African Journal of
Microbiology Research

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Microbiol. Res.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1996-0808
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJMR
  • Start Year: 2007
  • Published Articles: 5238

Table of Content: 25 June, 2013; 7(26)

June 2013

Extraction and detection of quorum sensing N- acyl homoserine lactones from shrimp pathogen Vibrio harveyi and antagonistic effect of terrestrial plants against its growth

Vibrio harveyi strains were isolated from the water samples of low salinity.  Isolates were confirmed by both the presence of vhh gene using polymerase chain reaction and bio-chemical tests.  V. harveyi was grown in LB medium and its spent culture was treated with ethyl acetate. The organic layer was pooled and dried by Roto - Vapour with vacuum at 30ËšC. The dried residues were...

Author(s): Sudalayandi Kannappan, Krishnamoorthy Sivakumar, Prasannakumar Patil and Richard Kennedy R.N.

June 2013

Prevalence and antibiotic resistance of Staphylococcus strains isolated from meat products sold in Abidjan streets (Ivory Coast)

Our study aimed to carry out the prevalence and antibiotic resistance of the coagulase positive and negative Staphylococcus isolated from meat product sold in streets in Abidjan (Ivory Coast). Two hundred and forty (240) samples from three kind of meat product (beef, pork and chickens) were collected in four popular communes (Abobo, Adjamé, Treichville and Yopougon) of Abidjan. These samples were...

Author(s): Attien P., Sina H., Moussaoui W., Dadié T., Chabi Sika K., Djéni T., Bankole HS., Kotchoni SO., Edoh V., Prévost G., Djè M., Baba-Moussa L.

June 2013

Polycistronic expression of CGA-N46 gene in Bacillus subtilis DB1342

CGA-N46 is a small antifungal derived peptide and consists of the 31st to 76th amino acids of the N-terminus of human Chromogranin A. Polycistronic expression of CGA-N46 gene in Bacillus subtilis DB1342 was used to improve its production. Single, double and three copies of exogenous gene fragment which contained ribosome binding site (RBS),sacB signal peptide nucleotide sequence (sacB s), CGA-N46 encoding...

Author(s): Rui-fang Li, Bin Wang, Yan-jie Yi, Liang Huang, and Qian-cheng Xiong

June 2013

Antagonistic interactions among cultivable actinomycetes isolated from agricultural soil amended with organic residues

The present work focuses on the antagonistic interactions among cultivable actinomycetes isolated from agricultural soil and organic amendments (farmyard manure and municipal solid waste compost). Antagonistic interactions, assayed by the double-layer agar method, were checked among isolates obtained from (i) the same treatment (ii) control soil (unamended) against those from amendments and (iii) each treatment against...

Author(s): Sonia Mokni-Tlili, Naceur Jedidi and Abdennaceur Hassen

June 2013

Determination of decimal reduction time (D-value) of chemical agents used in hospitals for killing airborne isolated bacteria

Due to the growing numbers of infection outbreaks in hospitals, it is essential to set up an effective sanitation program. The kinetic parameter of killing time (D-value) was experimentally determined to study the effectiveness of some chemical agents used in hospitals. A total of 115 Air-borne bacteria were isolated from 12 wards of a hospital in Alexandria, Egypt. They were tested for their resistance to different...

Author(s): Ranya Aly Amer, Safinaz Aly Mady, Hoda H. Yusef , and Soraya Sabry

June 2013

Interactions between native arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and phosphate solubilizing fungi and their effect to improve plant development and fruit production by Capsicum annuum L.

A study was performed to determine the effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungal inoculation, using a locally isolated Claroideoglomus claroideum (Gc) ecotype, on the seedling development of chilean pepper plants, and to select an appropriate growth substrate. The first experiment consisted of two stages: (i) a seedling production stage of pepper plants were germinated and grown, inoculated or not...

Author(s): Claudia Castillo, Alfredo Morales, Rosa Rubio, José Miguel Barea and Fernando Borie,

June 2013

Effects of culture conditions and surfactants on marine lysozyme S-12 production by Bacillus sp isolated from East China sea

Effects of culture conditions and surfactants on marine lysozyme s-12 production using a statistical approach were studied in this work. Analysis of results were based on statistical calculations carried out with the one factor-at-a-time method and the L16-orthogonal array method, using MINITAB 15.0 software. All the fermentation runs were carried out at 30±2°C on a rotary orbital shaker at 200 rpm...

Author(s): Yuan Zheng, Lanhong Zheng, Jun Sheng, Xiaofeng Ji, Mi Sun

June 2013

Morphological, cultural, pathogenic and molecular studies of Alternaria brassicae infecting cauliflower and mustard in India

Dark leaf spot (Alternaria brassicae) is one of the important diseases in crucifers causing serious yield and quality loss in production due to the seed borne nature of the pathogen. Variation in morphology and cultural characteristics among 32 representative Indian geographical isolates of Alternaria brassicae, the causal agent of Alternaria blight of cauliflower (Vegetable) rapeseed-mustard (Oil seed), was...

Author(s): Manika Sharma, Swati Deep, Dinesh Singh Bhati, P. Chowdappa, R. Selvamani and Pratibha Sharma

June 2013

A DNA extraction method used for evaluation of diversity of the plant rhizosphere microbial community

An effective method for plant rhizosphere microbial genomic DNA extraction was established. High-purity nucleic acids extracted from soil samples, with considerable yield, could be used for study of soil microorganism molecular ecology. Genomic DNAs were extracted from 12 soil samples of different crop roots. Above 10 μg of genomic DNA with approximately 20-kb fragment length was isolated from 1 g of soil sample. The...

Author(s): Jinbin Wang, Guogan Wu, Wen Li, Kai Zhao, Ziping Zhu, Hua Liu, Peng Li, Lan Bai, Manman Wei, Aihu Pan, Beibei Lü, and Xueming Tang,

June 2013

Computation of bacterial colonization using Monte Carlo simulations and scaling method

The formation mechanism of the growth of bacterial colony is studied by comparing the formation of the bacteria with the patterns obtained by Monte Carlo simulations using the diffusion limited aggregation algorithm. For this purpose, the morphological changes of the growing patterns are controlled by a sticking probability parameter, α, which represents the trajectories of the particles joining to the growing...

Author(s): Mehmet Bayirli and Fatih Coskun

June 2013

Variability in Pyricularia oryzae from different rice growing regions of Tamil Nadu, India

Potato dextrose and malt extract agar were found to be suitable for culturing different isolates of Pyricularia oryzae. Colonies of P. oryzae appeared as white on oat meal, rice polish and malt extract agar, grey on potato dextrose agar and whitish grey on rice agar. Spore induction was hastened on maize stem pieces than on rice and Panicum repens. Spore density on maize was 3420/ml of water as...

Author(s): Priya Vanaraj, Saveetha Kandasamy, Sankaralingam Ambalavanan Rabindran Ramalingam and Robin Sabariyappan

June 2013

The quantity and quality of methanogenic microorganisms based on rRNA analysis and their relation to methane production

Biogas plants continuously convert biological wastes mainly into a mixture of methane, CO2 and H2O a conversion that is carried out by a consortium of bacteria and archaea. The microbial community structure of the fermentation process was evaluated by using oligonucleotide probes complementary to conserved sequences of the 16S rRNAs of phylogenetically defined groups of methanogens. At the beginning of...

Author(s): Maciej Walczak and Maria Swiontek Brzezinska

June 2013

Effects of thyme (Thymus vulgaris L.) and rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) essential oils on growth of Brochothrix thermosphacta

The objective of the study was to investigate the chemical composition of Polish rosemary and thyme oils and to quantify the effects of these oils against Brochothrix thermosphacta. The major constituents of the thyme oil investigated were monoterpenes: thymol (29.4%) and p-cymene (21.6%). The rosemary oil represents 1,8-cineole chemotype (1,8-cineole 27.6%, limonene 13.5% and β-pinene 13.0%). The minimum...

Author(s): Agnieszka Nowak, Danuta Kalemba, Malgorzata Piotrowska and Agata Czyżowska

June 2013

Biological study of hypertrophy sorosis scleroteniosis and its molecular characterization based on LSU rRNA

During this work, the pathogen agent of hypertrophy sorosis scleroteniosis was cultivated on artificial culture, and based on the morphological characteristics, the causal agent was identified as Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. The amplification of large subunit ribosomal RNA (LSU rRNA) was done, furthermore LSU rRNA was sequenced. Result shows that the molecular weight was 612 bp, and compared with the known LSU...

Author(s): Ruihua LÜ, Aichun ZHAO, Jun LI, Xiling WANG, Yasheng YU, Cheng LU and Maode YU

June 2013

Observation of spore germination in Physarum globuliferum

We described in detail the spore germination events in Physarum globuliferum. Observations were made using depression slides under a computer-supported video microscope. When a spore germinated, one protoplast, one myxamoeba or one swarm cell emerged; not more than one of these was observed. Under most conditions, the release of the spore protoplast was accomplished by the splitting of the spore wall into what...

Author(s): Lv Dong Xia, Wang Xiao Li, Li Chen, Wang Xiao Li and Li Yu

June 2013

Effect of blueberry on the bacteria flora of the gut with special reference to Lactobacillus

Blueberry (Vaccinium species) is an example of a fruit with high content of anti oxidative poly-phenols, and it has during the recent years been much noticed by its surprisingly potent effects against different diseases. Furthermore it can act as an antimicrobial agent in the gastro-intestine. This work looks into the effect of blueberry on the lactobacilli in the gut. Lactobacillus were isolated from...

Author(s): Badina Abdulrasak Ige

June 2013

Resistant virulent Candida species colonizing preterm neonates and in vitro promising prospect of chlorhexidine gluconate

The present study aimed to investigate the potential virulence factors and antifungal resistance of 31 Candida albicans and 21 non-albicans Candida isolates colonizing preterm neonates. The study also compared the susceptibility results with the in vitroactivity of chlorhexidine in the eradication of Candida colonization.  Candida albicansproduced significantly more...

Author(s): Iman E. Wali, Rasha H. Bassyouni, Eman Ahmed El-Seidi, Amira Edris, Abdel-Rahman Ahmed Abdel-Razek, Amina Abdel-Salam and Reem Fouad

June 2013

Medical implications of bio-deteriorating agents in stored fish samples in Nigeria

The objectives of this study were to examine the physical, microbial and nutritional qualities of smoked fish during storage at room temperature. Smoked fish samples were obtained from a processing plant in Osogbo metropolis (Osun state, Nigeria) and stored at room temperature for four months. They were analyzed for insect pest activity, microbial spoilage, hydrogen ion concentration, protein, oil and moisture...

Author(s): Akinola John AKINTOLA, Oyebamiji Oyewole OYEGOKE and Oluwatoyin Sherifat LAWAL