Full Length Research Paper
The objective of the study was to experience the effectiveness of super-learning technique of teaching at elementary level. The study was conducted at 8th grade students of a public sector school. Pre-test and post-test control group designs were used. Experimental and control groups were formed randomly, the experimental group (N = 62), underwent the complete super-learning process, and the control group (N = 53) was taught through the traditional method. In order to measure the existing achievement level of experimental and control group, an objective type Student achievement test (SAT) was constructed and administered to both the groups. Teaching material was developed for teaching science through super-learning and four teachers were trained on super-learning techniques. One of them was selected to teach the experimental and control groups on volunteer basis; the experiment lasted for a period of six weeks. Mean scores of control group on pre, post and retention tests were found 10.18, 18.32 and 14.85 respectively, while that of experimental group, the scores were 9.95, 31.41 and 25.07 respectively.
Key words: Super-learning, learning and brain, experimental study, conventional teaching.
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