African Journal of

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Biotechnol.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1684-5315
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJB
  • Start Year: 2002
  • Published Articles: 12501

Table of Content: 1 August 2011; 10(40)

August 2011

Microsatellite markers: An important fingerprinting tool for characterization of crop plants

Microsatellites are simple sequence repeats (SSR) of 1-6 nucleotides. They appear to be ubiquitous in higher organisms, both in animal and plant genomes and involving repetitive as well as unique sequences, although the frequency of microsatellites varies between species. They are abundant, dispersed throughout the genome and show higher levels of polymorphism than do other genetic markers. These features coupled with...

Author(s): Siddra Ijaz

August 2011

Research on human placenta-derived mesenchymal stem cells transfected with pIRES2-EGFP-VEGF165 using liposome

The experiment adopting reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) technology, amplified hVEGF165 gene fragments from human leukemia cells HL-60. hVEGF165 gene was reconstructed in pIRES2-EGFP and transferred into the human placenta-derived mesenchymal stem cells (HPMSCs) by liposome-mediated method successfully. The mRNA and protein of hVEGF165 in the transferred cells was detected by RT-PCR and Western...

Author(s): Liu Zhihui, Meng Guangwei, Wang Bowei, Liu Chunli, Zhou Yanmin and Wang Yue

August 2011

Inheritance of DNA methylation in DH and its backcrossed lines of Brassica napus

Nineteen (19) pairs of methylation sensitive amplified polymorphism (MSAP) primers were used for analysing DNA methylation in two DH lines and their two back-crossed generations, namely BC1 and BC2. Constitutive DNA methylation was stable across three generations and inherited changes in it were of six types. 60 fragments were chosen for sequencing and then, were analysed using the Blast database and the strength of...

Author(s): Zhen Guo, Liping Zeng, Maoteng Li, Yan Long and Jinling Meng

August 2011

Cloning and expression of Toxoplasma gondii tachyzoite P22 protein

Delay in diagnosis of Toxoplasma gondii infection in pregnant women who have been infected during the first trimester of gestation can lead to death of her fetus. Serological tests based on recombinant proteins are the main diagnosis methods for the detection of anti Toxoplasma antibody in serum samples. The aim of thisstudy was to clone and express a gene encoding a P22 protein of T....

Author(s): Maryam Arabpour , Mojgan Bandehpour, Maryam Niyyati, Seyyed Hossein Abdollahi, Amaneh Koochaki, and Bahram Kazemi,

August 2011

Genetic diversity of Pakistani common myna (Acridotheres tristis) revealed by RAPD-PCR

Acridotheres tristis is a widely distributed species of Pakistan but no genetic data of this species is available in the literature. In this study, we applied 8 selected RAPD markers from a total of 20 tested markers, to decipher the genetic structure and genetic diversity of different populations. The RAPD markers revealed total polymorphism at P = 87.73%. The overall Nei’s genetic diversity (H) and...

Author(s): Ayesha Imtiaz, Aleem Ahmed Khan, Muhammad Babar, Maria Riaz, Noreen Akhtar, Muhammad Arshad and Imran Khaliq,

August 2011

Analysis of genetic diversity and construction of core collection of local mulberry varieties from Shanxi Province based on ISSR marker

Genetic diversity of 73 local mulberry varieties from Shanxi Province were screened using ISSR markers, with l5 primers combinations selected for their reproducibility and polymorphism. 129 bands were amplified, of which 115 bands showed polymorphism and the ratio of polymorphism bands was 89.15%. Nei’s genetic similarity coefficients ranged from 0.5891 to 0.9457 with an average of 0.7674. The observed number of...

Author(s): Zhang Lin,, Zhao Wei guo, Chen Jun bai, Huang Yong, Shen Xing jia, Liu Li and Qiang Sheng

August 2011

Procyanidins from Pinus koraiensis bark inhibits HeLa cell growth by inducing apoptosis and reducing survivin protein expression

Recently, the development of herbal medicine is an important advancement in anticancer therapy. Pinus koraiensis bark procyanidins extract (PKBPE) has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years. Our study demonstrated that P. koraiensis bark procyanidins extract had antitumor effects. In some of our recent experiment, we further explored the inhibiting Hela...

Author(s): Kun Li, Qingwang Li, Tao Zhang, Zengsheng Han, Jian Li, zhiwei Liuand Fulu Zheng

August 2011

Directional differentiation of chicken embryonic stem cells into osteoblasts, neuron-like cells and adipocytes

Chicken embryonic stem (ES) cells are useful for producing transgenic chickens and preserving genetic material in avian species. In this study, the differentiation potential of chicken ES cells was investigated in vitro. Chicken ES cells weredifferentiated into osteoblasts cultured for 15 to 21 days in the induction media containing dexamethasone (DEX), β-glycerol phosphate (β-GP) and/or vitamin...

Author(s): Bichun Li, Yani Zhang, Xiangning Chen, Qingqing Shi, Dezhi Fu, Yanhui Yin, Zhentao Zhang, Bo Gao and Guohong Chen

August 2011

Seed germination and seedling establishment of some wild almond species

Wild almond species are important genetic resources for resistance to unsuitable condition, especially drought stress. They have been used traditionally as rootstocks in some areas of Iran. So far, 21 wild almond species and 7 inter species hybrids have been identified in Iran. To study seed germination and seedling establishment of some of these species, three separate experiments were designed. In the first...

Author(s): Alireza Rahemi, Toktam Taghavi, Reza Fatahi, Ali Ebadi, Darab Hassani, José Chaparro and Thomas Gradziel

August 2011

Effect of yeast extract and chitosan on shoot proliferation, morphology and antioxidant activity of Curcuma mangga in vitro plantlets

This paper reported the effect of yeast extract and chitosan with combination of yeast extract on the growth and morphological changes and production of phenolics in the in vitro plantlets of Curcuma mangga.  Yeast extract did not show any effect on the biomass and shoot proliferation of in vitro plantlets. However, the plantlets showed morphological abnormality when exposed to higher...

Author(s): Fariz Abraham, Arvind Bhatt, Chan Lai Keng, Gunawan Indrayanto and Shaida F. Sulaiman

August 2011

Effect of mycorrhiza symbiosis on the Nacl salinity in Sorghum bicolor

In order to determine mycorrhizal symbiosis on the Nacl salinity tolerance inSorghum bicolor (aspydfyd cultivar), an experiment with two factors was done in Damghan Islamic Azad University laboratory (Iran) in 2007. The first factor with two levels (mycorihizal and non-mycorihizal) and second factor with six levels Nacl concentration of (0, 50, 100, 150, 200 and 250 Mmol) were examined in a random design with three...

Author(s): Ghanbar Laei, M. H. Khajehzadeh, Hossein Afshari, Abdol Ghaffar Ebadi and Hossein Abbaspour

August 2011

Preliminary investigations of Agrobacterium-mediated transformation in indica rice MR219 embryogenic callus using gusA gene

Preliminary steps in the genetic transformation of indica rice MR219 was investigated in the plant-Agrobacterium tumefaciens interaction. Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain LBA 4404 carrying a binary vector pCAMBIA 1305.2 harboring the modified GUS gene driven by the CaMV 35S promoter was used. Varioustransformation parameters influences were optimized using embryogenic calli via β-glucuronidase (GUS) as a...

Author(s): Zuraida Ab. Rahman, Zulkifli Ahmad Seman, Naziah Basirun, Advina Lizah Julkifle,  Zamri Zainal and Sreeramanan Subramaniam

August 2011

Technologies for cost reduction in sugarcane micropropagation

High cost involved in micro propagation is a major constraint to its popular use in sugarcane (Saccharum spp. hybrid). This study describes two technologies for cost reduction in sugarcane micropropagation, that is, direct regeneration of complete plantlets on the same medium and substituting in vitro rooting by ex vitrorooting in conventional micro propagation. A protocol for one step...

Author(s): R. N. Pandey, J. Rastogi, M. L. Sharma and R. K. Singh

August 2011

Technologies for cost reduction in sugarcane micropropagation

High cost involved in micro propagation is a major constraint to its popular use in sugarcane (Saccharum spp. hybrid). This study describes two technologies for cost reduction in sugarcane micropropagation, that is, direct regeneration of complete plantlets on the same medium and substituting in vitro rooting by ex vitrorooting in conventional micro propagation. A protocol for one step...

Author(s): R. N. Pandey, J. Rastogi, M. L. Sharma and R. K. Singh

August 2011

Synthetic seed technology for encapsulation and regrowth of in vitro-derived Acacia hyrid shoot and axillary buds

In this study, various concentrations of sodium alginate solutions and calcium chloride solutions were tested in order to optimize the size, shape and texture of alginate synthetic seeds or beads for Acacia hybrid bud-sprouting. The shoot buds and axillary buds from in vitro Acacia hybrids, as explants were encapsulated with 2 to 5% sodium alginate (w/v) in the Murashige and Skoog (MS) free...

Author(s): Nor Asmah, H., Nor Hasnida, H., Nashatul Zaimah, N. A., Noraliza, A. and Nadiah Salmi, N.

August 2011

Callus induction via different growth regulators from cotyledon explants of indigenous chick pea (Cicer arietinum L.) cultivars KK-1 and Hassan-2K

Callus induction from cotyledon explants was studied in indigenous chick pea (Cicer arietinum L.) cultivars KK-1 and Hassan-2K on MS and B5 media containing different combinations and concentrations of growth regulators. Different MS and B5callusing media containing varying level of 2, 4-D (2 and 4 mg/l), NAA (0.50 and 1 mg/l), BAP (5 and 10 µM) and their combinations were tested for callus induction...

Author(s): Saleem Khan, Farhad Ahmad, Farhad Ali, Hakim Khan, Ayub Khan and Zahoor Ahmad Swati

August 2011

Effects of several physiochemical factors on cell growth and gallic acid accumulation of Acer ginnala Maxim cell suspension culture

The production of gallic acid in cell suspension culture of Acer ginnala Maxim wasstudied. Some physiochemical factors and chemical substances effect on the cell growth and the production of gallic acid were investigated. Cells harvested from plant tissue culture were extracted and applied to high performance liquid chromatography to measure gallic acid content. 0.008 mg.L-1 TDZ and 0.1...

Author(s): Jie Dong and Yaguang Zhan

August 2011

Effects of salt stress on micropropagation of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.)

Six cultivars of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) Bartina, Spunta, Cardinal, Desirée, Timate and Fabula were assayed in vitro for salinity (NaCl) tolerance. A modified single-node cuttiang bioassay was used in which cultivars were exposed to a range of NaCl levels (0, 40, 80 and 120 Mm), in a Murashige and Skoog medium, for 1 month. Evaluations were performed twice for each cultivar at each salt...

Author(s): Khenifi, M. L., Boudjeniba, M. and Kameli, A.

August 2011

Performance improvement of whey-driven microbial fuel cells by acclimation of indigenous anodophilic microbes

Various methods are available for the recycling and treatment of cheese whey with the objective of enhancing sustainable manufacturing. Currently, an increasing interest is on the anaerobic bioremediation of whey with the added benefit of generating electricity in microbial fuel cells (MFCs). Since microorganisms are the biocatalysts in MFCs, their initial density plays a paramount role both towards electricity...

Author(s): Kassongo, J. and Togo, C. A.

August 2011

Characteristics and community diversity of a wheat straw-colonizing microbial community

A microbial community named WSD-5 was successfully selected from plant litter and soil after long-term directed acclimation at normal temperature. After 15 days ofcultivation at 30°C, the degradation rate of wheat straw by WSD-5 was 75.6%. For cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin, the degradation rates were 94.2, 81.9 and 21.3%, respectively. The optimal pH for filter paper, CMCase, avicelase, β-glucosidase...

Author(s): Xiao juan Wang, Xu feng Yuan, Hui Wang, Jiajia Li, Xiao fen Wang and Zong jun Cui

August 2011

Lipid peroxide, glutathione and glutathione-dependent enzyme (GST) in mixed zooplankton from the North-West Coast of India: Implication for the use of environmental monitoring

This work deals with an experiment on mixed zooplanktonic organisms collected from the shore water of Diu coast. The study analyzed and measured lipid peroxidation (LPX), as a marker of oxidative stress and glutathione-s-transferase (GST) activity, as a marker of organic pollution. Both LPX and GST activities were highest at the stations close to the shore and marginally decreased along with transect. The reduced...

Author(s): Vijayakumar Rathod and Patil Balkrishna A.

August 2011

Consecutive treatment with phytase and arazyme influence protein hydrolysis of soybean meal

Soybean meal (SBM) is the main protein supplement used in animal feed worldwide. The degree of hydrolysis (DH) of SBM treated with two enzymes viz. phytase and arazyme was investigated for the first time in this study. The DH of SBM in the treatment with arazyme increased significantly as compared to the control without enzyme application. About 1.5-times and 10-fold higher DH were observed in phytase treatment when...

Author(s): Piao Mei Zi, II-Doo Kim, Dong-Hyun Shin, Jung-Won Lee, Eun-Kyung Yeom and Young Jun Choi

August 2011

Effect of glucose, lactate and pyruvate concentrations on in vitro growth of goat granulosa cell

Carbohydrates are among the most influential of the numerous components of culture medium that affect metabolism and developmental potential. Glucose, lactate and pyruvate are required for the growth of oocytes and other follicular cellsin vitro. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of different concentrations of glucose, lactate and pyruvate on promoting DNA synthesis of granulosa cells in a serum-free...

Author(s): Hamid Deldar, Ahmad Zare-Shahneh, Mohammad-Javad Zamiri, Morteza Daliri, Hamid Kohram, Zarbakht Ansari-Pirsaraie, Amir Akhlaghi, Mahdi Zhandi and Mahdi Khodaie

August 2011

Preparation, characterization and in vitro study of biocompatible fibroin hydrogel

In this study, Bombyx mori silk based hydrogels were prepared and their biorelevant properties like physical, chemical and thermal properties were studied. Firstly, silk fibroin aqueous solution was prepared and the molecular weight of fibroin protein was determined followed by particle size analysis for the confirmation of study. Silk fibroin hydrogels were prepared by treating a 12% (w/v) silk...

Author(s): M. K. Sah and K. Pramanik

August 2011

A reagentless amperometric immunosensor based on nano-au and carbon nanotubes for detection of alphafetoprotein

In this paper, carboxyl-ferrocene (Fc-COOH) was explored to label alphafetoprotein antibody (anti-AFP), which was then mixed with AU nanoparticles (nano-Au) and multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) dispersed by chitosan (CS) to form the nano-Au/MWCNTs/anti-AFP-Fc chitosan composite. After that, the composite was immobilized onto the surface of the electrode to prepare a reagentless amperometric alphafetoprotein (AFP)...

Author(s): Sheng Wu Xianqing Gu, Jieming Li and Kunlun Luo

August 2011

Design of a new hairpin DNAzyme: The activity controlled by TMPyP4

A new 10-23 hairpin DNAzyme with a G-quadruplex structure stem was designed. The formation and stability of the G-quadruplex structure as the DNAzyme stem in the absence or the presence of TMPyP4 were investigated by UV-visiblespectroscopy, circular dichroism (CD) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) methods, respectively. The results showed that the stability of this DNAzyme can be enhanced...

Author(s): Wu Lei, Tong Qian, Li Hai-chao, Xu Hao-ran, Lu Ming, Zhang Yue-bin, Sun Yu, Li Wen-zhao, and Li Zhengqiang

August 2011

Molecular identification of Ornithobacterium rhinotracheale in turkeys in Isfahan province of Iran

Ornithobacterium rhinotracheale (ORT) is a gram negative, pleomorphic, rod shaped and non-motile bacterial pathogen mostly known to cause respiratory tract infections in turkeys. Ornithobacteriosis is an infectious disease of avian species that has been reported in almost all countries around the world. The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of ORT in turkeys in Isfahan province of...

Author(s): Abbas Doosti, Ali Sharifzadeh, Hamed Ghasemi and Javad Vaez

August 2011

Effects of L-arginine on intestinal development and endogenous arginine-synthesizing enzymes in neonatal pigs

This study aimed to investigate the effects of dietary L-arginine supplementation on the intestinal development of neonatal piglets and the underlying mechanisms. 36neonatal piglets were randomly allocated into three diet groups: control group (supplemented with 0% L-arginine), 0.4 and 0.8% L-arginine...

Author(s): Lin Huang, Zong-yong Jiang, Yin-cai Lin, Chun-tian Zheng, Shi-kui Wang, Xue-feng Yang, and Guo-yao Wu

August 2011

Effect of inorganic chelate of zinc and restaurant residual oil added to feed mixture on the biochemical traits of thigh muscles in male broilers

An experiment was planned to study the influence of restaurant residual oil (RRO)   and inorganic chelate of Zn (ZnO) on triglyceride (TRG), cholesterol (CHOL) andmalondialdehyde (MDA) concentrations of thigh muscles in male broiler chickens. In the present research, three hundred and twenty four 10-day-old male broiler chicks (Ross 308 strain) in nine treatments including three levels of experimental oil...

Author(s): Habib Karamouz, Habib Aghdam Shahryar, Jamshid Ghiasi Ghaleh-kandi and Abolfazl Gorbani