African Journal of
Pharmacy and Pharmacology

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Pharm. Pharmacol.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1996-0816
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJPP
  • Start Year: 2007
  • Published Articles: 2298

AJPP Articles

Characterization of medication errors in the Neonatology Unit of Teaching Pediatric Hospital of Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

January 2025

Medication errors were reported for the first time in 1962. Neonates are more exposed than other pediatric and adult patients. In Burkina Faso, a few medication errors in neonate care units are known. This study aimed to characterize medication errors along the clinical medication circuit in the neonatology unit of the teaching pediatric hospital of Ouagadougou. A cross-sectional study included 38 neonates admitted to...

Author(s): Moussa Ouedraogo, Guembre Adama, Emile W. Ouedraogo, Geoffroy W. Dibri, Charles B. Sombie, Aïssata Kabore, and Kisito Nagalo,  

Sedative and anticonvulsant activities of ethanolic extract of Cymbopogon proximus (Mahareb) and Hibiscus sabdariffa L. (Karkade) in Wistar rats

January 2025

Medicinal plants are a vital source of new chemical substances with potential therapeutic effects. In many regions worldwide, these plants play a significant role in population healthcare. This study aimed to investigate the sedative and anticonvulsant potential of ethanolic extracts of Cymbopogon proximus (Mahareb) and Hibiscus sabdariffa L. (Karkade), as well as possible hepatotoxicity. The study design involved...

Author(s): Ahmed B. Mohamed and Tarig M. El-Hadiyah  

Guidelines for rational use of drug based data extracted from the APURMED application in Burkina Faso

November 2024

The major constraint of insufficient resources limits the availability and accessibility of medicine. Fortunately, proper use of available medicinal resources could contribute to greater efficiency within the health system. This study, using data extracted from the APURMED application, aims to guide the rational use of drugs in practice within Burkina Faso. Treatments for infectious and non-communicable diseases...

Author(s): Tinguéri L. B., Ki A., Nikiema S., Kafando H., Bationo B. G., Coulibaly M., Zan I., Rouamba M., Zoungrana A. B., Semdé S., Zohoncon T. M.,  Somé P. C., Bonkoungou V.  and Ouédraogo M.  

Impact of aqueous extract of unripe musa paradisiaca pulp on the electrocardiogram of isoprenaline induced myocardial infarcted wistar rats

November 2024

In many cultures around the world, pulp of unripe plantains, or Musa paradisiaca, is used in folk medicine to cure liver, kidney, and cardiovascular diseases as well as obesity, anemia, and diabetes. In order to determine the electrocardiographic characteristics of Musa paradisiaca's aqueous extract in isoprenaline-induced myocardial infarction in Wistar rats, this study was conducted. About 300 g of the powdered...

Author(s): Aja Daniel Ogbonna John, Etu Kenneth Eze, Eze Chidi Eze, Emeka Nnenna Nancy, Ezenyeka Sixtus Chukwunonso, Ezenwaeze, Malachy Nwaeze, Okamkpa Jude Chikezie, Asogwa Rosemary Ekene, Nwokike Matthew Onyemaechi, and Ghasi Samuel Ikenna,  

Development of a digital application for the rational use of medicine in Burkina Faso

November 2024

Developing countries lack enough human and financial resources, making it difficult for them to respond adequately to the population's essential health needs. Using digital applications to promote the rational use of medicines presents a solution to increase the health system's efficiency and encourage saving limited medicinal resources. This project aimed to develop a drug database completed with equivalence...

Author(s): Tinguéri L. B., Ki A., Nikiema S., Kafando H., Bationo B. G., Coulibaly M., Zan I., Rouamba M., Zoungrana A. B., Semdé S., Zohoncon T. M.,  Somé P. C. , Bonkoungou V.  and Ouédraogo M.  

Assessment of the usefulness of a traditional therapy N01-KABRAN compared to conventional anti-diabetics in real-life use in a retrospective study

October 2024

Comparing the quality of life of herbal medicine users with those undergoing anti-diabetic treatments in real-life scenarios for type II diabetes, this retrospective parallel group study focused on follow-up data from medical records of the nine months preceding the survey day of consenting type 2 diabetic patients. The SF-36 questionnaire, translated into French, was used. Alpha was set at 5%. The groups, Classic...

Author(s): Mamadou KAMAGATE, Kanga Sita N’ZOUE, Thérèse DAUBREY-POTEY, Jean-Claude YAVO, Augustine KAKOU, N’Guessan Alain Roland YAO, Camille KOFFI, N’Goran Mathieu KOUAME, Manan Siméon YOBO-BI, Mankoh Yves-Cédric KEE and Henri DIE-KAKOU  

The combined administration of Cymbopogon citratus and Citrus medica showed better genotoxic and anticancer activities in Zonocerus variegatus and rats

October 2024

Cymbopogon citratus (CC) and Citrus medica (CM) are plants consumed in Cameroon in the form of herbal tea for the prevention and treatment of various conditions including cancers. To provide scientific proof of the suggested anticancer effect of these plants, the genotoxic and anticancer effects of the aqueous extracts of these plants were studied respectively on the germ cells of locusts (Zonocerus variegatus) and the...

Author(s): Harding Saah Namekong, Marius Trésor Wego Kamgaing, Marie Alfrede Mvondo, Stéphane Minko Essono, Abdoul Ngananiyyi, Gilbert Ateufack

Role of soluble guanylate cyclase and muscarinic receptors in the relaxant effect of Waltheria indica L. (Malvaceae) on tracheal smooth muscle

September 2024

Waltheria indica L. (Malvaceae) has been recognized in traditional medicine for its various therapeutic effects, including anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anticancer, and bronchorelaxant activities. This study aimed to investigate the relaxant effects of W. indica extracts on rat tracheal smooth muscle and explore the involvement of β2-adrenergic and muscarinic receptors, calcium and potassium channels, nitric...

Author(s): Zakaline Yabré, Rainatou Boly, Charaf El Khattabi, Maurice Ouédraogo, Raogo Ouédraogo, Abdoul Gilchrist Laurent Boly, Moussa Ouedraogo, Rasmané Semdé, Noufou Ouédraogo, Stephanie Pochet and Noëla Hoho Estelle Youl

In vitro validation of anti-Plasmodium potency of plants-based extracts from Scoparia dulcis Linn used traditionally to treat malaria in Niger

August 2024

Malaria is a parasitic disease that is currently considered a major public health problem. The parasite responsible, Plasmodium falciparum, is increasingly resistant to current anti-malarial drugs. The objective of this study was to assess the in vitro anti-plasmodial potential of Scoparia dulcis Linn (Scrophulariaceae), a plant traditionally used to treat malaria in Niger. Organic and aqueous extracts were prepared...

Author(s): Laoula Aissata Bintou Fabien, Soma Aboubakar, Sanon Souleymane, Yaro Boubacar, Ouattara Lamousa Paul, Mahamane Idi Issa Abdoulahi, Sirima Sodiomon Bienvenu, Nikiema Jean Baptiste and Ilagouma Amadou Tidjani  

Studies of phytochemical analysis, in vitro and in vivo evaluation of the local Pseudoelephantopus spicatus plant

August 2024

The plant Pseudoelephantopus spicatus is used in Bangladesh for its folkloric medicinal properties, particularly in rural and Chittagong Hill tract areas. Methanolic extracts of this plant and its various Kupchan partitionates (MESP, HSP, DCMSP, EtAcSP, and AQSP) were then subject to in vitro and in vivo bioassay investigations to determine their consistency and potency. The preclinical trial outcomes hold significance...

Author(s): Md. Hasan Ali, Shariful Islam, Mohammad Mahmudul Hasan, Md. Hasanur Rahman, Asheka Rahman, Mohammad Abdullah Taher and Tanvir Muslim  

Drug-drug interactions in cardiology: A reality often overlooked by hospital practitioners

August 2024

Drug interaction is defined as the influence that drugs can have on other co-administered drugs. It becomes a concern when it has a significant, described, or potentially serious clinical impact. It is likely to cause or worsen drug adverse reactions or lead to ineffective treatment. The objective was to assess drug-drug interactions in the Cardiovascular service. This was a cross-sectional study carried out in patients...

Author(s): Kee Mankoh Y.-C., N’zoue K. S., Daubrey-Potey T., Yobo BI M. S., Toure M., Djoma A. H⊃, Gnaba L. A., Ouattara P., V. Y. Lja, Adoubi A., and Kamagate M.  

Evaluation of betablockers and digoxin in black African heart failure patients based on a non-interventional cohort study at Abidjan Heart Institute

July 2024

The aim was to determine the benefit of betablockers and/or digoxin on mortality in heart failure in black Africans using a comparative study. This was a prospective, non-interventional, comparative, four-arm follow-up cohort study using the Abidjan Heart Institute database. Patients were divided into four arms: betablocker alone, betablocker plus digoxin, digoxin alone, and a control group with conventional treatment...

Author(s): Djénamba BAMBA-KAMAGATÉ, Massiré TOURÉ, Mankoh Yves Cédric KEE, Manan Siméon YOBO-BI, Kanga Sita N’ZOUÉ, Éric Sogbety DIOMANDÉ, Fatoumata TRAORÉ and Mamadou KAMAGATÉ  

Nicolau syndrome: An avoidable iatrogenic complication leading to disabilities

July 2024

Nicolau syndrome is a rare complication following intramuscular injection of various medications. The pathophysiology of the condition remains complex. However, corticosteroids are responsible for vasospasm and ischemic necrosis. The objective of this report was to demonstrate the often-preventable nature of this debilitating drug-induced iatrogenesis. Two cases of preventable Nicolau syndrome in children aged 2 and 6...

Author(s): Manan Siméon YOBO-BI, Kanga Sita N’ZOUÉ, Massiré TOURÉ, Adoubs Célestin BÉNIÉ, Mankoh Yves-Cédric KEE, Kpangni Ahua Jean BERTRAND, Alain Claude Stéphane Batoué TIA and Mamadou KAMAGATE,  

Preclinical immunomodulatory activity of COVIDEX® herbal product developed for supportive treatment of COVID-19 in Uganda

July 2024

The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic due to the SARSCoV-2 virus caused international lockdown with devastating effects on global health. In Africa, most people resorted to the use of herbal products for the prevention and treatment COVID-19 related symptoms. In Uganda COVIDEX® herbal product was widely used and is still used against COVID-19 and other viral symptoms of the upper respiratory tract. The product...

Author(s): Patrick Engeu Ogwang, Silvano Samba Twinomujuni, Casim Umba Tolo and  Francis Wasswa

Social and environmental factors influencing drug promotion in Ethiopia

June 2024

Drug promotion influences physicians in such a way that they have a tendency for irrational prescribing, preference for newer, more expensive drugs and an inability to identify incorrect claims about drug products. Therefore, this study assessed interactions of drug promoters and physicians and its effect on prescribing in Ethiopia. A cross sectional study was conducted among physicians working both in private and...

Author(s): Teshager Aklilu Yesuf, Birhanu Demeke Workneh, Mengistie Yirsaw Gobezie, Haftom Gebregergs Hailu and Segenet Zewdie Ayele  

Impact of Artemisia annua and Moringa oleifera on Viral Load, T Cell Activation, and Exhaustion in Ugandan People Living with HIV/AIDS (PLWH)

June 2024

Highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) effectively controls HIV replication in HIV-positive individuals, but chronic immune activation persists, leading to increased virus replication, T cell depletion, and exhaustion, necessitating lifelong HAART to prevent disease progression. This study explores the potential of supplementing HAART with Artemisia annua and Moringa oleifera leaf powders as adjuvants to restore...

Author(s): Silvano S. Twinomujuni, Patrick E. Ogwang, Esther C. Atukunda, Phillip Ssekamatte, Diana Sitenda, Rose Nabatanzi, Martin Amanya, Hussain Y. Ungo-kore, Felicitas Roelofsen, Bannet Asingura, Bernard S. Bagaya and Joel Bazira  

Tolerance profile of therapeutics at the Abidjan Cardiology Institute (CÔTE D’IVOIRE)

June 2024

Tolerance of treatments is an important factor in compliance and quality of care for various pathologies. The objective of our study was to evaluate the prevalence of adverse events observed in patients at the Abidjan Cardiology Institute (ACI).  This descriptive, observational, cross-sectional study involved 200 patients of all ages who were undergoing drug treatment for cardiovascular diseases or other...

Author(s): Manan Siméon YOBO-BI, Kanga Sita N&#;ZOUE, Mankoh Yves-Cédric KEE, Diemon Linda KPEA, Massiré TOURE, Cheick Oumar DIALLO and Mamadou KAMAGATE,

Effect of flavonol from chamomile (Matricaria recutita) flavonoids on memory disorders and determination of oxidative stress in Alzheimer's rats

June 2024

Alzheimer's disease is one of the most common neurodegenerative diseases characterized by beta-amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles. Alzheimer's is associated with various cellular changes including oxidative stress, neuronal inflammation, and mitochondrial disorders, ultimately leading to neuronal death. Flavonols found in the chamomile plant (Matricaria recutita) exert beneficial effects on brain...

Author(s): Seyed Reza Pourrabie  

Evaluation and validation of limited sampling strategy for estimating individual exposure of mycophenolic acid in renal transplant children receiving concomitant tacrolimus

May 2024

Limited sampling strategies (LSS) for estimating the area under the concentration-time curve (AUC) of mycophenolic acid (MPA) in renal transplant children receiving concomitant tacrolimus have been developed, but they have not yet undergone full validation. The objectives of the present study were to evaluate the predictive performance of previously published LSS of MPA in an independent pediatric population and to...

Author(s): BROU Nguessan Aimé, TE BONLE Leynouin Franck-Olivier, BALAYSSAC Eric, N’ZOUE Kanga Sita and SANGBEU Bertrand

Clinical and parasitological evaluation of cutaneal lesions in Mesocricetus auratus infected with Leishmania amazonensis

May 2024

Cutaneous leishmaniasis is an infectious-parasitic disease that is vector-transmitted by female Phlebotomus species through a blood meal. The drugs recommended by the Ministry of Health show moderate efficacy and numerous adverse reactions, making it necessary to develop new drugs. However, it is essential to establish new and vibrant diagnostic techniques detecting and quantifying the parasites in experimental animals...

Author(s): Bruno Bezerra Jensen, Claudia Dantas Comandolli-Wyrepkowski, José Fernando Marques Barcellos, Aline Fagundes da Silva, Paula Figliuolo da Cruz Borges, Rebecca Sayuri Barbosa Hanada, Francimeire Gomes Pinheiro, and Antonia Maria Ramos Franco  

An in vitro evaluation of the antileishmanial and cytotoxic activity of methyl gallate associated with conventional treatment for cutaneous leishmaniasis

May 2024

Cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) is a non-contagious infectious-parasitic disease caused by protozoa of the genus Leishmania sp. It is considered a neglected tropical disease and involves public health issues because it affects socially vulnerable populations. The therapy recommended by the Brazilian Ministry of Health as the standard treatment for CL presents numerous challenges. Therefore, it is necessary to look for...

Author(s): Rebecca Sayuri Barbosa Hanada, Bruno Bezerra Jensen, Richaelly Pinheiro dos Santos, Paula Figliuolo da Cruz Borges, Francimeire Gomes Pinheiro, Mayara Arguello da Silva, Ana Caroline dos Santos Castro, Juliana Maria de Morais and Antonia Maria Ramos Franco  

Antioxidant and antibiofilm activity of Ageratum conyzoides L, and Bidens pilosa L against wound pathogens

April 2024

Biofilm infections represent a significant challenge in the medical field due to escalating antibiotic resistance. Plants offer a promising avenue for addressing this issue, as they harbor a diverse array of phytochemicals with various biological activities, including antioxidant properties crucial for preventing biofilm formation in wounds. This study aimed to explore the antioxidant and antibiofilm capabilities of...

Author(s): Catherine Namuga, Haruna Muwonge, Moses Solomon Agwanya and Johnbaptist Kirabira

Effects of Adansonia digitata L fruit pulp and Lawsonia inermis L leaves extracts on some smooth muscle preparations

April 2024

Plant materials serve as valuable sources of new medicinal agents, with a considerable number of them being used medicinally. However, it is important to follow systematic research methodology to evaluate the pharmacological properties of these plant materials. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects on some smooth muscle preparations of Adansonia digitata L (Bombacaceae) fruit pulp and Lawsonia inermis L...

Author(s): Musab A. M. Abdelrahim  

Effects of the use of piper betle l. leaf extract associated with adipose-derived stem cells on ulcers in streptozotocin-induced diabetic mice

April 2024

Diabetic ulcers often present challenges in healing or may heal incompletely without the restoration of proper function. Piper betle L. is recognized as a valuable traditional medicine for treating open wounds due to its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, as well as its ability to stimulate fibroblast proliferation. Additionally, adipose-derived stem cells (ADSCs) have the capacity to self-renew and...

Author(s): Van Huong Nguyen, Pham Phuoc Hung Lam, Thi Minh Thu Ngo, and Ngoc Hieu Nguyen,

Approval of conventional medicines in Cameroon in 2023: Why do some fail?

March 2024

This study focuses on the work of the specialized commission responsible for assessing the conformity of registration files for drugs seeking marketing authorization (MA) in Cameroon during 2023, particularly examining why certain applicants submit noncompliant files for approval. First, the files submitted to the specialized commission in 2023 were listed. The data on the reasons for noncompliance were then compiled,...

Author(s): Zoa Bindzi Joseph Bertin Alexis, Etoundi Ada Valérie, Minyem Ngombi Afuh Aude Perine, Tsafack Edmond Elisée, Khou-kouz Nkoulou Claude Hervé, Mballa Magalie Flore, Nyangono Ndongo Martin, Yaba Dana Basil and Nnanga Nga  

Antihyperglycemic and pancreatic ?-Cells protective effects of Cassia siamea in Alloxan-induced diabetic wistar rats

January 2024

The study aimed to investigate the β-cell protective effects of ethanol extracts of Cassia siamea (Fabaceae) leaves (LECS). Initially, acute toxicity of LECS (2000 mg/kg/day/bw; po) was assessed in rats. In vitro, antioxidant activity was evaluated on HUVEC cultures. Subsequently, acute hypoglycemic and antihyperglycemic properties were examined for three doses of LECS (100, 200, and 400 mg/kg/bw; po) in Wistar...

Author(s): Camille KOFFI, N’goran Mathieu KOUAME, Kouassi Eugène KOFFI, Kanga Sita N’ZOUÉ, N’guessan Alain Roland YAO, Brahima DOUKOURE and Mamadou KAMAGATE  

Immunomodulatory effect of Artemisia annua and Moringa oleifera on viral load among PLWH on antiretroviral therapy in Uganda

November 2023

Contemporary highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) is effective and tolerable for a long time but cannot eradicate human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection by either elimination of viral reservoirs or enhancement of HIV-specific immune responses. HIV infects the B cell germinal centers in follicles of lymphoid tissue and induces dysfunction, which may persist during HAART, negatively affecting IgG subclass...

Author(s): Silvano Twinomujuni, Patrick E. Ogwang, Esther C. Atukunda, Amanya Martin, Mary Nantongo, Richard Otim, Rose Nabatanzi, Felicitas Roelofsen, Bernard Bagaya and Joel Bazira  

Pharmacotherapeutics of cerebrovascular accidents in the medical intensive care unit of the Abidjan Cardiology Institute (Ivory Coast)

November 2023

Stroke is responsible for 52% of vascular deaths in Africa, compared to 38% in Europe. A rigorous and rapid pharmacotherapeutic approach, based on the rational use of drugs, could improve this figure. This work aimed to study the pharmacotherapeutic treatment of strokes in the medical intensive care unit of the Abidjan Cardiology Institute. A retrospective descriptive cross-sectional study carried out on patient records...

Author(s): Gbongue Eric TIA, Kouakou Etienne EFFO, Gniènèfèrètien Nounaféri Awa SILUE, Amankou Donaldo Jean-Fabius AHUA, Ahou Axelle Edith KOUADIO, Geneviève N&#;GUESSAN-IRIE and N’doua Gisèle KOUAKOU-SIRANSY  

Polyphenol content, antioxidant and antiproliferative effects of a plant mixture composed of four medicinal plants with hepatoprotective potential

October 2023

Reactive oxygen species (ROS), known as normal by-products of various cellular processes, are involved in several human diseases, including cancer and liver diseases. The present study aimed to (i) determine the polyphenol contents, (ii) assess the antioxidant, and (iii) antiproliferative effects of a mixture composed of Balanites aegyptiaca, Calotropis procera, Cochlospermum tinctorium, and Acanthospermum hispidum....

Author(s): Boly Rainatou, Kindo Abdourahim, Traore Tata Kadiatou, Belem-Kabre Wendkouni Leila M. Esther, Barro Lassina, Compaore Souleymane, Compaore Moussa, Carraz Maelle and Ouedraogo Noufou  

Assessment of the in vivo acute toxicity of aqueous extracts of artavol® antimalaria herbal tea

September 2023

Acute toxicity testing plays a pivotal role in the initial safety assessment of products. It examines the effects of a single or multiple doses of a product administered to animals or taken by humans within a 24-hour period. This test holds particular importance in determining the toxic characteristics of products intended for use in humans, animals, and agriculture. Despite the availability of numerous herbal medicinal...

Author(s): Joseph Oloro, Amon A. Ganafa, Oscar O. P’okello, James M. Mucunu and Timothy E. Maitho

Hydrocotyle bonariensis Comm ex Lamm (Araliaceae) leaves effects on rabbit’s blood pressure and electrocardiogram

September 2023

Hydrocotyle bonariensis Comm ex Lamm (Araliaceae) is traditionally used to treat various pathologies like hypertension. This work aims to evaluate the impact of hydro-ethanolic extract of its leaves on the blood pressure and cardiac activity of rabbits, and then to compare its hypotensive effect to conventional hypotensives. Intravenous injection of the hydro-ethanolic leaf extract (10; 20; 40; 80 and 160 mg /kg body...

Author(s): Komla Kaboua, Tcha Pakoussi, Aklesso Mouzou, Balakiyém Kadissoli, Mindede Assih, Aboudoulatif Diallo, Patrick BOIS and Kwashie Eklu-Gadegbeku  

Microbial and physical evaluation of selected cough syrups sold at peripheral drug outlets in Bushenyi District, South Western Uganda

August 2023

Syrups, being non-sterile liquid pharmaceutical formulations, are prone to microbial contamination. The most common microbial contaminants are bacteria and fungi. Contamination of oral liquid pharmaceuticals makes them hazardous due to potential to cause infections, and may also change their physical, chemical, and organoleptic properties. This study assessed the microbial quality and physical characteristic parameters...

Author(s): Johnmary Matovu, Mark Gonahasa, Edson Ireeta Munanura, Ibrahim Ntulume and Jonans Tusiimire,  

Attitudes towards vaccines and intentions to vaccinate against COVID-19 among undergraduate students at the University of Zambia

August 2023

Negative attitudes regarding vaccines and unwillingness to accept vaccinations are major barriers to managing the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, this study assessed the attitudes towards vaccines and intentions to vaccinate against COVID-19 among undergraduate students at the University of Zambia. This cross-sectional study was conducted among undergraduate students from August to September 2021. Data were collected...

Author(s): Martin Kampamba, Moonga Kalima, Christabel Nang’andu Hikaambo, Moses Mukosha,, Steward Mudenda and Ozawa Sachiko,  

Effects of traditional remedy Sarenta and glibenclamide combination on hyperglycemia orally induced in rats

July 2023

Herbal preparations are commonly used by low-income populations to treat diabetes. The objective of this work was to evaluate interaction between Sarenta remedy with antidiabetic drug such as glibenclamide. Experimental study was carried out according to protocol described by Kambouche.  Before giving different solutions on study, baseline blood glucose was taken using "One call plus" glucometer, then...

Author(s): Kouakou Sylvain, Yapo Guy, Djadji Ayoman, Adehouni Yacouba, Kouakou-Siransy G. and Irié-N’Guessan G.  

Variation of antioxidant and antibacterial activities of ethanolic extracts of propolis in three bee-keeping agro-ecological zones of Uganda

July 2023

Propolis is a resinous plant material collected by bees to defend their colony. This study evaluated the antibacterial and antioxidant activities of ethanolic extracts of Ugandan propolis in three bee-keeping agro-ecological zones. Antibacterial assays were performed on two Gram-positive (S. aureus and S. pneumoniae) and two Gram-negative (E. coli and P. aeruginosa) bacteria within a concentration range of ~1.6 to 100...

Author(s): Julius Kyomya, Mariam Kaanyi Kirabo, Wilberforce John Mayoka, Rehema Namunyenga, Rogers Jaggwe, Lawrence Imanirampa, and Jonans Tusiimire,  

Synthesis of organic compounds using yellow yam (Dioscorea praehensilis) tyrosinase as catalyst

July 2023

The authors report the synthesis of some bioactive organic compounds which could be of pharmacological interest using Dioscorea praehensilis tyrosinase immobilized on calcium-alginate beads. The enzymatic synthesis of these compounds involved pyruvic acid as a source of carbonyl groups, ammonia and catechol. Catechol was used as substrate and a parent compound that supplied aromatic ring carbons for the reactions. The...

Author(s): Olutosin Samuel Ilesanmi, Omowumi Funke Adedugbe, David Adeniran Oyegoke, Victory Ayo Olagunju and Isaac Olusanjo Adewale

Assessment of antibiotics use and associated problems at Jimma Health Center, South West Ethiopia

July 2023

Misuse of antibiotics is the main cause for resistance development. The objective of this study is to assess patterns of antibiotics use and associated problems at Jimma Health Center. The study was conducted from February 25, 2016 to March 25, 2016. For the analysis of prescribing indicators retrospectively 295 patient charts that fulfills inclusion criteria were systematically selected from a total of 9800 charts from...

Author(s): Geremew Kinati Terfa and Gemechu Zeleke  

Relationship between vancomycin trough concentration and 24-h area under the curve concentration in Tunisian patients

June 2023

The 24-h area under the curve concentration (AUC24 h) is associated with better clinical and bacteriological response to vancomycin in patients with methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus who achieve the target AUC24 h between 400 and 700 mg×h/L. Recent consensus recommends maintaining trough concentrations between 15 and 20 mg/mL as a convenient target  to reach an AUC/minimum inhibitory concentration...

Author(s): Sarra MAHFOUDHI, Emna GAIES,, CHARFI Rim,, Nadia JEBABLI, Mouna BEN SASSI,, Hanene EL JEBARI, Daghfous Riadh, and Sameh TRABELSI,

A review of phylogeny, medicinal values, phytochemistry and toxicity of Sarcophyte piriei Hutch (Balanophoraceae)

June 2023

In recent years, plants have shown potential as sources of antimicrobial agents due to their immense phytochemical constituents, and there is a need to continuously search and develop potent antimicrobial agents to combat the growing threat of antimicrobial resistance worldwide. The challenges facing the utilization of ethnomedicine are lack of sufficient studies to ascertain their therapeutic use. Sarcophyte is a...

Author(s): Dennis Jack Opwoko, Timothy Wachira and Joseph Mwanzia Nguta  

Assessment of pharmacy professionals’ knowledge and practice on the management and dispensing of investigational drugs in clinical trials

June 2023

In quality approach for the development of clinical research in Africa, the level of knowledge and practices of professionals influences the quality of the trial, the confidence of the sponsors in the performance of sites. We evaluated the management and dispensing of experimental drugs in Burkina Faso. From January to June 2018, we conducted a descriptive cross-sectional study with a sample of pharmacists and state...

Author(s): Grissoum Tarnagda, Moussa Ouedraogo, Bavouma Charles Sombié, Luc Kouka Delma, Eric Nagaonle Somé, Jean Claude Romaric Pingwendé Ouédraogo, Olivier Sombié, Maxime K.  Drabo and Rasmané Semdé  

Genetic diversity of pvcsp and pvs25 in Plasmodium vivax isolates in malaria-endemic areas in Asia, Africa, and America: A systematic review

June 2023

Analysis of genetic diversity is an important tool for evaluating Plasmodium vivax drug resistance, relapse patterns, and vaccine development. P. vivax circumsporozoite protein (pvcsp) is involved in sporozoite binding to liver cells. The three pvcsp patterns, i.e., VK210, VK247, or P. vivax-like types, are indentified in P. vivax isolates, which are characterized by repeated sequences. The VK210 pattern is a major...

Author(s): Bashir Abdirahman Guled, Wanna Chiajaroenkul, and Kesara Na-Bangchang,  

Assessment of antibiotics use and associated problems at Jimma Health Center, South West Ethiopia

April 2023

Misuse of antibiotics is the main cause for resistance development. The objective of this study is to assess patterns of antibiotics use and associated problems at Jimma Health Center. The study was conducted from February 25, 2016 to March 25, 2016. For the analysis of prescribing indicators retrospectively 295 patient charts that fulfills inclusion criteria were systematically selected from a total of 9800 charts from...

Author(s): Geremew Kinati Terfa and Gemechu Zeleke  

Cannabis and regulatory science: A review of challenges in Africa

March 2023

To some Cannabis is antisocial anathema, to others it is a harmless sedative-hypnotic, or narcotic analgesic and to others it occupies a cultural position as religious sacrament. Some fear its use leads to psychosis and addiction; to others still it is a legal anomaly and should be decriminalized. Whatever the case may be, in Africa where Cannabis is a recreational drug. It is caught in a bizarrely legal and regulatory...

Author(s): Norman Zimunda Nyazema  

Bioactivities of Picrasma javanica Blume. leaf extract

March 2023

Picrasma javanica Blume. is locally known as Nilghanta. Traditionally, the plant is used as an anti-pyretic. The aim of this study was to determine the biological properties of P. javanica leaf extract. The writhing test and tail flick response were determined to assess peripheral and central analgesic activities, respectively. Castor oil was fed orally to induce diarrhea in the test animals. Paw edema method was...

Author(s): Tasnuva Sharmin and Md. Shahidur Rahman  

Prevalence and possible psychoactive effects of hair cream use among students

February 2023

In the last decade, there have been different mental health challenges among students due to academic stress, especially during examinations. This has led to the need to explore the relationship between psychoactive ingredients, behavioral responses and academic stress in relation to the use of hair creams. The objectives of the study were to identify hair creams containing psychoactive ingredients in use by female...

Author(s): Francis Adebayo Folaranmi, Ayodapo Oluwadare Jegede and Oluwole Isaac Adeyemi

Anti-inflammatory and analgesic activities of methanolic extract of Elaeis guineensis Jacq. leaves (Arecaceae) and its fractions

February 2023

Elaeis guineensis Jacq. is an arborescent monocotyledon of the Arecaceae family. It is a plant originated from tropical rainforest of West Africa. For centuries, it has been a source of food and a natural remedy against several pathologies. The aim of the present research was to evaluate anti-inflammatory and analgesic activities of methanolic extract E. guineensis Jacq. (Arecaceae) leaves and phytochemical groups....

Author(s): Madièye Sene, Firmin Sylva Barboza, Abdou Sarr, Fatou Kine Dione, Charlot Diatta, Mamadou Ndiaye, Awa Ndiaye-Sy and Guata Yoro Sy

Acute and sub-acute toxicity evaluation of aqueous stem bark extract of Zanthoxylum Zanthoxyloides (Lam.) in male Albino Wistar rats

February 2023

Zanthoxylum zanthoxyloides has been used for decades in traditional medicine across West African countries to treat several ailments such as malaria and pain. However, sometimes it is used without information on its toxicity level. This present work aimed to explore the toxicity level of Zanthoxylum zanthoxyloides bark aqueous extract (AZZ) on albino Wistar rats after single and repeated administrations. For the acute...

Author(s): Atèhèzi TOUGOMA, Komi Sagnan ATCHRIMI, Oto-Obong Victor IDAH, Gideon Umezuruike EGESIE and Samuel Odu ODEH

In vitro inhibition of cyclooxygenases, anti-denaturation and antioxidant activities of Malian medicinal plants

February 2023

Cyclooxygenase 2 (COX-2) is involved in the production of prostaglandins that sustain the inflammatory process. Inflammatory cells release a number of reactive species. Furthermore, reactive oxygen species can initiate intracellular signaling cascades and enhance the expression of pro-inflammatory genes. The objective was to study the cyclooxygenase and protein denaturation inhibition and antioxidant activity of ten...

Author(s): Mahamadou BALLO, Karim TRAORE, Abdoulaye D.A. GUINDO, Seidina A.S DIAKITE, Blaise DACKOUO, Raogo OUEDRAOGO, Sékou BAH, Mahamadou DIAKITE, Rokia SANOGO and Estelle N. H. YOUL  

Acute toxicity and laxative effect of the aqueous extract of the leaves Crossopteryx febrifuga (Benth) in rats

January 2023

The leaves of Crossepteryx febrifuga (Euphorbiaceae) are commonly used in the Republic of Congo in traditional medicine as a laxative. The present study aims to justify the traditional use of C. febrifuga in the treatment of constipation. The acute toxicity of the aqueous extract was evaluated at the doses of 2000 and 5000 mg/kg in mice in accordance with the OECD (2001) guideline no. 423. The laxative activity of the...

Author(s): Elion Itou RDG,, Etou Ossibi AW, Boukongo R. P., Mambeke H. M., ,Morabandza C. J. and Abena AA

Anti-viral compounds from Jatropha curcas seed extract with anti-HIV-1 and anti-SARS-CoV-2 action

January 2023

Many studies have dealt with the medicinal properties of Jatropha curcas; however, there are limited studies on the scope of its antiviral potential. This is a fact associated with the current challenges posed by HIV-AIDS and COVID-19, which has reinforced the need to expand the knowledge about its antiviral resource. Based on the search for natural products with anti-HIV-1 and anti-SARS-CoV-2 activities, this work...

Author(s): Elvino José de Sousa Ferrão and Edilson Armando De Germano Janeque

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