milvus migrans parasitus are good comparatively bio indicators due to non migration and occupation of different terrestrial environments during seasonal migrations respectively. Hemisus guttatus is rare while Milvus migrans parasitus is seasonally frequent. This study is to establish possible cause of Hemisus guttatus rare status between parasites and other environmental...

Author(s):Echi, Paul Chinedu., Offia, Okoro Obasi., Okorie, Chidinma Comfort., Obeagu, Innocent Amaechi, Mba, Chinecherem Goodluck, and Ogenyi, Benjamin Chika

Assessment of Genetic Diversity among 12 Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) Genotypes from five states in Northern Nigeria using RAPD markers.

Article in Press

Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) is a significant oilseed crop that is cultivated in various regions across the globe. Its seed is well known for its high oil content (50-60%), thus earning it the title of the supreme oilseed. Nigeria, being among the top 10 largest producers of sesame, possesses immense potential to enhance production for the purpose of promoting exports. Sesame exhibits extensive genetic diversity, which can...

Author(s):Yahaya S. A, Falusi O. A, Mariam N. I., Okoye C. I, Abdulkarim B. M., Aliyu R. H. , Idris. Z. K. Jibril S. M. and Umar Y. I.

Molecular characterization of finger millet (Eleusine coracana (L.) Gaertn) accessions with different seed colors from the Tigray region, Ethiopia, using inter simple sequence repeat (ISSR) markers

Article in Press

A study was conducted to determine the genetic variability and patterns of diversity of finger millet (Eleusine coracana) accessions using six ISSR molecular markers. The study consisted of 72 finger millet accessions with variable seed coat colors collected from two zones of the Tigray region. The markers generated 45 loci, 30 of which were polymorphic and 15 of which were monomorphic, for an average of 7.5 loci per...

Author(s):Bahlibi Gebreabzgi, Gebrehiwet Kiros, Samuel Gebrechristos, Guesh Mulaw, Teklehaimanot Haileslassie, Kassahun Tesfaye


Article in Press

In my research, the results of the physical-chemical analysis and sensory analysis of wine production from local and otheri valuable technical grape varieties cultivated in the diverse and rich soil-climatic conditions of our country and the produced wines were reflected. Samples were taken from the produced products, the amount of sugar content, acidity and other important indicators were determined by modern methods and...

Author(s):Zamina BUNYATZADA

Brewing 4.0: Unleashing the Power of Industrial Internet of Things for Smart and Sustainable Brewing

Article in Press

The rapid evolution of the Internet of Things (IoT) has given rise to the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) otherwise known as the 4th Industrial Revolution. Embracing IIoT in the brewing industry, also known as Brewing 4.0, promises revolutionary advancements in brewery operations. Breweries like Ab InBev and Sugar Creek are advanced levels of implementation of IIoT. The implementation of which has decreased process...

Author(s):Prosper W. Makara

Molecular characterization of Wheat leaf blotch pathogen Zymoseptoria tritici isolates from northern Ethiopia using SSR markers

Article in Press

Septoria leaf blotch is one of the most devastating diseases of wheat worldwide. Understanding its genetic diversity and population structure is paramount importance in designing and sustainable management strategies to control the disease. Therefore, the present study was designed to detect and determine the genetic diversity and population structure of Z. tritici isolates collected from northern Ethiopia: Amhara and...

Author(s):Diriba Guta, , Teklehaimanot Haileselassie , Tilahun Makonnen, Tadessa Daba and Kindie Tesfaye

The Antioxidant, Protective, and Nutritional Roles of Folic Acid “Vitamin M”

Article in Press

Folic acid is a water-soluble vitamin that comes after the vitamin B complex and is one of the compounds that have antioxidant activity and protective against some diseases caused by harmful oxidation. Recently, through studies and scientific research conducted on folic acid, the extreme importance of this vitamin has emerged after cases of deformity occurred in children due to a lack of nutrition from sources containing...

Author(s):Moustafa A. Aboel-Ainin, and Dina A. Mohamed Nagy

NEEM (OIL) AND CROP DEFENCE: (A desire for the future)

Article in Press

The mission of agriculture is to improve food production to satisfy the needs of the developing global populace, without damaging the surroundings. In Present day agricultural practices, the control of pests is regularly performed via the excessive use of agrochemicals that can bring about environmental pollutants and the development of resistant pests. In this context, biopesticides can offer a better opportunity for...



Article in Press

Auricularia species is a jelly- like edible fungus usually with mild flavour. It is also known as wood ear mushroom because of its ear-shaped morphology. Nigeria is blessed with many species of these edible mushrooms; however, not much research effort has been given to the cultivation of Auricularia species. Wild species of Auricularia were collected from different locations within southern Nigeria. Pure cultures of these...

Author(s):Abikoye, E. T,; Oloke, J.K; Okorie, P. C; Lawal, A. K;Anibaba, A. O; Oluwawole, O.F; Odunuga, A. A;Ajao, M. O;Adelaja, O.D;Okeowo, O.B; Ngajo, A


Article in Press

Adsorption allows minimizing the generation of toxic waste and the recovery of the metal. The objective of the work was to study the bioadsorption of Cr (VI) and Pb (II) using the dry peel of Tamarindus indica. We worked at different pH values and concentration levels. The determination of the chemical-physical parameters was carried out at the Empress Geominera Oriente. Adsorption isotherms were performed using the...

Author(s):Radames Hodelin Barrera , Taimi Bessy Horruitiner, Orlindes Calzado Lamela, Rosa María Pérez Silva

AI-Metaverse Bioinformatics: Potential future direction

Article in Press

Bioinformatics has been around since the 1960s, while online molecular databases that handle data generated by disciplines in the life sciences have existed since the 1990s. This Perspective presents a forward-looking approach that amalgamates bioinformatics with new and potential fields such as generative artificial intelligence and metaverse that can catapult bioinformatics into user-friendly 3D virtual worlds with...

Author(s):Chenjerayi Kashangura

Insights into the biological, technological, and health-promoting applications of three Streptococcus thermophilus strains through bioinformatics analyses

Article in Press

The specific objectives of this research were (i) to develop broad-scale bioinformatics data from three lactic acid bacteria (LAB) strains - S. thermophilus KLDS 3.1003, SMQ-301, and LMD-9 genomes, (ii) to mine the relevant genes that confer probiotic and industrial properties to the strains, and (iii) show a more precise correlation between reported in vitro and in vivo properties of these strains and their genome...

Author(s):Smith Etareri Eviviea,b,c, Bailiang Li c,d and Guicheng Huo c,d


Article in Press

Meat is highly nutritious, being a good source of various nutrients especially protein, fat and vitamins. Its composition is ideal for the growth of a wide array of spoilage bacteria. Food-borne infections outbreaks affect both developing and developed nations. The infections caused by emerging pathogens like Enterohaemorrhagic E. coli 0157, Listeria monocytogenes, Vibrio vulnificus, Campylobacter specis and...

Author(s):SHEHU-ADISA, M., Bala, J. D., Auta, H. S., Machunga-Mambula, S. S., Habib, M. A., Sadjo Diallo, M

Interactive effect of long non-coding RNAs, miRNAs and their targets in witches’ broom disease tolerance in cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.)

Article in Press

A large part of transcripts is non-coding, which is transcribed from junk DNA; long non-coding RNAs and micro-RNAs regulate the expression levels of mRNAs. For the first time, we identified lncRNAs and miRNAs with their regulatory role in the disease tolerance of Theobroma cacao. In this study, about 2616 lncRNAs and 153 miRNAs were identified from 10 RNA-seq data representing healthy and witches’ broom diseased tissues of...

Author(s):Antara Das, Aparna Veluru, Alokesh Das, Ramasubramani Thava Prakasa Pandian

Evaluation of Artificial Insemination Delivery Services to Smallholder Dairy Farmers in Ethiopia

Article in Press

The study was carried out in dairy production potential areas of Oromiya, Amhara and Sothern Nations Nationalities People’s Region (SNNPR) with the objectives of evaluating artificial insemination delivery service on small holder dairy farmers, identify major constraints of artificial insemination delivery service and identify ways of alleviating problems related to artificial insemination delivery service. The study...

Author(s):Endale Yadessa, Nibo Beneberu, Million Tadesse, Ulfina Galmessa, Lemma Fita, Temesgen Jembere and Zenebech Lemma.

Extracellular synthesis of Fe-NPs by bacteria/biosurfactant, kinetic parameter and reduction of Cr (VI) from pollutant samples

Article in Press

Hexavalent Cr is most toxic metal and hazardous compound worldwide. It is also considered to be cellular oxidizing pollutant causing damage, mutagenic and hematopoietic effects to living systems. Present work is focused on synthesis of zero valent iron nano particles (Fe-NPs) using Bacillus subtilis SHB 13, Achromobacter xylosoxidans SHB 204 and Surfactin and their application for Cr (VI) detoxification (100 ppm) in...

Author(s):T.H. Swapna, P. Narendra Kumar, Yahya Khan, Gopal Reddy, Hameeda Bee ,

Quantitative Phytochemicals and Antioxidant Potential of Adansonia digitata leaves and stem extract

Article in Press

The objective of this study was to examine the phytochemical properties of the baobab tree (Adansonia digitata) stems and leaves. The dried powder of leaves and stem extract were analyzed for the presence or absence of different phytochemicals, flavonoids, terpenoids, saponins, tannins, alkaloids, etc. The quantitative analysis revealed that the leaves and stem of A. digitata are rich in total phenols, alkaloids,...

Author(s):Chhavi Goel and Rajiv Dutta,

Genetic Diversity and population structure of Dekoko (Pisum sativum L. ssp. abyssinicum) Landraces Using Inter Simple Sequence Repeat Markers

Article in Press

Dekoko is a marginalized, but economically important and endemic cool - season legume crop in Ethiopia. However, the molecular characterization of this crop has not been carried out regardless of its importance as source of protein for the rural poor in Ethiopia. This study is therefore aimed to investigate the genetic diversity and population structure of 83 Dekoko accessions collected from north Ethiopia. Three plants...

Author(s):Kiros Tekle, Teklehaimanot Haileselassie, Yohannes Petros and Kassahun Tesfaye,

An overview of proteolytic enzymes and determination of protein content in the proteinous sample

Article in Press

The world environment is changing by the socio economic factors. Most of this occurs by using chemical in industries. Digestive enzymes plays a great role in breakdown of macromolecules into micro molecules Protease also called proteinase or peptidase is a digestive enzyme that categorized under proteolytic enzymes and replaces these chemicals in industry. Protease categorized into different classes based on different...

Author(s):Getachew Gemechu Tadessea, Binyam Yeshtila Tilahunb Kidist Mulugeta c

Fermented Bamboo Shoot Health Benefits and Applications

Article in Press

The term "bamboo" conjures up images of "a hollow stick," and it aids more health benefits. Mainly the tribes of northeast India ferment these nutritious bamboo shoots. Fermentation is a biotechnological process that has been used to preserve food for centuries. Fermented bamboo shoots caters a home and benefits for a variety of microorganisms. To highlight a few benefits these magical shoots are probiotic, anti-oxidant,...

Author(s):Subramanian Ramasubramanian, Muthusamy Balasubramanian, Chinnapan Ravinder Singh, Rajaram Muralikrishna

Phytochemical, antioxidant and anti-proliferative activity of Epipremnum aureum

Article in Press

Objective: The study was primarily carried out to assess the phytochemical contents present in the leaf of E. aureum. Herein, biochemical characterization vis-à-vis antioxidant potential and antiproliferative activity on cancer cell lines is experimented too. Methods: Healthy leaves of E. aureum after authentication were evaluated in vitro for phytochemical, antioxidant and antiproliferative activity. Various non-enzymatic...

Author(s):Neha Guptaa, Anju Meshramb, Akanksha Kharea, Nidhi Srivastavac, Sameer S. Bhagyawanta

Comparative physiological studies of parental and fusant protoplasts culture of Volvariella volvacea

Article in Press

Very little information is available in the physiology, biochemistry and molecular biology of Volvariella volvacea. The current study was carried out to understand the effect of different macro- and microelements and vitamins on the mycelial growth and yield of protein by the mycelia of parental and fusant protoplasts strain of V. volvacea. The method adopted in this experiment was to study the additive and deficient...


Application of DNA Fingerprint to Quality Control and Quality Assurance in Yellow Common Bean Seed System in Tanzania

Article in Press

Application of DNA fingerprint is the method which permits documentation of genetic material with high accuracy and permanency as it is not predisposed by environment, epistatic interactions and other factors. Seed quality and purity are the important key aspects to be maintained in seed multiplication and production to enhance yield and productivity. The aim of this study was to assess genetic purity of yellow bean...

Author(s):Fernando, A.I, Katuromunda, S.; Mukankusi C. & Engoke, C.S

Investigation of the effect and possible mechanism of antihypertensive activity of lycopene -rich extract of Solanum lycopersicon in Wistar rats

Article in Press

Background: Hypertension is a common debilitating illness among people in both developed and developing countries. This study investigated the effect and possible mechanism of the antihypertensive activity of lycopene-rich extract of Solanum lycopersicon (LRESL) on Wistar rats. Methods: Sixty (60) hypertensive Wistar rats were divided into seven experimental groups viz: Group A served as a normotensive group and received...

Author(s):Ani Celestine Okafor , Maduka Nweke Luke, Okeke Pearl Adaobi, Okolo Kenneth Obinna, Ndubuisi Richard Nonso, Okorie Pamela Onyinye, Nwachukwu Daniel Chukwu

In-house Enzyme Blends from Polyporus ciliatus CBS 366.74 for Enzymatic Saccharification of Pretreated Corn Stover

Article in Press

Lignocellulosic biomass is applauded to be the cheapest resource for second generation biofuels. However, the degradation of lignocellulosic biomass is quiet challenging due to the complexity in structure. The study investigated the saccharification potential of in-house enzymes produced from a white-rot basidiomycete strain, Polyporus ciliatus CBS 366.74 on a lignocellulosic biomass such as pretreated corn stover. The...

Author(s):Joseph A. Bentil

Genetic characterisation of Colophospermum mopane and its ecotypes using RAPD analysis

Article in Press

Colophospermum mopane and its ecotypes are currently recognized on morphological and physiological characters. To add to the suite of taxonomic characters, the genetic variability of C. mopane (sensu stricto) and its ecotypes were investigated using Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA. DNA was extracted from young and mature leaves using the CTAB method. Twenty random primers were tested for their suitability and...

Author(s):M.P. Legodi, M.J. Potgieter, M.P. Tshisikhawe

Assessment of genetic diversity among species mungo-radiata group of subgenus Ceratotropis of genus Vigna Savi. using Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP)

Article in Press

AFLP markers were used for evaluating genetic diversity, population substructure, species relationships, and gene flow among eighty-five accessions belonging to the mungo-radiata group of section Ceratotropis of subgenus Ceratotropis of genus Vigna. Twelve preselected AFLP primers generated 1869 polymorphic amplification products. The number of fragments for each primer pair ranged from 44 to 296, showing 100%...

Author(s): Ruchi Vira, Tabassum Jehana,K.V. Bhatb and S. Lakhanpaulc

Multi-location Study of Six-Rowed Barley Lines for Malt Quality

Article in Press

In Ethiopia, both two- and six-rowed barleys can grow in the highlands. However, the country is not self-sufficient in barley malt, and it depends on imports from different overseas countries. Little effort has been made in two-rowed malt barley variety release and production to overcome the low malt barley supply. So far, the lack of six-rowed barley varieties with good malt quality is a gap in malt barley research in...

Author(s):Teshome Galano, Fitsum Sileshi, Tesfaye Woldesemayate and Tesfahun Alemu


Article in Press

This study investigates the pretreatments and drying method effects on white yam’s physicochemical, microbial, and sensory qualities. The fresh tubers were washed, (equally) uniformly sliced, pretreated, dried, and processed into flours. The flours were evaluated for physicochemical, microbial, and sensory properties using standard methods. The results showed that all physicochemical parameters examined were significantly (p

Author(s):White yam flour, pretreatment, drying methods, physicochemical properties

A review of traditional fermented foods and beverages of the Democratic Republic of Congo

Article in Press

Several traditional fermented foods and beverages are produced at the household level in the Democratic Republic of Congo. These include fermented cereal-based porridges from sorghum or eleusine ( musululu ), from corn (mandrakwa and Munkoyo); fermented cereal-based foods (bakinde), fermented milk products (mashanza and kivuguto), fermented root-based foods (kwanga, lobe, tshomba tshia kabiola, tshomba tsha mbenzu,...

Author(s):J B Kashama, R K Foma, D K Mayele

Isolation and characterization of multidrug resistance bacteria from hospital sewage samples, Maharashtra, India

Article in Press

Development of the multiple antibiotic resistance is the major cause of clinical infections world wide and has been increasing. This study determined the pattern of bacterial multiple antibiotic resistance in hospital sewage samples obtained from Marathwada region of India. The present study had used 48 isolates of bacteria obtained from 6 different locations of Aurangabad, Marathwada India. Antibiotic sensitivity test...

Author(s):Bhaurao Bapurao Choushette,Prof. Rajendra A. Satpute, Sarita Laxmikant Solunke


Article in Press

The water-uptake pattern of Tiger-nut (Cypecus esculentus) yellow variety was determined at 30, 35, 40, 45 and 50oC during soaking for 0 - 96 hours. Also, the microbial load of the soak water at the point of full turgidity of soaked tiger nut at temperatures of 30, 35, 40, 45 and 50oC was were also determined. The hydration curves obtained showed shows that most of the moisture uptake took place within the first 24 hours,...

Author(s):Mordi JI, Obode OC, Eboagwu LI, Ibekwe DO and Elemo GN

Hepatoprotective effect of Myristica fragrans following concomitant oral administration of caffeine: Histolopathological and biochemical study

Article in Press

Background: Little research effort is directed towards addressing the controversies surrounding the effects on caffeine on humans. Its increasing consumption and industrial application is why researches need to be geared up in this area. This study investigated the hepatoprotective effect of Myristica fragrans following concomitant oral administration of caffeine using histopathological, histochemical and biochemical...

Author(s):Authors: Enye Linus Anderson, Saka Olusola Stephen, Akpan Idara Solomon, Adekeye Adeshina O, Olasehinde Oluwaseun Ruth, Abijo Ayodeji Zabdiel & Akinjisola Alice Ayomide

Genetic Diversity Analysis of Sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] Races in Ethiopia Using SSR Markers

Article in Press

Sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench], a cereal crop of family Poaceae, is believed to be originated in Ethiopia and Sudan. It is an important food security crop mainly in semi-arid and tropical parts of the African countries. Although many morphological and molecular diversity studies reveal the existence of genetic variations with sorghum populations, their distribution within basic races were not considered. Hence, the...

Author(s):Gamachu Olani, Tileye Feyissa, Tesfaye Disasa

Adenine sulfate and glutamine enhanced shoots multiplication in Jatropha curcas L. a potent biofuel plant

Article in Press

Jatropha is a drought-tolerant plant producing seed oil for the biodiesel. Limitation to the development of jatropha is unavailability of high-yielding varieties and efficient in vitro regeneration system which is required for micropropagation. In this study, in vitro regeneration system from jatropha juvenile cotyledon was established. Firstly, concentrations of hormones in the MS medium were optimized and it was found...

Author(s):Ismail A. Mohammed, Suguru Tsuchimoto, Hiroe Sakai, Naoki Wada, Kiichi Fukui

Haematological and Biochemical Parameters as Indices of Stress Induced by Stocking Density in Different Strains of Broilers

Article in Press

Biological and nutritional stressors can compromise the welfare of birds. These are due to changes in the normal levels of biochemical and physiological parameters of the birds which can be measured at different loci to determine the severity of the stresses. This study evaluated the haematological and biochemical traits as stress indicators in three genetic strains of broilers (Arbor Acre, Cobb-500, Marshall) reared at...

Author(s):Fajemilehin Samuel Oladipo Kolawole, Fagbuaro Sola Sunday, Ojo, Joseph Olawale and Alamuoye Oluwatoyin Folake

Survival rate of donkey foals: status quo and improvement methods

Article in Press

The industrial improvement of donkey-hide gelatin and the development of related products, such as donkey meat, donkey milk, and donkey-hide gelatin cake, drive the upstream donkey breeding industry. However, the shortage of donkey germplasm resources seriously restricts the further development of the donkey industry. Under the biological limitations of long breeding cycle, slow breeding, low conception rate, high abortion...

Author(s):Yonghui Wang, Tianqi Wang, Zhengwei, Zhang, Changfa Wang


Article in Press

The present research was undertaken to identify the bioactive compounds present in two varieties of Mucuna pruriens var utilis: (IIHR Selection 3 and Arka Dhanvantari) and their pharmaceutical importance evaluated through phytochemical and in-silico screening. The phytochemical screening of the leaf and seed extracts revealed the presence of alkaloids, tannins, flavonoids, phenols, proteins, terpenoids, reducing sugars,...

Author(s):Reuben-kalu, J. I, Renuka, R, Uma, D and Santhanakrishnan, V. P

Statistical modeling of effective doses in hormetic dose-response relationships by reparameterization of a bilogistic model for inverted U-shaped curves

Article in Press

Hormesis is a biphasic dose (concentration)-response phenomenon characterized by low dose stimulatory and high dose inhibitory effects exerted by stressors on living organisms. Recently, there has been increased interest in the phenomenon and statistical models for its exploration in toxicological studies. The bilogistic model of Beckon et al. (2005) is one of such models for modeling biphasic dose-response relationships...

Author(s):Toxicity , Hormesis, Hormesis quantities, Model extension, concentration-responses

An investigation of the anti-inflammatory effect of 3 methanolic leaf extracts of Callistemon lanceolatus in Wistar rats.

Article in Press

Callistemon citrinus is a plant that is native to Australia. It is also known as Callistemon lanceolatus or Melalenca citrina. In South Africa, this plant is grown as an ornamental and invasive species. The aim of this study was to determine the anti-inflammatory effect of 3 concentrations (100, 200 and 400 mg/kg) of methanolic leaf extracts of C. lanceolatus on male Wistar rats. The experiments correlated significantly...

Author(s):Rishan Singh

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