Incidence of pre-pregnancy and pregnancy-related illnesses in rural women accessing antenatal care services in Awka, south-east, Nigeria
July 2018
Nigeria accounts for a considerable proportion of maternal deaths that occur annually worldwide. The study investigated the incidence of pre-pregnancy and pregnancy-related illnesses in women accessing antenatal care services at health facilities in Awka South Local Government Area, Anambra State. The study adopted cross-sectional research design. The population comprised 3,207 registered pregnant women from January to...
Knowledge, attitude and practice on hand washing and associated factors among public primary schools children in Hosanna town, Southern Ethiopia
June 2018
The burden of communicable diseases within developing countries is mainly influenced by poor personal hygiene practices Despite substantial evidence about the effectiveness of hand washing, especially using soap at all critical time, the practice is poor in developing countries including Ethiopia. The problem is not researched well on children who are major risk groups for diarrheal diseases, ARI and other hygiene...
Prevalence of hepatitis B and C among HIV/AIDS patients attending Bingham University Teaching Hospital Jos Plateau State Nigeria: A retrospective study
June 2018
The prevalence of hepatitis B and C (HBV and HCV) among HIV infected persons is a major public health problem in Nigeria. The increasing number of people living with HIV in Nigeria has presented the health care system with new co-morbid infections such as HBV and HCV. This study was designed to investigate the prevalence of hepatitis B and C among HIV/AIDS patients attending Bingham University Teaching Hospital Jos...
Caregiver feeding practices in Sierra Leone
June 2018
Sierra Leone is a basis for developing a community based Early Childhood Development (ECD) programme. Using a set of questions in a household survey, it was found that 92% of children are given breast milk as their first food. However, for 39% of children, breastfeeding stops after 40 days. 46% of the children were not breastfed exclusively until six months. 28% of the children did not get three meals per day, and...
Investigation on the effect of a one-day pharmacovigilance training of healthcare professionals
June 2018
A key objective of the decentralized pharmacovigilance program is to increase the knowledge of in-service healthcare professionals in pharmacovigilance to enable them develop a culture and practice of adverse drug reactions reporting. It is imperative to evaluate the impact of the training offered, as it is a key component of the national decentralized pharmacovigilance program. Thus the aim of this study was to...
A longitudinal data analysis on risk factors for developing type-2 diabetes mellitus at the University of Gondar Comprehensive Specialized Hospital, Gondar, Ethiopia
June 2018
Diabetes mellitus is a group of metabolic chronic diseases characterized by high blood sugar levels with multi-system complications. The objective of this study was to assess the risk factors for developing type-2 diabetes mellitus over time in their random blood sugar and to obtain better predictive model for type 2 diabetes patients’ random blood sugar (RBS) level in the University of Gondar Comprehensive...
Socio-demographic determinants of health support services among orphans and vulnerable children in Nigeria
May 2018
Worldwide, the population of orphans and vulnerable children is estimated to be around 160 million with sub-Sahara Africa accounting for 80% of these children owing largely to the effect of HIV/AIDS, civil wars, road accidents, sectarian violence, terrorism, and other factors. Efforts have been made over the years by governments and development partners to mitigate the effects of orphanhood, but these efforts have...
Factors affecting implementation of integrated community case management of childhood illnesses in South West Shoa Zone, Central Ethiopia
May 2018
Integrated community case management (ICCM) is a program that allowed Health Extension Workers (HEWs) treat the three most common childhood illnesses: pneumonia, diarrhea and malaria through delivering a closer and accessible care. In Ethiopia, this proven strategy was being implemented in selected districts of the regions but there were no sufficient evidences to decision-makers for improvement interventions....
Factors associated with sputum conversion in a multinational population of tuberculosis patients
May 2018
Various factors had been related with sputum conversion in tuberculosis patients, which constituted an essential indicator of the effectiveness of treatment and the infectivity of patients. The study evaluates the factors related with smear sputum conversion in pulmonary tuberculosis. A retrospective cohort study of newly diagnosed pulmonary tuberculosis was performed from January 2013 to September 2016 in Cuban...
Maternal dietary and nutritional characteristics as predictor of newborn birth weight in Jimma Town, Southwest Ethiopia, 2017
May 2018
Maternal nutrition plays a major role in influencing fetal growth and birth outcomes. It is a modifiable risk factor which drags a significant public health consideration to avert adverse birth outcomes, specially, in low and middle income countries. Suboptimal dietary and nutritional characteristics and low birth weight are prevalent in the present study setting. This study was conducted to assess the association of...
Satisfaction of maternal care among women delivered at Asrade Zewude Memorial Primary Hospital, Bure, West Gojjam, Amhara, Ethiopia: A cross sectional study
May 2018
Maternal satisfaction is a means of evaluating quality of maternal health care given in health facilities. The objective was to assess the level of maternal satisfaction and associated factors at Asrade Zewude Memorial Primary Hospital. Cross-sectional study was conducted on 420 clients by systematic sampling method from February 8, 2017 to September 25, 2017. Structured questionnaire that was...
Assessment of community knowledge, attitude and practice on milk borne zoonoses disease in Debre- Birhan town, north Shewa, Ethiopia
April 2018
A cross-sectional questionnaire survey was conducted in Debre-Birhan town, North shoa, Ethiopia, with the objectives of assessing the knowledge, attitude and practices (KAP) of the study participants with respect to milk borne zoonoses; and to determine the effect of demographic character of respondents on knowledge, attitude and practice of zoonotic diseases. Data were collected from the respondents through...
Factors associated with utilization of institutional delivery care and postnatal care services in Ethiopia
April 2018
Ethiopia is one of the sub-Saharan African countries with high maternal mortality rate due to complication of delivery. Institutional delivery care and postnatal care are key health services that can reduce maternal mortality. The main objective of this study was to identify factors affecting utilization of institutional delivery and postnatal care services. The data for this study were obtained from the 2014 EDHS which...
Compliance to treatment regimen among diabetic patients attending outpatient department of selected hospitals in Benin City, Edo State
April 2018
Diabetes is a global health issue as it is a metabolic disease that affects individuals of all ages. The success of long term maintenance therapy for diabetes mellitus depends largely upon the patient’s compliance with a therapeutic plan. This study investigated the level of compliance with treatment regimen among clients with diabetes mellitus in selected hospital in Benin City, Edo state. A descriptive cross...
Assessment of impediments affecting health systems response to neurocysticercosis in two districts (Gulu and Amuru) of Northern Uganda: A cross sectional study
April 2018
Northern Uganda is recovering from the effects of prolonged war which devastated most of the health systems in the region. The aim of the study was to identify health sector impediments affecting health systems response to Neurocysticercosis in the districts of Gulu and Amuru. A cross sectional study was conducted on two hospitals and 10 health centers. Two hundred and three (n=203) respondents were...
Epidemiology of Hepatitis B viral infection among students and non-teaching (casual) staff of Nile University of Nigeria: A 2017 study
March 2018
Hepatitis B viral infection is a silent deadly disease. According to the Society for Gastroenterology and Hepatology in Nigeria (SOGHIN), over 20 million persons are infected with hepatitis and death from it is on a large scale. This study was carried out in order to estimate the prevalence of Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) among students and non-teaching staff of Nile University of Nigeria, Abuja. The study was...
Physical activity levels among Fayoum governorate population (Egypt): Community-based survey
March 2018
Physical inactivity is one of the most important public health problems in the 21st century. It plays an active role in the prevention of both non-communicable diseases and premature death. A community-based survey was conducted to assess the level of physical activity among household population and to identify associated demographic factors of physical inactivity. A sample of 5000 households was selected by a...
Vitamin-D deficiency and insufficiency and quality of life in Jeddah, KSA: Is there any evidence of association
March 2018
Vitamin D (VD) deficiency and insufficiency have been linked to poor quality of life (QoL); general weakness, fatigue, and nonspecific pain. Despite abundance of sun light, there is a wide spread VD deficiency in the Arabian Gulf countries. However, the impact of VD deficiency on the quality of life has not been well documented in the Arabian Gulf countries, including the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). This study aims...
Client satisfaction among private wing and regular health care services at Nekemte Referral Hospital, East Wollega Zone, Oromia regional state, Western Ethiopia: A comparative cross-sectional study, 2016
February 2018
The level of client satisfaction with the services provided by the hospitals is one critical area that must be assessed continuously. There is the paucity of information on the comparison of the level of client satisfaction from regular and private wing services of public hospitals in Ethiopia. Thus, the current study aims to compare the level of clients’ satisfaction in the adult outpatient department among...
Service availability and readiness assessment of maternal and child health services using the WHO tool in Kapasia and Sreepur Upazila of Gazipur District in Bangladesh
February 2018
The world is making significant progress in reducing the number of women and children dying from preventable causes. Bangladesh is also on track. The objective of this study was to strengthen maternal and child health service delivery in Kapasia and Sreepur Upazila of Gazipur district using SARA tool. The present assessment was a cross-sectional quantitative assessment. This evaluation was performed between January 2015...
Helminthiasis and chronic suppurative otitis media in Ijoun Community in Ogun State, Nigeria
February 2018
This study, carried out in a rural community in Ogun state Nigeria, aims to determine the prevalence of soil-transmitted helminths, bacteria causing Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media (CSOM), and their coinfection among school-aged participants. Formol-ether sedimentation technique was used to check for helminth eggs in stool samples. Ear swabs collected were cultured on chocolate, blood and MacConkey agar plates. CD4+T...
Effects of some micronutrients on mice infected with Plasmodium berghei
January 2018
Malaria is a disease which is prevalent in tropical regions; however, it is preventable and curable with the use of certain micronutrients thereby reducing the life threatening disease. The effect of micronutrients (vitamin C, calcium, iron and magnesium) on mice infected with Plasmodium berghei NK-65 species was evaluated using standard methods. The percentage suppression and the parasitemia levels were counted daily...
The characteristics of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) in Rumah Sakit Umum Haji Medan
January 2018
Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is an enlarged prostate gland caused by progressive hyperplasia of glandular cells or stoma cells from prostate tissues. BPH is a common problem that increases in people from 40 years old. The symptom is lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) that consist of the followings: Strenuous urination, frequent urination, urinary hesitancy and retention. This study aims to know the characteristic...
Substance use and factors associated with risky sexual practice in school youth in Asella Town, South-East Ethiopia, 2017
January 2018
Globally, risky sexual behavior accounts for large number of opportunities for sexually transmitted infection including human immunodeficiency virus and unintended pregnancy. The study is intended to describe substance use and factors associated with risky sexual practice among school youth. School based cross sectional study was conducted through self-administered questionnaire. Simple random sampling technique was...
Malaria among relatives escorting sick patients during the dry season to Karume Health Centre, Mwanza, Northwestern Tanzania
January 2018
Malaria is still a public health problem in the world. It accounted for an estimated 214 million cases and 438,000 deaths in the year 2015. During the dry season, most people are likely to be asymptomatic and therefore fail to be diagnosed with malaria. This study established the proportion of people who came to health facility, escorting sick relatives and had detectable malaria parasites. This was a cross sectional...
Magnitude of occupational injury and associated factors among factory workers in Ethiopia: The case of Mugher Cement Factory
December 2017
Throughout the world, occupational exposure in cement factories continue to cause serious public health problems and are leading cause of disability and disease among workers. Since there has not been any study on the prevalence and associated factors of occupational injury in cement factory, this study investigates the prevalence and associated factors of occupational injuries among cement factory workers in Mugher. An...
An appraisal of the prevention of mother-to-child transmission of hepatitis B virus health system in Nigeria
December 2017
The study aimed to assess the strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats influencing the achievement of prevention of mother-to-child transmission of hepatitis B virus. It also sought to suggest recommendations to improve the current prevention of mother-to-child transmission of hepatitis B virus health system in Nigeria. A critical appraisal of the prevention of mother-to-child transmission of hepatitis B...
Smokeless tobacco consumption among public and heavy load drivers in Karachi, Pakistan: A cross-sectional study
November 2017
Tobacco use remains a major cause of preventable morbidity and mortality worldwide. The World Health Organization states that 19.1% of the Pakistani population consumes smoked or smokeless tobacco (SLT). Although many population focused studies have focused on the use of SLT in Pakistan, but they have failed to address the use of SLT among laborers, especially the niche population of public and heavy load drivers (that...
Assessment of knowledge of Ebola virus disease management of medical residents in a tertiary medical college
November 2017
The Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) outbreak in West Africa in 2014 resulted in cases spreading to other parts of the world, such as the United States of America (USA). A survey was carried out among Meharry Medical College residents to ascertain their knowledge of Center of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines on prevention and management of EVD. A structured questionnaire was administered to a cross-section of...
Cognitive impairment among type 2 diabetes mellitus patients at Jimma University Specialized Hospital, Southwest Ethiopia
November 2017
Cognitive impairment is the major health problem particularly in elderly with type 2 diabetes mellitus. The aim of this study was to determine the magnitude of cognitive impairment and associated factors among type 2 diabetics in Jimma University Specialized Hospital, 2016. Comparative cross sectional study was employed among 105 type 2 diabetes mellitus patients and 105 matched healthy individuals at Jimma University...
Proportion of safe abortion and associated factors among women who seek abortion care services in family guidance and Marie Stopes International Clinic in Dessie Town, North East Ethiopia
October 2017
In Ethiopia, abortion is illegal except in cases where the mother’s and fetal life is in danger. As such, little is known about safe abortion. This study aimed to assess proportion of safe abortion and associated factors among women who seek abortion care services in Family Health Guidance and Marie Stopes International Clinics, Dessie town, North East Ethiopia. Cross-sectional study was conducted among 422...
Emergency contraceptive use and associated factors among undergraduate female students in Wollo University, Dessie, Ethiopia
October 2017
Unwanted pregnancy can occur due to unprotected sexual intercourse and condom breakage. To prevent such problem, emergency contraceptives is the only method that can be used after unprotected sex. This study aimed to assess emergency contraceptive utilization and associated factors among regular undergraduate female students of Wollo University. A cross sectional study was conducted from April 1 to 15, 2017....
Prevalence and covariates of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) risk behaviours among circumcised and uncircumcised men in Botswana: A national cross sectional study
October 2017
There is insufficient evidence documenting and comparing the prevalence and covariates of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) risk behaviours among circumcised and uncircumcised men in Botswana. The main aim of this paper was to assess prevalence and covariates of HIV risk behaviours among circumcised and uncircumcised men in Botswana. Data used for this study was derived from the 2013 Botswana AIDS Impact Survey which...
Magnitude and predictors of antenatal care (ANC) completion among mothers attending delivery and post-natal service in Jimma town, Oromia Region, South West Ethiopia
September 2017
Antenatal care is more beneficial in preventing adverse pregnancy outcomes when received early and continued till delivery. World Health Organization (WHO) recommends at least four antenatal care visits for women with no complication. Conversely, survey data from Ethiopia showed that only one third are initiated early. Thus, assessing magnitude and factors affecting antenatal care (ANC) completion is required for public...
Knowledge of rabies in and around Nekemte Town, Ethiopia
September 2017
Rabies is a serious fatal disease and a public health problem in Ethiopia. This study was conducted to investigate knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAP) related to rabies and its prevention and control amongst households in Nekemte town and its surroundings. A cross-sectional study design was used. A multistage sampling procedure with simple random sampling technique was employed to select households. The data were...
Tuberculosis data sampling of a district hospital in Malawi: An epidemiological perspective
September 2017
This study is a direct hands-on epidemiological sampling of a hospital data of registered patients for tuberculosis (TB) in the Kasungu District Hospital of Malawi. The data for the year 2013 and 2014 were chosen as the latest but random sample to analyze whether the data fit in and follow the broad pattern of the country at the national level and also at the global level. The data represent convoluted results of...
The economic strength of caregivers of orphans and vulnerable children in Akwa Ibom and Rivers States, Nigeria
September 2017
The true statistics of orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) in Nigeria is not well known. Therefore, a lack of empirical data on the economic conditions of OVC in Nigeria has hampered the development of effective intervention strategies to mitigate their economic needs. This study assessed the economic activities and capabilities of caregivers in enrolled vulnerable households in Akwa Ibom and Rivers States into a...
Barber’s knowledge and practice of biological hazards in relation to their occupation: A case of Hawassa Town, Southern Ethiopia
August 2017
Many health hazards plus other contagious diseases and skin infections are related to barbers’ occupation, to which their clients are exposed to. Barbers’ awareness and practice plays a vital part in the hindrance and management of these health related risks. The objective of this study is to assess the knowledge and practice of barbers regarding biological hazards related to their occupation in...
Determinants of practices for dengue diagnosis among healthcare professionals working in public hospitals of Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire
August 2017
Dengue has become a major public health concern in Cote d’Ivoire since 2010. In malaria endemic countries, such as Cote d’Ivoire, healthcare workers often confuse dengue with other tropical fevers, such as malaria. However, to control dengue fever, healthcare workers must be knowledgeable about this disease. A cross-sectional study was conducted on 400 healthcare workers’ knowledge, attitude, and...
Prevalence of intestinal parasites in children from four to twelve years in the city of Itapetim- PE Brazil
July 2017
The intestinal parasitosis constitutes one of the main problems of public health, presenting itself endemic in several areas of Brazil. They may be closely related to socio-demographic and environmental factors; and the child population is often hardest hit. In this context, the objective of this study was to analyze the prevalence of intestinal parasites in children aged 4 to 12 years belonging to the city of...
Socioeconomic conditions and health hazards of brick field workers: A case study of Mymensingh brick industrial area of Bangladesh
July 2017
The purpose of the study was to determine the impact of brick kilns on socioeconomic conditions working environment, hazards and risk associated with each of the tasks as well as the negative effect of hazardous work of brick field workers. A semi-structured survey has been served as the main data collection method from the different 9 brick fields of Gouripur and Ishwargonj sub district under the Mymensingh district...
Assessment of respiratory symptoms and associated factors among solid waste collectors in Yeka Sub City, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
June 2017
Respiratory symptoms are frequently manifested among solid waste collectors. They are suffering from respiratory diseases because of frequent exposure to waste materials containing pathogenic materials and chemicals hazards for human being. Cross-sectional study was carried out to assess prevalence of respiratory symptoms and associated factors among solid waste workers in Yeka sub city, Addis Ababa from March to...
Delivery at home and associated factors among women in child bearing age, who gave birth in the preceding two years in Zala Woreda, southern Ethiopia
June 2017
A key intervention to achieve the goal of maternal mortality reduction in deliveries that occur at home is significant. In Ethiopia, the MMR has reduced from 676/100,000 live births in 2011 to 420/100,000 live births in 2013 with a skilled attendant of 23%, whereas 77% deliveries occurred at home without proper medical attention and care during childbirth. Little is known about cultural factors that contribute to home...
Socio-demographic profile of individuals who received care from a Brazilian out-patient oncology clinic between 2010 and 2011
June 2017
Cancer encompasses more than 100 diseases that increase in frequency in older populations. Causal agents include hereditary factors, as well as the exposure to environmental elements. Socio-demographic profile, as a determinant of exposure to different environmental factors, also affects cancer incidence. In Brazil, between 2010 and 2011, 489.270 new cases of cancer were recorded. In face of these facts, the...
Community based cross-sectional study on knowledge, attitudes and practices towards rabies in Munesa District, Arsi Zone, Southeastern Ethiopia
June 2017
Rabies, one of the oldest and deadliest diseases known to human, is incurable and neglected viral zoonosis which has been threatening the human life for many years despite being entirely preventable. Community awareness play significant role in preventing this fatal disease. Therefore, this cross sectional study was conducted from November to December 2016 with the objective to assess the community knowledge, attitudes,...
Perceptions of school going adolescents about substance abuse in Ramotswa, Botswana
June 2017
Drug and substance abuse is a global public health problem affecting adolescents and young adults especially in developing countries. This study investigated the perceptions of school-going adolescents about substance abuse in Ramotswa, Botswana. A cross-sectional design study using mixed methods was used to collect data from primary, junior and senior secondary school children aged 13 to 19 years. Some 207 school...
Descriptive epidemiology of orofacial clefts in Africa using data from 46,502 Smile Train surgeries
May 2017
The descriptive epidemiology of orofacial clefts (OFC) is an essential prerequisite towards improved care, investigations into the etiology, and eventually prevention. In the present study the distribution of OFC in sub-Saharan Africa using post-surgical data from the Smile Train organization, was examined. Data from 46,502 individuals from Ethiopia (16,049), Nigeria (8,209), Uganda (5,138), Kenya (4,084), Tanzania...
Knowledge, attitude and practice of self-medication among health science students at Debre Markos University, Northwest Ethiopia
May 2017
Self-medication is defined as obtaining and consuming drugs without the advice of a physician either for diagnosis, prescription or surveillance of treatment. Self-medication can lead to wasteful expenditure, increase in morbidities due to adverse events and resistance to antibiotics. So enhancing the knowledge and attitude of consumers is very important to reduce practice of self-medication. The objective of the study...
A 14 year review of neonatal tetanus at Ahmadu Bello University Teaching Hospital, Zaria, Northwest Nigeria
May 2017
Neonatal tetanus (NNT) is still one of the major preventable causes of neonatal death in Nigeria. It is a disease of poverty, adverse social and environmental conditions. The aim of the study was to review neonatal tetanus cases, determine the prevalence, disease outcome and what possible interventions can be done in the study area to reduce its prevalence. This was a retrospective study of cases of NNT seen in Special...
Magnitude of maternal complications and associated obstetric factors among women who gave birth by cesarean section at Arba-Minich General Hospital, Southern Ethiopia: Retrospective cohort
May 2017
Cesarean section is the most common major surgical procedure in obstetrics and gynecology in the world. Though advance in cesarean section technique, it still poses higher maternal morbidity and mortality than vaginal delivery. This study aimed to determine the magnitude of maternal complications (Including the presence of one of the intera-operative surgical complication or postoperative maternal complication;...
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