Evaluation of Fagara zanthoxyloïdes and Mucuna pruriens extracts phenolic profile and their in vitro antioxidant activity
Namkona A. F.
Namkona A. F.
Laboratory of Analysis, Architecture and Reactivity of Natural Substances (LAARSN), Faculty of Sciences, University of Bangui, BP 908 Bangui, Central African Republic.
Laboratory of Analysis, Architecture and Reactivity of Natural Substances (LAARSN), Faculty of Sciences, University of Bangui, BP 908 Bangui, Central African Republic.
Laboratory of Analysis, Architecture and Reactivity of Natural Substances (LAARSN), Faculty of Sciences, University of Bangui, BP 908 Bangui, Central African Republic.
Laboratory of Analysis, Architecture and Reactivity of Natural Substances (LAARSN), Faculty of Sciences, University of Bangui, BP 908 Bangui, Central African Republic.
Laboratory of Analysis, Architecture and Reactivity of Natural Substances (LAARSN), Faculty of Sciences, University of Bangui, BP 908 Bangui, Central African Republic.
Laboratory of Analysis, Architecture and Reactivity of Natural Substances (LAARSN), Faculty of Sciences, University of Bangui, BP 908 Bangui, Central African Republic.