African Journal of
Agricultural Research

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Agric. Res.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1991-637X
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJAR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 6914

Table of Content: 4 June; 6(11)

June 2011

Calibrating the leaf color chart for rice nitrogen management in Northern Iran

The high and inefficient use of Nitrogen (N) fertilizer continues to be a problem in rice (Oryza sativaL.) cultivation sites in Northern Iran. The leaf color chart (LCC) based N management can be used to optimize N application with crop demand or to improve existing fixed split N recommendations. We conducted a field experiment in 2008 at Amol region of Northern Iran, to determine the LCC critical value for N...

Author(s): Alireza Houshmandfar and Anthony Kimaro

June 2011

Effect of ethyl methane sulfonate(EMS)in in vitro mutation on anther-derived embryos in loquat (Eriobotrya japonica Lindl.)

A series of experiments were carried out to investigate the effects of ethyl methane sulfonate (EMS) as an in vitro mutation mutagen using the anther-derived embryos of loquat (Eriobotrya japonica Lindl) which had been newly developed in the laboratory for the first time in the world. The results showed that EMS treatment caused changes in vitality and conformation of the anther-derived embryos. All EMS treatments...

Author(s): Hong-Mei Qin, Yong-Qing Wang and Chun-Xia Hou

June 2011

The dietary importance of maize in Katumba ward, Rungwe district, Tanzania, and its contribution to household food security

Maize is one of the main staple food crops in Katumba ward. The dietary importance of maize in Katumba ward was investigated through studying the importance of maize as a source of food, nutrients and energy in using secondary data and face to face structured and semi- structured interviews that were administered using a questionnaire to 260 farm households that were randomly selected for the study. The aim of the study...

Author(s): Rose Mboya, P. Tongoona, J. Derera, M. Mudhara and A. Langyintuo      

June 2011

The mature wheat cut and uncut edge detection method based on wavelet image rotation and projection

For combine harvester, automatically and promptly recognizing the cut and uncut edge of guideline is the key technology to realize autonomous navigation based on vision machine. One novel method termed wavelet image rotation and projection algorithm has been established. It includes the following essential steps. Firstly, 23 scale of wavelet transforming was selected because of intrinsic characteristics of...

Author(s): Youchun Ding, Du Chen and Shumao Wang

June 2011

Population density and distribution of green monkey (Cercopithecus aethiops. linnus 1758) at Zugurma sector of Kainji lake national park, Nigeria

The population densities and distribution of green monkey (Cercopithecus aethiops) at Zugurma sector of Kainji lake national park were investigated.  Transects were taken within the vegetation zones.  Animal census was carried out by using road count and ground survey between 6.30 - 12.00 h in the mornings and between 15.00 - 18.30 h for six months. Other information recorded were the number of troops, the...

Author(s): W. A. Ajibade, A.I. Adeyemo and E. A. Agbelusi

June 2011

Growth performance and haematological characteristics of West African Dwarf (WAD) sheep fed graded levels of dietary pigeon pea seed meal

This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of dietary pigeon pea seed meal on the growth performance and haematological characteristics of West African Dwarf (WAD) sheep. Four diets were formulated to contain pigeon pea seed meal (PSM) at 0, 10, 20 and 30% levels, representing diets A, B, C, and D, respectively. Twelve weaned rams averaging 8.57 kg body weight and aged 7-8 months were used in the study. The rams...

Author(s): U. Okah and J. A. Ibeawuchi

June 2011

Roughage to concentrate ratio on milk secretion rate in goats

An experiment to evaluate the effect of concentration ratio (R:C) on milk secretion rate (g/h) in goats was carried out using a cross-over design in which each goat passed sequentially through all the treatments in random order. The treatments (R:C) were: A = 70:30; B = 50:50 and C = 30:70. In this experiment, 13 goats were fed at 5% body weight (DM basis) using fresh-cut elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum) and a...

Author(s): O. O. Shittu, O. F. Smith, and O. A. Osinowo

June 2011

Can markets deliver the dual objectives of income generation and sustainability of natural resources in Uganda?

In this study, we set out to determine whether strategies used to link farmers to markets resulted in household level livelihood and NRM impacts measured by the participation in the market and the value of sales from the markets. Farmer to market linkages have improved livelihoods in developing countries due to policy, institutional and implementation strategies, however, equal emphasis has not been placed on...

Author(s): P. N. Pali, S. K. Kaaria, R. J. Delve and B. Freyer

June 2011

Identifying factors affecting agroforestry system in Swat, Pakistan

This study has identified factors that affect the adoption of agroforestry practices; these include farmers' perceptions towards agroforestry, socio-economic characters of farmers and constraints for the development of agroforestry. The analysis of data demonstrates that the factors affecting farmers’ adoption of agroforestry practices have been varied depending on the type of factor. Growing of trees was...

Author(s): Muhammad Irshad, Asadullah Khan, Mitsuhiro Inoue, Muhammad Ashraf and  Hassan Sher

June 2011

Performance evaluation of an irrigation project with reference to its irrigation objectives

During the late 1950s in India several river valley projects were started for irrigation and power generation. One such project is the Malampuzha project, the largest irrigation project in Kerala state. The project started functioning in 1956. It was expected to cater the irrigation need of 22554 Ha of rice paddy in Palakkad district. The present study is an attempt to evaluate the project by focussing on its original...

Author(s): P. P. Nikhil Raj, P. A. Azeez and A. Said Hussain

June 2011

Limnology wetland change trends and perspectives in arid Yinchuan plain, China

In this paper, the distribution area of limnology wetland in Yinchuan plain at different times was obtained through literature analysis and remote sensing techniques. This study analyzed the evolution process of limnology wetland in Yinchuan plain under environmental change and human socio-economic activities interference. In its long geological period, limnology wetland in Yinchuan plain has experienced the process of...

Author(s): Zhang Rongqun, Yuan Hui and Fan Wenyu

June 2011

Genetic relationships among Jatropha curcas L. clones from Panzhihua, China as revealed by RAPD and ISSR

Although Jatropha curcas L. is known as a source of oil-rich seeds as economically viable substitute of diesel, little is currently known about the genetic resource of J. curcas in China. In this study, RAPD and ISSR data were utilized to determine the genetic relationships among J. curcas clones from Panzhihua, China. Five RAPD and twelve ISSR primers generated reproducible amplification...

Author(s): Ke Chen, Peng Ren, Chunyin Ying, Qi Jiang and Xiuqing Jia

June 2011

Indigenous soil knowledge relevant to crop production of smallholder farmers at Rambuda irrigation scheme, Vhembe District South Africa

Rambuda Irrigation Scheme is found in the Mutale Local Municipality in Vhembe District of the Limpopo Province. There is no information on soils or basis for crop choices. Farmers have been growing crops on a trial and error basis and consequently no increase in yields. Situation analysis was conducted followed by field surveys that included person-to-person interview and participatory soil mapping. Verification of...

Author(s): L. O. Nethononda, and J. J. O. Odhiambo

June 2011

The effect of planting date and seedling age on yield and yield components of rice (Oryza sativa L.) varieties in North of Iran

In order to study the effects of seedling age and planting date on yield and yield components of rice (Oryza sativa), a field experiment was carried out in the field of Qaemshahr Azad University. Experimental design was arranged in split split plot in basis of Randomized Completely Block design with four replications. Planting date in three levels (23 May and 12 June) were allocated in the main plots and seedling age in...

Author(s): Reza Faghani, Hamid Reza Mobasser, Abbas Ali Dehpor and Shima Tavakkoli Kochaksarai

June 2011

Assessment of the impact of kerosene and diesel on soil nitrogen mineralisation

Effects of different concentrations (1, 2 and 5% v/w) of diesel and kerosene on N mineralization were studied in a sandy loam soil. Relative to the untreated soil, higher ammonium-N levels were obtained in samples treated with all the concentrations of kerosene and diesel from the second and third weeks of incubation respectively while extents of nitrate-N production differed. Net N-mineralization was 17.211 mg...

Author(s): Orji, J. C., Uzoho, B., Enwerem, J. O. and Ezurike, W. 

June 2011

Soil seed bank dynamics in relation to land management and soil types in the semi-arid savannas of Swaziland

In the semi-arid savannas of Swaziland, communal grazing, commercial ranches and game reserves are the main land management systems for animal production. These land uses can have different ecological effects on the rangelands. This study was conducted to investigate the differences in soil seed bank characteristics between three land management systems having high (communal land), low (government ranch) and medium...

Author(s): Solomon Tefera B

June 2011

Energy survey of mechanized and traditional rice production system in Mazandaran Province of Iran

The aim of this study is to consider the energy consuming process and factors influencing rice production in semi-mechanized and traditional systems in Mazandaran Province of Iran. Data used in this study were obtained from farmers using a face to face questionnaire method. Results showed that the total energy used for semi-mechanized and traditional rice production system was 67217.95 and 67356.28 MJ/ha, respectively....

Author(s): Fazlollah Eskandari Cherati, Hoshang Bahrami and Abbas Asakereh

June 2011

Characterization of paddy soil compaction based on soil apparent electrical conductivity zones

Soil apparent electrical conductivity (ECa) is one of the most common and frequently used measurements to determine field soil variability, especially for precision farming. Soil cone index (CI) is a measure of soil compaction that poses a big challenge for water management in poorly drained soils. The soil compaction affects the root penetration and development of the rice plant. The purpose of this study was to...

Author(s): Mastura M., Amin M. S. M., and Aimrun W.        

June 2011

Bacterial pathogens of intramammary infections in Azeri buffaloes of Iran and their antibiogram

The aim of this study was to determine the bacterial causes, their antibiogram and prevalence of intramammary infection (IMI) in the buffaloes and quarters of Azeri ecotype in Tabriz, Iran and assess any relationships between IMI and somatic cell count (SCC). After conducting California Mastitis Test (CMT) in farms, quarter- based milk samples were collected from 300 buffaloes. Also 150 samples were collected for...

Author(s): Reza, Vajdi Hokmabad, Mehran, Farhoudi Mogaddam, Majid, Mohammad Sadegh and Hamid, Mirzaii

June 2011

Use in vitro gas production technique for assessment of nutritional quality of diets by range steers

This study evaluated the seasonal changes in the in vitro gas production of diets consumed for grazing steers. The gas produced by the soluble fraction “a” and insoluble but slowly fermenting fraction “b”, were highest in summer and fall (p<0.01). The constant gas production rate “c” was affected by season of the year (p<0.01). The organic matter digestibility (OMD)...

Author(s): M. Murillo, E. Herrera, O. Reyes, J. N. Gurrola and E. Gutierrez

June 2011

Genetic dissection of yield and its components in upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.)

A 4x4 diallel cross experiment involving three exotic lines that is DPL-775, 71-821 Bulk-OP and Coker-100/A-2 and one local line that is MNH-53, was conducted for genetic analysis of yield and its components in upland cotton, to evaluate the gene action for different agronomic and fiber characters in upland cotton. Additive gene action with partial dominance appeared to control plant height, number of sympodial...

Author(s): Ghulam Sarwar, Muhammad Baber, Nazim Hussain, Iftikhar Ahmed Khan, Muhammad Naeem, Muhammad Aman ullah and Azhar Ali Khan

June 2011

The effect of endo-mycorrhiza (VAM) treatment on growth of tomato seedling grown under saline conditions

This study was carried out in order to determine the effects of various study doses of mycorrhiza treatment on morphological characteristics and color quality of tomato seedlings (Lycopersicon esculentum L.) which are grown under 100 nM salinity stress. Two different types of tomatoes “Aspendos F1” and “Donna F1” were used in this study. Mycorrhiza treatment was performed by using...

Author(s): Hakan BAÅžAK, Köksal DEMÄ°R, Rezzan KASIM and F.YeÅŸim OKAY

June 2011

Rabbit technologies: Adoption studies in the Ashanti Region of Ghana

The study focused on identifying the main factors affecting the adoption of technologies in the rabbit industry. Data was collected through the use of the snowball sampling technique. The stocking technology was the highest adopted technology by the rabbit farmers. There is a clear evidence to prove that overall adoption of rabbit technologies among rabbit farmers was low. Adoption of rabbit technologies was...

Author(s): Patrick Appiah, Fred Nimoh, Enoch Kwame Tham-Agyekum and Linda Yomor Tracoh

June 2011

Fuzzy irrigation greenhouse control system based on a field programmable gate array

Fuzzy logic provides a methodology to represent, manipulate, and implement heuristic knowledge to control a system. In this work, the development of a fuzzy irrigation control system based on a field programmable gate array (FPGA) to control greenhouse fertigation was presented. Factors involved in crop nutrition were discussed first. Next, the description of the fuzzy control system was presented, followed by the...

Author(s): Domingo Gómez-Melendez, Alvaro López-Lambraño,Gilberto Herrera- Ruiz, Carlos Fuentes, Enrique Rico-Garcia, Carlos Olvera-Olvera, Daniel Alaniz-Lumbrerasc, T eobaldis Mercado Fernández and Sven Verlinden

June 2011

Input-output energy analysis of citrus production in Mazandaran province of Iran

In this study, the citrus (orange and mandarin) production in Mazandaran province of Iran and the energy equivalences of input used in this production are investigated. Data in this study was obtained from 110 citrus orchards by a face to face questionnaire method. The results revealed that mandarin production had more energy intensive compared to orange. The major energy inputs in orange and mandarin production were...

Author(s): Majid Namdari, Ali Asadi Kangarshahi and Negin Akhlaghi Amiri