International Journal of
Medicine and Medical Sciences

  • Abbreviation: Int. J. Med. Med. Sci.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2006-9723
  • DOI: 10.5897/IJMMS
  • Start Year: 2009
  • Published Articles: 537

IJMMS Articles

In vitro and in vivo antitumor activity of some synthesized 4-(2-pyridyl)-3-Thiosemicarbazides derivatives

February 2011

  In search for potential antitumor drug candidates, a series of thiosemicarbazide derivatives were prepared via 4-(2-pyridyl)-3-thiosemicarbazide with phenyl isothiocyanate, benzoyl isothiocyanate, phenyl isocyanate and 4-pyridyl isothiocyanate. Effects of the synthesized compounds were tested using in vitro growth of a transplantable murine tumor cell line (Ehrlich Ascites Carcinoma) and in vivo-induced...

Author(s):   Tarek A. Yousef, Farid A. Badria, Shabane E. Ghazy, Ola A. El-Gammal and Gaber M. Abu El-Reash

Palm and Egusi melon oils lower serum and liver lipid profile and improve antioxidant activity in rats fed a high fat diet

February 2011

  Many studies have suggested that oils high in saturated fatty acids are responsible for the cholesterol-raising effect of saturated fat. The aim of this study was to compare the effect of palm oil (rich in saturated fatty acid) and egusi melon oil (rich in unsaturated fatty acids) on serum and liver lipids and their antioxidant status. Lipid profiles, malondialdehyde (MDA) levels and activities of glutathione...

Author(s):   Olarewaju M. Oluba, George O. Eidangbe, Godwin C. Ojieh and Blessing O. Idonije

Evaluation of serum leptin levels in obese local Libyan female subjects at Benghazi- Is cluster analysis a better evaluator method for such a study

January 2011

  Obesity related diseases like diabetes and coronary artery disease (CAD) are very much prevalent in local Libyan population at Benghazi. Leptin is one of the adipocytokines implicated in fuel balance as well as a marker of obesity. Leptin resistance is considered to be one of the risk factors associated with CAD. Therefore the present study was undertaken to evaluate the presence of leptin resistance in obese...

Author(s): Alshaari A. A., Elshaari F. A., Ahmed F. A. and Elshaari M. A.

The efficiency of using audio prompting method to regulate the patient’s breathing during radiation therapy treatment of NSCLC

January 2011

  Advanced  radiotherapy treatments for Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) rely on conforming the radiation dose to the tumor geometry as tightly as possible; this increases the probability of destroying the tumor cells  while simultaneously reducing  the radiation  dose to nearby tissues  and  to organs at risk, subsequently reducing normal tissue toxicity. Unfortunately, patient...

Author(s): H. I. Al-Mohammed

Immunoactive property of acute and subacute administration of high dilution of Gelsemium sempervirens L., Histaminum and Poumon histamine

January 2011

  Anxiety is associated with subjective distress and many harmful physiological effects including oxidative stress, immunodepressive effect, and an increase in blood pressure. Anxiety is also implicated in a number of psychiatric disorders. The objective of this work was to study the protective property of homeopathic drugs on immunodepression caused by high anxiety level by evaluating the immunological effect...

Author(s): Hassan Rammal and Rachid Soulimani

Assessment of total leukocyte counts, during menstruation

January 2011

  The objective of the present study was to investigate if menstruation actually alters the quantity of the total population of the leukocytes in the body of females. If it alters the leukocytes counts in the body, the extent to which it affects it was also ascertained using student of the University of Benin as case study.  Menstruation is the shedding of the endometrial lining accompanied by the loss of...

Author(s): Agoreyo F. O. and Asowata E. O.

Evaluation of bio-safety and antioxidant activity of the fruit and leaf of Saba florida (Benth.) from Ibaji forest

December 2010

This study aimed to determine the activity of Saba florida extracts against brine shrimps (Artemia salina) and to investigate in vitro antioxidant activity of the extracts as well. Extracts of the fruit pulp, fruit pericarp and leaf of the plant were subjected to bioscreening study to detect cytotoxic activity by the brine shrimp lethality bioassay. The results obtained showed that the crude alcohol...

Author(s): Omale James and B. Omajali Jacob

Exploration of antibacterial effects on the crude extract of marine ascidian Aplidium multiplicatum against clinical isolates

December 2010

In vitro antibacterial screening of a marine ascidian Aplidium multiplicatum, collected from Mandapam, Southeast coast of India, against selected clinical isolates of bacteria was conducted in this study. The crude ethyl acetate extract was more active, exhibiting a broad spectrum antibacterial activity than the crude methanol extract and petroleum ether extract against each of the bacterial strains tested....

Author(s): P. Sivaperumal, G. Ananthan and S. Mohamed Hussain

Role of medical ethics in health economics

December 2010

This paper considers the importance of medical ethics in the process of allocating health care resources. Their importance is held to social ethics from the dominant role they play in clinical behavior and the important position of the clinical behavior in the production of health care and economics. It is pointed out that there is a potential conflict between the ethical style, and thus the behavior of the medical...

Author(s): S. R. Moosavi, S. M. Mousavi, A. Heydari and Z. Mehdikhah  

A clinical-controlled trial compared carom caraway (black cumin, Niggella sativa) and metoclopramide in functional dyspepsia

December 2010

The treatment of patients with functional dyspepsia remains unsatisfactory. We assessed the efficacy of carom caraway (black cumin) in comparison with metoclopramide, in patients with functional dyspepsia. Outpatients who were considered functional dyspepsia (Rom II criteria) were eligible for the trial. Dyspeptic symptoms had to be present for at least 12 weeks within the preceding 12 months, without any...

Author(s): A. Fani, I. Fani, P. Fani, B. Alizade, M. Rafei and A. A. Malekirad

Role of histamine H2 receptor agonist and antagonist on liver function impairment in immunized rabbits

December 2010

This study was designed to explore the functional role of histamine H2-receptors agonist and antagonist in the development of hepatic function impairment in immunized rabbits. The study comprised six groups containing 18 rabbits each. Group III-VI received histamine (100 µg/kg, s.c.), H2R-agonist (amthamine, 10 µg/kg, s.c.), H2R-antagonist (ranitidine, 10 mg/kg, i.m.), and histamine (100 µg/kg, s.c.)...

Author(s): Trivendra Tripathi, Mohammad Shahid, Haris M. Khan, Rahat Ali Khan, Mashiatullah Siddiqui, Abbas Ali Mahdi and Abida Malik

Serum testosterone and lipids in relation to sexual dysfunction in males with metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes mellitus

December 2010

Low serum testosterone is associated with insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome (case 1), type 2 diabetes mellitus (case 2), and cardiovascular disease. This study aims at identifying possible alterations in circulating testosterone and their relationship with plasma lipids in case1 and case2. Ninety-two male subjects were recruited in this prospective, cross-sectional study from two major hospitals in Ibadan...

Author(s): Umoh U., Charles-Davies M. A. and Adeleye J.  

Managing a major traumatic bronchopleural fistula in a resource scarce community

December 2010

A case of penetrating chest trauma owing to bull horn goring injury was managed surgically. Postoperative respiratory distress and severe hypoxia was managed initially by conventional modes of ventilatory assistance. We were unable to correct non resolving hypoxaemia through usual course of tracheal intubation and positive pressure ventilation. Large amount of persistent air leak at the intercostal chest tube drainage...

Author(s): Shahla Haleem, Maulana Mohd. Ansari, Mehmood-uz-Zafar, Farrukh Ansari, Abu Nadeem and Yasir Ahmad Khan

Delayed diagnosis of ataxia-telangiectasia in an adolescent patient

November 2010

Ataxia-telangiectasia (AT) is a rare autosomal recessive neurodegenerative disorder characterized by cerebellar ataxia, telangiectasies, immune defects, and a predisposition to malignancy. Patients present in early childhood with progressive cerebellar ataxia and later develop conjunctival telangiectases, other progressive neurologic degeneration, sinopulmonary infection and malignancies. Under-diagnosis or diagnostic...

Author(s): Ahmet Sert, Dursun Odabas, Bahar Demir and Cengizhan Kilicarslan

HBsAg, anti-HCV, anti-HIV and VDRL in blood donors: Prevalence and trends in the last three and a half years in a tertiary health care facility in Ile-Ife, Nigeria

November 2010

The aim of this work is to evaluate the prevalence and trends of transfusion transmissible infectious agents in our blood donors. The screening records of all blood donors from January 2006 to June 2009 were evaluated with respect to screening outcome for HBsAg, anti-HIV, anti-HCV and VDRL. Rapid test kits were used for all screening. Prevalence rates were calculated for the TTIs per hundred donations. Of the total...

Author(s): L. Salawu, R. A. Bolarinwa, A. B. Adegunloye and H. A. Muraina

Erectile dysfunction as a marker of impaired fasting blood glucose (IFG)

November 2010

Diabetes mellitus (DM) type II is one of the systemic disorders most frequently associated with erectile dysfunction (ED). It has been estimated that as many as 75% of men with DM will be confronted with the problem in about 5 – 10 years earlier than control. Equally, the incidence of impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) is high and it has been shown that greater than 20% of the population has IGT, while...

Author(s): Olafimihan K. O, Ayinmode B. A, Odeigah L. O and Akande A. A

A ten year clinical experience with intrauterine contraceptive device (IUCD) in a Nigerian tertiary health institution

November 2010

The prevalence of contraceptive use is still very low in Nigeria and the intrauterine contraceptive device (IUCD) is a common long term and reversible method of family planning. A ten year retrospective study of IUCD acceptors at the family planning clinic of Nnamdi Azikiwe University Teaching Hospital Nnewi was carried out. The socio-demographic characteristics, side effects/complications, duration of use, and reasons...

Author(s): Igwegbe A. O., Ugboaja J. O., and Monago E. N.

Helicobacter pylori infection on medical students: A study on MAG Osmani Medical College, Bangladesh

November 2010

An attempt had been made to investigate the seroepidemiology of Helicobacter pylori infection with influencing factors affecting the new entrants and final year medical students. The study was based on the analysis of primary data taken from new entrants and final year MBBS students of Sylhet MAG Osmani Medical College, Bangladesh. To detect H. pylori IgG among first year and final year medical...

Author(s): Jahan H., Chowdhury O. A. and Uddin M. J.

Serum amyloid A protein, rheumatoid factor and lipid profile in relation to tobacco smoking in Saudi subjects

November 2010

Tobacco smoking is a major cause of many diseases, including lung cancer, cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, aging and death. The associations between tobacco smoking, serum amyloid A (SAA) protein, rheumatoid factor (RF) and lipid profile were examined in 275 men that were divided into three groups according to their age (less than 20 years, 20 to 40 years and above 40 years), of which 91 were currently light...

Author(s): Al-Sieni A. and Al-Abbasi F.

Antibiotics resistance of a stain of Streptococcus faecalis isolated from sewage oxidation pond

November 2010

This study was carried out to characterize a strain of Streptococcus faecalis isolated from sewage oxidation pond in Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria. The isolated strain was gram positive, citrate negative, indole positive, MR positive, VP negative. It was able to ferment galactose, glucose, inositol, lactose and mannitol with production of gas. It was catalase positive and able to hydrolyse...

Author(s): Adekunle Odunayo Adejuwon, Mary Adejumoke Bisi-Johnson, Funmilayo Tolani Olarewaju and Oyinade Aina Agboola

Incidence of hypertension in Taura, Northern Nigeria: Lessons for our health care

October 2010

The control of hypertension is very important because it leads to incidence rate reductions for stroke, ischaemic heart disease and renal failure. It was the objective of this paper to present experiences encountered in the management of hypertension in Taura Health Clinic with an emphasis on drug therapy, as well as to draw lessons for the improvement of the health care system in Nigeria. Case series of nine patients...

Author(s): Nnaemeka C. E. Okpala and Amala M. J. Okpala

Biochemical and histopathological changes in liver of albino rats fed diets incorporated with Vernonia amygdalina and Vernonia colorata leaves

October 2010

Vernonia amygdalina and Vernonia colorata are widely used in medicinal plant preparations in sub-saharan Africa. Certain dietary constituents can potentiate or reduce the potency of toxins such as AFB1. The effect of dietary incorporation of V. amygdalina and V. colorata on some biochemical and histopathological indices in albino rats was studied. V. amygdalinaand V....

Author(s): Ijeh, Ifeoma Irene and Obidoa Onyechi

Serum amyloid a protein, rheumatoid factor and lipid profile in relation to tobacco smoking in Saudi subjects

October 2010

Tobacco smoking is a major cause of many diseases including, lung cancer, cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, aging and death. The associations between tobacco smoking, serum amyloid A (SAA) protein, rheumatoid factor (RF) and lipid profile were examined in 275 men divided into three groups according to their age (less than 20 years, 20 to 40 years and above 40 years), 91 of whom were current light cigarette smokers...

Author(s): Al-Sieni A. and Al-Abbasi F.

Impact of patient- and intervention-related factors on the outcome of acute biliary pancreatitis treated by urgent ERCP and biliary sphincterotomy

October 2010

Risk factors of post- ERCP pancreatitis are well characterized in various clinical settings. These factors may worsen the outcome of acute biliary pancreatitis treated by endoscopic sphincterotomy. Our aim was to investigate the effect of patient- and intervention- related factors on the outcome of acute biliary pancreatitis treated by endoscopic sphincterotomy. The data of 69 retrospectively analyzed using multiple...

Author(s): József Pozsár, Ferenc László, Ildikó Brandhuber, Péter Sahin and Lajos Topa

The influence of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass graft surgery

October 2010

The objective of this study was to assess if there are any differences between patients undergoing coronary artery bypass graft surgery with COPD compared to patients without COPD. We conducted a prospective hospitalization cohort study. The study population was patients undergoing CABG by the Cardiovascular Thoracic Surgery Group. Inclusion criteria included CABG surgery between 10/1/93 and 1/1/8 and age greater than...

Author(s): Scott E. Woods, Tracie Bolden and Amy Engel

Experimental chronic inflammation induced in mice periodontium by Actinomyces israelii entrapped in alginate gel

October 2010

Experimental chronic inflammation in periodontal actinomycosis was studied with INCQS standard Actinomyces israelii infected mandibula in Swiss/NIH mice (n = 45), male and female with 21 days of age. Tissue responses to experimentally induced chronic inflammation were investigated in mice by clinical and light microscopy. After anesthetization, the animals were innoculated in paraperiosteal periodontium...

Author(s): Vagner Rodrigues Santos, João Luis Duval Cândido da Silva, Sérgio Monteiro Lima Jr, Felipe Alcântara Braga, Mariana Passos De Luca, Vladimir Reimar A. Souza Noronha, Evandro Guimarães Aguiar and Márcio M. Mattos

Scleroderma and pyoderma gangrenosum

October 2010

Pyoderma gangrenosum (PG) is an ulcerative disease of the skin with unknown origin. It may be associated with an underlying systemic disease like inflammatory bowel disease, lymphoproliferative disorders, sweet's syndrome and Behcet's disease. This case depicts a rare site of pyoderma gangronosum on scrotum. A 61-year-old man with scleroderma and pyoderma gangronosum on scrotum from two years ago. He had Skin...

Author(s): Mansoor Karimifar and Mansour Salesi

Prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors in a selected community at Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia

October 2010

Hypertension and obesity are established and independent risk factors for cardiovascular diseases. There are important inter-relationships between these two factors that may explain the aetiology of cardiovascular diseases. To determine the prevalence of hypertension and obesity in a rural community setting in Malaysia, and to identify their associated risk factors, a cross-sectional study was conducted among residents...

Author(s): S. F. U. Akter, A. R. M. Fauzi, M. S. Nordin, S. Satwi, A. Mohamed, M. A. Aznanand D. Samsul

Comparison of tamoxifen with danazol in the management of fibrocystic disease

October 2010

Fibrocystic disease, unilateral or bilateral, is a common problem found in women breasts. Successful treatment using tamoxifen (antiestrogen) and danazol (antiandrogen) has been used. We compared the efficacy of tamoxifen and danazol in the treatment of fibrocystic disease. We reviewed the clinical records of patients with fibrocystic disease presenting to the Department of Surgery, University of Shahid Beheshti,...

Author(s): S. R. Mousavi, S. M. Mousavi, M. Samsami and Z. Mahdikhah

Assessment of renal function of Nigerian children infected with Plasmodium falciparum

September 2010

The levels of kidney function parameters were estimated in children infected withPlasmodium falciparum malaria to determine its association with renal impairment. Apparently healthy children with no malaria infection were included as the control subjects. It was observed that the levels of serum urea, serum creatinine, and protein in urine were significantly higher in infected children when compared with the...

Author(s): Raphael C. Ekeanyanwu and Gideon I. Ogu

Prevalence of crude drugs used in Arab folk medicine available in Makkah Al‑Mukarramah Area

September 2010

This article is based on the results of a preliminary ethno-botanical research survey conducted in Makkah Al-Mukarramah Area. The main objective of this paper was to enlist the wealth of crude drugs (botanical medicinal materials) available in the Attar shops (herbal drug stores) along with their folkloric uses. A total of 71 species, belonging to 40 families and 69 genera were enlisted and their therapeutic uses were...

Author(s): Amal Abdulaziz Bajrai 

Effect of Sex on prevalence of Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) with respect to blood pressure, BMI and WHR among Punjabi population

September 2010

The objective of the study is to assess the impact of type 2 diabetes mellitus on sex differences among Punjabi population. In the present cross-sectional study, a total of 400 individuals (range in age 30 to 70), constituting 203 male and 197 female individuals were recruited. All enrolling individuals were at high risk of type 2 diabetes. The present samples were selected for particular trait, therefore, this sample...

Author(s): Tanveen Kaur, Divya Bishnoi and Badaruddoza

Risk factors for ventilation associated-pneumonia by multidrug-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa producing metallo-β-lactamase

September 2010

To evaluate if risk factors for ventilation associated-pneumonia (VAP) by Pseudomonas aeruginosa differed among patients affected by P. aeruginosa producing metallo-β-lactamase (MBL-PA) or non-MBL-PA isolates. A 1-year retrospective case-control study was conducted in a surgical-clinical intensive care unit at a tertiary-care university hospital. Cases were patients with...

Author(s): Dayane Otero Rodrigues, Paulo P. Gontijo Filho, Marcelo Tavares and Rogério M. Costa-Pinto

Antibiotics resistance and susceptibility pattern of a strain of Staphylococus aureus associated with acne

September 2010

Staphylococcus aureus was isolated from an individual with acne. The isolate was Gram positive, spherical and in clusters, golden yellow on mannitol salt agar and non spore forming. Biochemical tests showed that it was unable to hydrolyze gelatin but able to ferment glucose, galactose and mannitol. It produced catalase and coagulase enzymes. It was able to utilize citrate as sole carbon source but was indole...

Author(s): Adekunle Odunayo Adejuwon, Adesola Adetutu Ajayi , O. O. Akintunde and Patrick Ojo Olutiola

Severity of ulcerative colitis in the study population in Iran in correlation with cigarette consumption

September 2010

Despite many studies correlating smoking with later onset of ulcerative colitis and probable decreased severity of disease, controversies still exist. This study evaluates correlation between smoking status and severity of ulcerative colitis among Iranian patients. This was a cross-sectional retrospective study. Patients with ulcerative colitis attending the Amir Alam Hospital gasteroenterology clinics in 2009 to 2010...

Author(s): Heydari G., Tafti S. F., Alvanpour A., Talischi F., Mojhgani N., Mokri B. and Ashagh Hosseini S. M.

Sharp foreign body and ischio-rectal abscess

August 2010

This article presents a case of rare cause of peri-anal abscess caused by ingested fish bone. A 72 year old gentleman presented with left buttock painful swelling for 1 week associated with fever. Physical examination revealed a peri-anal abscess. During incision and drainage a 3cm fish bone was found inside the abscess cavity, impinging from the rectal...

Author(s): Chi Man Ng, K. K. David Tsui, H. H. Wong, K. K. Yau and M. KW Li

Erlotinib enhances metabolism of phenytoin: A case report

August 2010

Seizure is a common manifestation of advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) associated with brain metastasis. Anticonvulsants are usually required in addition to brain irradiation therapy for disease control. Concurrent chemotherapy or target therapy might have drug interactions with anticonvulsants and alter the effectiveness of such drugs. Such drug interactions are rarely recognized in clinical practice. We...

Author(s): Mao-Chang Su,, Chin-Chou Wang,, Kuo-Tung Huang, Chien-Hao Lie, Ching-Wan Tseng and Yu-Hsiu Chung,

Prevalence and determinants of non-adherence to antiretroviral therapy among HIV- positive pregnant women in Nnewi, Nigeria

August 2010

Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) is central to a successful prevention of mother- to- child transmission of HIV (PMTCT) programme by ensuring optimal viral suppression. However, barriers to adherence exist and differ among populations. This cross-sectional study was carried out among 368 HIV-positive pregnant mothers attending the PMTCT clinic at Nnamdi Azikiwe University Teaching Hospital Nnewi, Nigeria...

Author(s): A. O. Igwegbe, J. O. Ugboaja and L. A. Nwajiaku

Epidemiology of human onchocerciasis among farmers in Ebonyi State, Nigeria

August 2010

An epidemiological study on human onchocerciasis was conducted among 450 randomly selected farmers comprising of 213 males and 187 females within the age range of 20 - 50 years and above resident in Ebonyi central senatorial zone of Ebonyi State, Nigeria from January 2009 through December. Onchocerciasis infection was diagnosed by parasitological observation for the presence of microfilariae of Onchocerca...

Author(s): Okonkwo  Chuma  Innocent, Iroha  Ifeanyichukwu Romanus, Ayogu Thomas Eze,  Oji Anthonia Egwu and Onwa Ndubuisi Collins

Redox state and the potential role of antioxidant compounds in liver ischemia/reperfusion injury

July 2010

Hepatic ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) injury consists of a sequel of cellular and humoral events that finally leads to parenchymal and nonparenchymal cell death. It is of utmost importance as regards the outcome of liver transplantation and liver resections. There is ample evidence that the key role in the inflicted injury is ascribed to reactive oxygen species (ROS) generated mainly by Kupffer cells and neutrophils during...

Author(s): Maria I. Korontzi, Apostolos Papalois, Ilias Kouerinis, Andreas C. Lazaris, George Theodoropoulos and George Zografos

Propolis and its potential uses in oral health

July 2010

The health industry has always used natural products as an alternative, to the conventional allopathic formulations available for the treatment of various afflictions. Propolis, a natural antibiotic is a resinous yellow brown to dark brown substance that honey bees (Apis mellifera) collect from tree buds, sap flows, shrubs or other botanical sources to seal unwanted open spaces in the hive, protecting it...

Author(s): Abhishek Parolia, Manuel S. Thomas, M. Kundabala and Mandakini Mohan

Detection and partial characterization of norovirus among children with acute gastroenteritis in Lagos, Nigeria

July 2010

Norovirus (NoV) has captured increasing attention as an agent of childhood diarrhea, but its incidence in developing countries such as Nigeria has been underreported. This study was conducted to investigate the role of NoVs in sporadic cases of acute diarrhea among hospitalized children. One hundred and eighty-eight (188) specimens comprising 161 diarrheic and 27 non-diarrheic stools were randomly selected from 668...

Author(s): C. I. Ayolabi, D. A. Ojo, G. E. Armah, I. Akpan and C. F. Mafiana

Clinico-radiological profile of lung abscess: Analysis of 120 cases

July 2010

Lung abscess is continuing to be a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge to the pulmonologists, despite remarkable advancement in investigation modalities as well as therapeutic armaments. The study was taken with the object of evaluation of varied clinical and radiological presentations, predisposing factors and etiological spectrum. This is a cross-sectional study over 120 patients with lung abscess who attended...

Author(s): Sujit Kumar Bhattacharyya, Abhijit Mandal and Sumitra Basu Thakur

Significance of immune complex activation of macrophages in pigeon fanciers’ lung

July 2010

Pigeon fanciers' lung is an immunologically-mediated lung disease as a result of inhaling pigeon derived materials. High antibody titres are observed for symptomatic and asymptomatic pigeon fanciers. The aim of the present study was to investigate whether immune complexes from individuals with pigeon fanciers’ lung were better at activating macrophages than immune complexes from asymptomatic pigeon fanciers....

Author(s): Tebekeme Okoko

Antibiotics susceptibility of a strain of Salmonella isolated from an infant presented with diarrhea in Ile-Ife, Nigeria

June 2010

Salmonella was identified in stool sample of a six months old baby presenting diarrhea and hospitalized at the Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching Hospital Complex (OAUTHC), Ile-Ife, Nigeria. The isolate was urease negative, citrate utilization positive, indole negative, methyl red positive but Voges-Proskaeur negative. It was motile, catalase negative and unable to produce hydrogen sulphide.  It was able to...

Author(s): J. Omololu–Aso, A.O. Adejuwon, O. O. Omololu-Aso, O. M. Akinbo and D. O. Kolawole

Effect of tobacco smoking on the lipid profile of teenage male population in Lahore City

June 2010

A cross sectional comparative study was performed in Lahore city to evaluate the changes of the serum lipid profile in healthy adolescent male non smokers and smokers’ subjects. A total of 100 subjects with age range 14 - 19 years were selected and grouped as non smokers (control) and smokers with 50 cases in each. Biochemical analysis of fasting serum lipid profile of each group was assessed using...

Author(s): Afira Waqar

Evaluation of the Liverpool Cardiac Phase-4 Rehabilitation Programme – A service user-led community-based investigation

June 2010

In Liverpool, standard Cardiac Phase-4 Programme varied from 3 - 9 months depending on centre attended. Evidence for setting the duration and patient contact frequency for community-based cardiac rehabilitation is uncertain. This study was carried out to explore how participants rated the 3 months Cardiac Phase-4 Programme whether it was long enough and whether it changed their lifestyle for the better....

Author(s): Norman J Heritage, Edward Barnes, Brian Perry, Belinda Nelson, Matthew Shawand Bashir M. Matata

Child health in peri-urban communities of Kenya: Determinants and challenges

June 2010

Infant and child death in developing countries constitute the largest age category of mortality. This is because children under the age of five years are the group most vulnerable to diseases caused by inadequate child care, health risks, and poor environmental conditions.The overall aim of this study was to explore the demographic, environmental, socio-economic and health seeking behavioural factors contributing...

Author(s): Doreen M. Othero, J. O. Oteku and J. A. Alwar

The effect of Levoisimendan on the D-dimer level in chronic atrial fibrillation cases with cardiac failure

June 2010

We determined the short-term effects of Levoisimendan, on the D-dimer level in patient’s decompensated heart failure (HF) with non valvular atrial fibrillation (NVAF). The study population consisted of 62 chronic HF patients (24 women and 38 men, mean age: 67.5 ±16.5 years) with New York heart association (NYHA) III-IV and a left ventricular ejection fraction (EF) lower than 35%....

Author(s): Ibrahim Halil Kurt, Murat Caylı and Mustafa Kemal Batur

Biting knowledge of blackfly among students and workers of a Nigerian tertiary institution

June 2010

This study assessed the knowledge of the role of blackfly in onchocerciasis transmission among the students and workers of a tertiary institution in Ogun State, southwestern Nigeria. One hundred and fifty (72 males, 78 females) volunteers were recruited for the study which occurred between July and September, 2009. Samples of the blackfly caught on the institution’s campus and preserved in a clean transparent...

Author(s): Olufemi M. Agbolade, Olusola M. Odutola, Bolatito Idowu and Ndubuisi C. Agu

Page 8 of 11, showing 50 records out of 537 total, starting on record 351, ending on 400