January 2007
Biomass and nitrogen accumulation by green manure legumes as affected by phosphate rock in submerged soils
Lowlands in West Africa are increasingly absorbing the growing pressure on land for food crop production. However, the current intensification of lowland cropping systems result in the mining of soil nutrient reserves, particularly of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P). While N can be supplied via biological N fixation (BNF) by legumes, P deficiency frequently limits both food crop growth as well...
January 2007
Economic evaluation of soil fertility management options on cassava-based cropping systems in the rain forest ecological zone of south western Nigeria
This study was carried out to determine the economic viability of fertility management options in cassava based cropping systems. Data were obtained from an on-station agronomic trial carried out in 1995 and 1996 in the rainforest agro-ecological zone of south western Nigeria. Economic evaluation was carried out using partial budget and Marginal Rate of Return (MRR) Analyses. The result...
January 2007
An assessment of use of radio in agricultural information dissemination: a case study of radio Benue in Nigeria
This study investigated the use of radio as a medium of agricultural information delivery to farmers in Benue State, Nigeria. The objective was to determine the impact of radio agricultural programmes on the target audience (farmers). The data were collected from a sample of one hundred respondents selected through a simple random sampling technique. The data were analyzed with...
January 2007
Effect of plastic mulch on economizing irrigation water and weed control in baby corn sown by different methods
Field experiments were conducted during the winter season of 2003 -04 and 2004 -05 to determine the effect of mulch in relation to irrigation and planting method on soil temperature, weed control, baby corn growth, water use and yield. The study revealed that bed planting of baby corn caused 34.9% increase in yield over ridge planting method. Plastic mulch increased baby corn yield by 18.9%...
January 2007
Evaluation of some bacterial isolates as germination stimulants of Striga hermonthica
To investigate the role of Pseudomonas sp., Klebsiella oxytoca and Enterobacter sakazakii in Striga hermonthica seed germination, we have used two varieties of sorghum to test over time for the selected bacteria, using GR-24, a synthetic strigol analogue as a standard and water as a check. Sorghum seeds coated with a mixture of bacterial cells (5 x 107cfu ml-1) from 24 h old cultures were...
January 2007
The comparative toxicities of cadmium, copper and lead to Macrobrachium rosenbergii and Penaeus monodon postlarvae
Comparative acute toxicity tests were carried out with three heavy metals viz. cadmium, copper and lead on giant prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) and tiger prawn (Penaeus monodon) post larvae. Lethal concentrations at which 50% of the shrimp died (LC50) at 96 h were 3.23 mg/l Cd, 3.02 mg/l Cu and 10.0 mg/l Pb for M. rosenbergii; 2.91 mg/l Cd, 2.16 mg/l Cu and 7.28 mg/l Pb for P. monodon....