Effects of sound waves on the enzyme activity of rice-koji
February 2015
Rice-koji is an important agent for the saccharification of fermented food production in Japan. In koji-making, temperature, humidity, light and oxygen are important environmental factors. However, there is no report of koji-making controlled by sound wave. In this study, focusing on the enzyme activity of rice-koji, we confirmed the relationship between enzyme activity and frequency of sound waves. Here, the enzyme...
Characterization of partially purified cysteine protease inhibitor from Tetracarpidium conophorum (African walnut)
February 2015
Cysteine protease inhibitors (CPIs) have been known to be present in a variety of seeds of plants, and have been intensively studied as useful tools for potential utilization in pharmacology. This study reports the isolation of CPI from Tetracarpidium conophorum by 65% ammonium sulphate saturation, followed by ion exchange chromatography; further purification was by gel filtration chromatography. The molecular weight of...
Glycated proteins: Clinical utility and analytical approaches
February 2015
The binding of glucose to serum proteins in a non-enzymatic reaction occurs proportionately to the prevailing serum glucose concentration during the lifespan of each protein. The non-enzymatic reaction of proteins with reducing sugars results in the formation of glycated proteins that are indicative of the relative amount of reducing sugars present. Hemoglobin, albumin, lipoproteins and other tissue proteins can be...
Higher tolerance of a novel lipase from Aspergillus flavus to the presence of free fatty acids at lipid/water interface
January 2015
The main objective of this work was to identify novel lipases of industrial interest. In this paper, Aspergillus flavus lipase (AFL) was isolated from the traditional tannery of Fez city in Morocco; it kept its stability even in the presence of high concentrations of detergent from 0 to 10 mM sodium deoxycholate (NaDC). Bile salts showed no inhibitory effect on the lipolytic activity, whereas the calcium salts showed a...
Changes in enzymes activities of soil samples exposed to electromagnetic radiations (EMR) from mobile phone
January 2015
This study aimed at investigating the changes in activities of dehydrogenase, catalase, alkaline phosphatase, acid phosphatase and alkaline protease of soil samples exposed to electromagnetic radiations (EMR) from mobile phone for the periods of 0, 30, 60 and 90 days. EMR-unexposed soil samples served as the source of control enzyme activities. The mean enzyme activities from the EMR-exposed soil were significantly...
Radiation protection and anti-oxidative effects of garlic, onion and ginger extracts, x-ray exposed albino rats as model for biochemical studies
November 2014
The present study investigates and examines the comparative effects of plant extracts such as, garlic, ginger and onion on some organs (liver, kidney and heart) of x-ray exposed rats, using and assaying some biochemical enzymes. Twenty (20) albino rats with an average weight of (155.00 ± 2.01 g), divided into five groups were used for the study. The rats with exception of the control were exposed to x-ray with...
A study of two weeks administration of copper sulphate on markers of renal function and feeding pattern of Wistar rats
November 2014
This study aimed at determining the changes in food consumption, water intake, plasma and urine concentrations of some organic constituents which are often used in the assessment of renal function following two weeks’ administration of two doses of copper sulphate to Wistar rats. Fifteen adult male Wistar rats were randomly divided into three groups of five rats each. Group I (control group) received distilled...
Hypolipidemic effect of Irvingia gabonensis fruits juice on sodium fluoride induced dyslipidemia in rats
October 2014
Effect of Irvingia gabonensis fruit juice administration on serum lipid profile of sodium fluoride (NaF)-intoxicated rats was investigated. Twenty-four (24) male Wistar rats divided into four groups of six (6) animals each - one control and three intoxicated groups were used. The normal control (NC) group received only standard pelletized diet and water. All three intoxicated groups received 20 mgkg-1 bodyweight of NaF...
Effect of rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) on lipid profiles and blood glucose in human diabetic patients (type-2)
October 2014
Investigation of the effect of oral administration of rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) as powder on lipid profiles and blood glucose in healthy and type-2 diabetic human patients was done. Forty-five type-2 diabetic patients and 15 non-diabetic persons of age 40 years or older participated in the study. Patients selected in this study had fasting blood glucose in the range 160-300 mg/dl, and high lipid profiles levels....
Replacement of bakery shortening with rice bran oil in the preparation of muffins
September 2014
Studies were carried out to replace bakery shortening with refined rice bran oil in the preparation of muffins. Physico-chemical properties of bakery shortening and rice bran oil were studied. Rice bran oil was found to have a higher content of the essential fatty acid linoleic acid (34.98%) as compared to that of bakery shortening (5.14%). Chemical composition of wheat flour used was also studied. Muffin samples were...
Lead and cadmium residue determination in spices available in Tripoli City markets (Libya)
September 2014
In recent years, there has been a growing interest in monitoring heavy metal contamination in food products. Spices can improve the taste of food and can also be a source of many bioactive compounds but can unfortunately, also be contaminated with dangerous materials, potentially heavy metals. This study was conducted to investigate lead (Pb) and cadmium (Cd) contamination in selected spices commonly consumed in Libya...
Safety evaluation for multispecies probiotics in a 28-day feeding study in Sprague-Dawley rats
September 2014
This experiment evaluated the 28-day feeding study in rats after they were continuously fed with multi-species probiotics dosages in the low-dosage, medium-dosage, and high-dosage groups: 2,000 mg/kg body weight (B.W.), 4,000 mg/kg B.W., and 6,000 mg/kg B.W., respectively, for 28 days as a reference for the safety of its repeated usage. Each group consisted of 10 male and 10 female Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats and the test...
Influence of CaCl2 and EDTA on reversible thermal inactivation of recombinant wild-type and mutant (E40H/E44H) Phlebia radiata manganese peroxidase 3 (rPr-MnP3)
August 2014
Thermal inactivation of a new recombinant Phlebia radiata manganese peroxidase (rPr-MnP3) in the presence and absence of additives (CaCl2 and EDTA) is described for the first time. The influence of temperature and melting points (Tm) on the stability of rPr-MnP3 and its mutant (E40H/E44H) were determined. There was no significant inactivation at 25 – 40°C. However, we observed rapid inactivation of rPr-MnP3 at...
Plasmodium berghei ANKA: Selection of pyronaridine resistance in mouse model
August 2014
Pyronaridine is a partner drug in, Pyramax®, a combination of artesunate (ASN)-pyronaridine (PRD) which was recently prequalified by WHO drug as a potential alternative for treatment of malaria in African setting. Pyronaridine is a mannich base, with a long half-life, thus predisposed to resistance. In this study, we selected pyronaridine resistance by submitting Plasmodium berghei ANKA line in vivo to increasing...
Antidenaturation and antioxidative properties of phytochemical components from Spondias mombin
May 2014
The antidenaturation and antioxidant properties of Spondias mombin Linn (Anacardiaceae) methanol leaf extract (SMC) and fractions prepared from it were evaluated in this study. SMC and its fractions: ether (SME), saponin-rich (SMS) and flavonoid-rich (SMF) were phytochemically screened and evaluated for total antioxidant activity (TAA), ability to inhibit deoxyribose degradation (DEO), lipid peroxidation inhibitory...
Effects of dietary tyrosine on serum cholesterol fractions in rats
May 2014
The present study was undertaken to measure the effects of dietary tyrosine added to rat diet on serum cholesterol levels in the rat. A total of twenty Wistar strain albino rats were fed with different doses of tyrosine enriched diets containing 0.8 g/100 g, 1.0 g/100 g and 1.2 g/100 g. After 3 weeks of experimental feeding, there was significant increase (p<0.05) in total postprandial serum cholesterol of rats fed...
Properties of arginase from gut of adult cockroach (Periplaneta americana)
April 2014
Arginase (EC catalyzes the hydrolysis of arginine to ornithine and urea. The role of arginase in insect has been seen in the growth of insect at various stages of development and energy requirement for flight. Here, we reported the properties of arginase in the gut of adult cockroach, Periplaneta americana. The enzyme was partially purified with ammonium sulphate precipitation and affinity chromatography. The...
Aqueous Bridelia ferruginea stem bark transaminase activities in albino rats
April 2014
The major objective of this study was to evaluate the transaminase activities of albino rats fed with aqueous extract of Bridelia ferruginea stem bark. Sixteen (16) albino rats with weight ranging between 100-190 g were used. The rats were divided into four groups; with group four as the control group. Increasing doses (100, 200 and 400 mg kg-1 body weight) of the extract were administered orally to the other three...
Properties of rhodanese from the liver of tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus, in Asejire Lake, Nigeria
March 2014
The study investigates the purification and characterisation of rhodanese from the liver of the tilapia fish (Oreochromis niloticus) collected from Asejire Lake in Nigeria. This was with a view to understanding the biochemical basis of the survival of the fish in cyanide polluted water. Rhodanese was isolated and purified from liver tissue homogenate of tilapia using CM-Sephadex ion exchange chromatography and Sephadex...
Usefulness of liver and kidney function parameters as biomarkers of ‘heavy metals’ exposure in a mammalian model Mus musculus
March 2014
The toxicological evaluations of cadmium (Cd), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), lead (Pb) and zinc (Zn) were carried out against Albino mice model, Mus musculus. On the basis of LC50 value, Cd (0.47 mM) was found to be the most toxic followed by Zn (2.40 mM), Pb (2.42 mM), Fe (4.52 mM) and Mn (5.70 mM) as least toxic. The results of the sublethal concentration of the heavy metals (1/10th of 96 hrLC50) on the liver function...
Extraction and comparison of fibrolytic enzyme additives from gut of 11 ungulates
February 2014
Microbial populations in herbivores gut attack, degrade and ferment structural carbohydrates in forage cell walls, producing volatile fatty acids and microbial proteins for the host. Exocellulases, endocellulases and cellobiases are the major cellulolytic enzymes while hemicellulase (xylanase) exposes cellulose for fermentation. This study aimed to isolate proteins that hydrolyse fibre or assist fibrolysis in any way...
Serum lipids and oxidized low density lipoprotein levels in sickle cell disease: Assessment and pathobiological significance
February 2014
One hundred and eighteen (118) subjects aged 15 to 36 years divided into control subjects (AA n = 42), heterozygous sickle cell patients (AS n = 33) and homozygous sickle cell patients (SS n = 43) were investigated for a lipid profile including the measurement of oxidized low density lipoprotein (LDL) to assess the risk of early atherosclerosis in sickle cell disease. The results show that total, high density...
Treatment of lead-poisoned rats through oral administration of palm oil extracts
February 2014
The palm fruit (Elaies guineensis) is the source of palmitic-oleic rich semi-solid fat and fat-soluble minor components, made up of vitamin E (tocopherols and tocotrienols), carotenoids and phytosterols. This study was in two parts. Firstly, it examined the effects of palm oil fractionation methods on recovery and concentration of carotenes, tocopherols and tocotrienols which are known to have nutritional and medicinal...
Effects of n-butanol fraction of Gongronema latifolium leave extract on some biochemical parameters in CCl4- induced oxidative damage in Wistar albino rats
February 2014
Effects of n-butanol fraction of Gongronema latifolium leave extract on some biochemical parameters in carbon tetrachloride-induced oxidative damage in Wistar albino rats were assessed. Fifty-four (54) Wister albino rats were divided into treatment group and LD50 groups. Group A (normal control) was given feed and water, Group B (vehicle control) was injected with olive oil intraperitoneally, while the rest groups (C,...
Proximate composition of Rastrineobola argentea (Dagaa) of Lake Victoria-Kenya
January 2014
Proximate composition analysis for crude lipid content, crude protein content, moisture content, total ash content and dry weight of Dagaa (Rastrineobola argentea): a small pelagic fish which constitutes one of the main fish species in Lake Victoria was determined from selected beaches: Paga, Dunga, Rota, Usari and Nduru around Lake Victoria-Kenya. This was done with a view to provide nutritional data to guide food...
The protective role of oral consumption of N-acetyl cysteine during a single session of exhaustive exercise in untrained subjects
January 2014
The aim of the current study was to verify the effect of N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) supplementation on markers of oxidative stress and inflammatory response during a single session of exhaustive exercise. In a randomized placebo-controlled double-blind clinical trial, thirty healthy, untrained young males and females with a mean age of 21.33±2.39 years, weight of 59.63± 9.24 kg and height of...
A microassay for quantification of 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydracyl (DPPH) free radical scavenging
January 2014
Polyphenols are the second largest abundant organic molecules in nature. One of the principal reported biological activities is the antioxidant capacity. 2,2-Diphenyl-1-picrylhydracyl (DPPH) method has been used to quantify polyphenols antioxidant activity in many different products with reproducible and reliable results. We proposed and validated a methodology to analyze this antioxidant activity with smaller amount of...
The composition of fatty acids stored in liver, muscle and fat tissues of the African lungfish Protopterus annectens (Owen, 1839)
January 2014
The composition and profile (%) of fatty acids stored in liver, muscle, and fat tissues of the fresh-water African lungfish Protopterus annectens were determined by gas chromatography. High content of total fatty acids (TFA) was found in fat (62.06 ± 3.4 g/100 g) followed by liver (50.68 ± 4.72 g/100 g) and muscle tissues (10.9 ± 0.81 g/100 g). Saturated fatty acids (SFA) formed 72.9% TFA in the...
Collaborative effects of some anti-diabetic plants on the liver marker enzymes of diabetic rats
January 2014
The leaves of Psidium guajava, Anacardium occidentale, Eucalyptus globulus and fruits of Xylopia aethiopica are used in the management of diabetes mellitus. The phytochemical constituents as well as the acute toxicity of the combined chloroform extracts (A. occidentale + E. globulus and P. guajava + X. aethiopica) and their effects (at graded doses of 100 and 250 mg/kg body weight each) on the activities of alanine...
Effects of fungal (Lachnocladium spp.) pretreatment on nutrient and antinutrient composition of corn cobs
December 2013
The nutritive value of corn cob following pretreatment by fermentation with fungal species of Lachnocladium spp. was investigated. Corn cob was milled and subjected to incubation with fungal species for a period of one week. Significant increase (p<0.05) in protein, ash and some mineral elements were observed. Calcium, magnesium, zinc and sodium content were observed to be higher in fermented cobs while significant...
Ferric reducing antioxidant power and total phenols in Cordia africana fruit
December 2013
Antioxidants are beneficial compounds found in a lot of foods. Cordia africana (Lam.) is a small fruit eaten all over Tigray and other parts of Ethiopia. The fruit was tested for its antioxidant content using the ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) assay and total phenols (TP) measured with Folin Ciocalteu`s reagent, across four different agroecological zones and three land use classes in Tigray. The average FRAP...
Impact of Anthocleista vogelii root bark ethanolic extract on weight reduction in high carbohydrate diet induced obesity in male wistar rats
December 2013
Obesity increases the risk of developing a number of diseases such as insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, stroke and heart attack. The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of ethanolic root bark extract of Anthocleista vogelii on weight reduction in high carbohydrate diet (HCD) induced obesity in male Wistar rats. Thirty male Wistar rats were housed in three...
Marine fungal metabolites as a rich source of bioactive compounds
November 2013
This paper reviews the recent results of bioactive compounds derived from marine fungi, which are highly diversified and are less explored. Researchers are showing keen interest in isolating novel bioactive compounds with clinical applications. Hence, here we discussed most of the bioactive compounds isolated from marine derived fungi and their possible roles in various efficient biological activities. Key words:...
Production of tannase and gallic acid by Aspergillus tamarii in submerged and solid state cultures
November 2013
The hydrolytic enzyme, tannase and the antioxidant phenolic compound, gallic acid are useful in many biotechnological processes especially in food and pharmaceutical areas. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the production of tannase and gallic acid by Aspergillus tamarii developed in submerged and solid state cultures using tannic acid as substrate. In submerged cultures, maximal tannase activity (20,400...
Physicochemical parameters and selected heavy metals assessment of drinking water at the students’ residences of the Nigerian Premier University
November 2013
Heavy metals contamination of drinking water is an important health risk factor due to the attendant toxic effect linked to it. We therefore assessed the quality of borehole, tap and well water samples in each of the seven students’ residential areas of University of Ibadan. Physicochemical parameters of the water samples including pH, turbidity, total suspended solids (TSS), total dissolved solids (TDS), as well...
The effects of Yucca schidigera on blood glucose and lipid levels in diabetic rats
October 2013
The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of Yucca schidigera (YSE) on lipid peroxidation and some biochemical parameters in streptozotocin-induced (STZ) diabetic rats. Four groups of seven rats each were used in this study. Supplementation period was three weeks. The groups were: I. control group (C), normal feed; II. diabetic (DM-YSE), normal feed plus YSE 100 ppm/kg; III. diabetic...
Effect of oestrous cycle on serum electrolytes and liver enzymes in Red Sokoto goats
October 2013
This study was carried out to determine changes in serum electrolytes and liver enzymes during the oestrous cycle in Red Sokoto goats. Eleven (11) apparently healthy Red Sokoto goats were synchronized with a single injection of 7.5 mg of PGF2α. The goats were bled via jugular venipuncture in oestrus or late oestrus, metoestrus/early dioestrus, mid-dioestrus and late dioestrus/proestrus. Mean serum...
Effect of combined use of Ocimum gratissimum and Vernonia amygdalina extract on the activity of angiotensin converting enzyme, hypolipidemic and antioxidant parameters in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats
October 2013
This study was aimed at investigating the angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitory effect, hypolidemic and antioxidant properties of combined extract of Occimum gratissimum andVernonia amygdalina in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Thirty (30) apparently healthy male Wistar rats were grouped into: control, diabetic, diabetic + insulin, diabetic + 100 mg/kg and diabetic + 250 mg/kg...
Optimization of metalloprotease production by Eupenicillium javanicum in both solid state and submerged bioprocesses
September 2013
Proteases are enzymes that have great importance in industries and can be produced through bioprocess by microorganisms. Changes in parameters can influence the production rate of these enzymes. The current study evaluated the influence of these parameters on the production of proteases by the fungus Eupenicillium javanicum under both solid state bioprocess (SSB) and submerged bioprocess (SmB), and...
Phosphotidylcholine as a new strategy in biocompatible material
September 2013
Biomaterial has a wide variety of usages in medicine and chemistry. The biomaterials used in medicine and chemistry are often polymers. Polymers used as biomaterial must be compatible to the environment and they must not be poisonous and in case they are broken down they must not provide poisonous products in biological environment. The biomaterial used for each case has certain and specific chemical and...
The changes of fatty acid composition in sun dried, oven dried and frozen hake (Merluccius merluccius) and sardinella (Sardinella aurita)
September 2013
The fatty acid composition and fat quality alteration of the round sardinella (Sardinella aurita) and the European hake (Merluccius merluccius) fillets during the frozen storage (-30°C), sun drying and controlled oven drying (temperature = 60°C, air velocity = 2 m/s and relative humidity = 20%) were investigated. Results show that the fresh fillets of the S. aurita and M....
An evaluation of antioxidants and oxidative stress in Iraqi patients with thyroid gland dysfunction
September 2013
The present study evaluates the effects of hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism states on antioxidant vitamins (A, E, C, β-carotene) and uric acid in Iraqi patients before treatment. Lipid peroxidation, an index of oxidative stress was elevated in hyperthyroidism but reduced in hypothyroidism patients as compared to control. The results showed a highly significant decrease in the sera levels of Vitamins A, E...
A pentacyclic triterpene from the leaves of Combretum collinum Fresen showing antibacterial properties against Staphylococcus aureus
August 2013
Leaf extracts of six different plants, many of which are used by traditional healers, were screened for antibacterial activity. These include Adina microcephaha, Combretum aurea,Combretum bracteosam, Combretum collinum, Filicium decipiens and Ficus moraceae. The highest mass of 118 mg was extracted with acetone from F. decipiens and the lowest mass of 18 mg was extracted...
Tea Artemisia annua inhibits Plasmodium falciparum isolates collected in Pikine, Senegal
August 2013
Malaria is a major scourge of most countries in Africa which continues to defy science and technology. Several medicinal plants are traditionally used for the treatment of malaria and other protozoa infections. We aimed to assess by the Double-site Enzyme-linked Lactate dehydrogenase enzyme Immuno-detection (DELI) test for the first time in Senegal, Plasmodium falciparum isolates in...
Association of SOD2 gene polymorphism with noise induced hearing loss in textile industry employees
August 2013
Noise exposure leads to hearing loss in industrial workers due to release of superoxide anions which damage cochlear epithelium in the ear. These free radicals are regulated by superoxide dismutase 2 (SOD2) and polymorphism in this gene may abet in predisposition to noise induced hearing loss (NIHL). The current study describes prevalence of polymorphism at two different loci...
Changes in the tissue antioxidant enzyme activities of palm weevil (Rynchophorous phoenicis) larva by the action of 2, 2-dichlorovinyl dimethyl phosphate
August 2013
The aim of this study was to determine the changes caused by the action of 2,2-dichlorovinyl dimethylphosphate (DDVP) on the three tissues, fat body (FB), gut (GT) and head (H), and the antioxidant enzymes of African black palm weevil, Rynchophorous phoenicis (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) larva. Larvae of R. phoenics were injected with varied concentrations (0 to 0.66 µg...
Effects of organic manures on the physicochemical properties of crude oil polluted soils
July 2013
The impact of crude oil pollution on the edaphic physicochemical parameters and the influence of incorporation of different types of organic manures in the polluted soils were investigated. The factorial set of treatments were six levels of crude oil pollution (0, 30, 60, 90, 120 and 150 ml), while amendment treatments were done after two weeks of pollution treatment, using the following organic manures:...
Seed oil diversity of Ethiopian linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.) landraces accessions and some exotic cultivars
July 2013
Keeping in view, lack of adequate information on genetic diversity in the Ethiopian linseed (Linum ustatisimum L.) landraces on one hand and its immense importance in the agricultural systems on the other hand in Ethiopia, 49 accessions collected from five regions of Ethiopia together with fifteen exotic cultivars were used in this ...
Protein sparing effects of carbohydrate in African catfish, Clarias gariepinus
July 2013
Feeding trial was conducted to examine the protein sparing effects of carbohydrate in Clarias gariepinus, an attempt to reduce the feed cost. C. gariepinus fingerlings mean weights of 8.32 ±0.04 g were randomly allotted into a group of 15 fishes per tank in triplicate of 10 treatments. They were fed on nine experimental diets and a commercial Catfish Reference Diet (CRD). The formulated...
The effect of quinine on myeloperoxidase activities in the neutrophil
July 2013
Quinine has been known to impair the functions of polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMN). Myeloperoxidase is the most abundant enzyme found in the neutrophil. The enzyme is known to catalyse the formation of hypochloride from hydrogen peroxide and chloride, as part of the normal cellular defence system in the polymorphonuclear neutrophil. This study was carried out to investigate the effect of quinine on...
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