Article in Press
Field experiment was conducted on two locations Goldia and Kure at South Omo Zone, in the SNNP, region Ethiopia, during the main cropping season from June–November, 2020 G.C for evaluating agronomic and symbiotic performance of field pea varieties in response to Rhizobial inoculant and N-fertilization under field conditions of South Omo highlands of Ethiopia. The experiment was laid out by RCBD factorial design comprising...
Article in Press
Spatial and temporal variability of irrigation requirement play an important role in crop growth and yield in agricultural systems. Due to erratic rainfall, irrigation water management are critical for sugar cane cultivation, a raw material for sugar production. But irrigation requirement depends on the soil type, climatic condition, and topography and in this regard, there is a limitation in the Arjo-Dedessa sugar factory...
Article in Press
Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L.) is one of the most important vegetables in the world and its demand has increased and so factors affecting its production are key for evaluation. The yields of tomato in Ghana are low and supplemented by imports from neighbouring countries. This study investigated the effects of deficit drip irrigation and mulch on reproductive and yield traits of two tomato varieties. The experiment was...
Availability and Utilization of Livestock Feed Resources in Ethiopia: A review
Article in Press
Livestock feed resources include natural pasture, crop leftovers, enhanced forage, hay, industrial by-products, and other feeds. Natural pasture is the predominant feed resource in Ethiopia during the wet season, whereas agricultural leftovers are significant during the dry season. Natural pasture makes up around a quarter of the country's total land area. However, due to seasonal changes in rainfall, poor grazing field...
Evaluation of the Parasites Associated with Talinum fruticosum
Article in Press
The intestinal parasitic quality of fresh commercial waterleaf (Talinum fruticosum) from Amai was investigated. A total of 30 fresh Talinum fruticosum (waterleaf) leaves was sourced from Amai central market and transported to the laboratory for examination. The leaves were washed in normal saline before centrifuging the saline for microscopic examination. The results obtained showed that the majority of the vegetables...
Article in Press
Study was performed at lower Wabishebele sub-basin in Somali region south eastern Ethiopia to analyze the land use and cover and spatial variability of soil chemical properties of the sub-basin and develop soil map. A total of 41 soil samples were collected from 0-30 cm depth and analyzed for; pH Total Nitrogen (TN), Available Phosphorus (AP), and Exchangeable Potassium (EK). The data was analyzed through descriptive...
Article in Press
Early and late leaf spots caused by Cercospora arachidicola and Phaeoisariopsis personata respectively, are the most widespread peanut fungal diseases in West Africa. These diseases lead to notable crop losses in the rural area. In the recent decades, chemical fungicides are used to fight against crop losses, but these chemical substances cause big damages to the environment including the animals and human beings. Thus,...
Article in Press
Our study aims to evaluate the phenotype of nine genotypes of rice, during two consecutive seasons, in plots of rice farmers in irrigated plains Kou valley and Di. We implanted a Fisher block with three replicates at both of these sites on plots that had previously been shown to have a high incidence of BLS. The incidence, severity, growth rate of the disease, and the average yield of the different genotypes tested were...
Article in Press
A reliable soil data play vital role in understanding the soil environment and its services. Therefore, a study was conducted to understand their physico-chemical and morphological properties of the soils and characterize, classify and map them. Three slope categories were considered and nineteen (19) representative opened pits (Pedons) in each slope was described according to WRB (2014), and then soil from horizons of...
Article in Press
Faba bean (Vicia faba L.) is among the major grain legumes cultivated and used extensively as a break crop in the highlands. However, production is insufficient because crop yields are low. After all, lack of improved and farmers preferred varieties. Therefore, it is a vital issue to identify and select the best performing varieties to enhance faba bean yield. The study was conducted with aim of identifying and selecting...
Presence of metals in farmland edible termites in Mazabuka District, Zambia.
Article in Press
Edible termites have played an important role in the history of human nutrition due to their nutritional value. Despite their nutritional body content, it is known that during their termitarium construction, termites accumulate metals in their bodies. This study examined the heavy metal content in selected edible termites for food safety. The household survey was carried out in 8 camps of Magoye and Stateland farming...
Article in Press
This paper aims to investigate the determinants of smallholder farmers’ rust resistant wheat adoption and impact on productivity and commercialization level. Based on the double hurdle model to identify the determinants of adoption of rust resistant wheat varieties, the study obtained sex of household head, active family size, farming experience, market (output) distance and location variable were important variables in...
Article in Press
The whole world has concluded in this chaotic and confusing world that doing any activity with the wisdom of achieving great heights is only possible through following a systematic approach, i.e. management principles. In the recent past, management principles are gaining a lot of importance for obvious reasons. In the VUCA world, the job of decision-makers is more trivial than before irrespective of any field. With this...
Article in Press
Sorghum has innate tolerance for drought, yet when it encounters terminal drought stress owing to reduction in soil moisture, at time of booting, causes reduction in yield and associated traits. The current study was conducted to evaluate two populations (recombinant inbred line and a reference set population) in treatment plots by inducing stress at booting stage and withholding irrigation against control plots. The...
Traditional processing and quality attributes of Dambou, a steamed coarse Semolina
Article in Press
Dambou is a traditional cereal-based food consumed in northern Benin. The traditional production method, marketing and consumption of Dambou were evaluated through a field investigation. A semi-structured questionnaire composed of socio-cultural profile of the stakeholders, nature of raw materials and processing methods used in Dambou production, quality attributes and consumption forms of Dambou was administrated to...
Analysis of yam value chain in Kwara State,
Article in Press
The development of dynamic agricultural value chains has been acknowledged to offer considerable scope in improving the livelihood of the value chain players. This study analyzed the profitability and marketing margins obtained by actors at various nodes of the yam value chain; and examined the organizations of the value chain, linkages among the key actors as well as the challenges faced by actors in the value chain in...
Article in Press
Livestock Production in Mwenezi District has become more susceptible to the devastating effects of climatic variability and change which are undermining expected developmental gains from the livestock value chain. Climate change and its associated impacts are increasing the intensity of livestock poverty and deaths across all forms of livestock. The study examined livestock production interventions implemented to reduce...
Article in Press
The Planting for Food and Jobs programme was initiated in 2017 as a strategy to create jobs, promote food production and enhance food security in Ghana, especially among smallholder farmers. This research applies mixed research approach to explore the robustness of policy trust and food security risk on smallholder participation in the programme. Using multistage sampling, a total of 164 respondents were selected for the...
Article in Press
Although "Wonderful" pomegranate has recently been cultivated in large areas of sandy soil in Egypt, it produces a low yield and quality. Soil applications of potassium humate and vinasse could effectively be used in sandy soil to enhance soil nutrient status as well as to enhance crops growth and productivity. "Wonderful" pomegranate trees at the Experimental Research Station of National Research Centre, Nubaria, El...
Status of Maintenance/Repair Servitization in the Agricultural Machinery Sector
Article in Press
Servitization means the adding of value to a product offering through service, and it has become an attractive strategy through which manufacturers can increase revenues without proportionally increasing costs. This paper reviews the status of the practice with reference to the agricultural machinery sector. It describes the benefits that could accrue to equipment manufactures and/or dealerships on the one hand, and...
Effect of shocks on diversification of climate smart agriculture in Nyando, South Western Kenya.
Article in Press
Africa’s socio-economic progress has been negatively influenced by climate change. The impact has largely been experienced in the agricultural sector mainly by smallholder farmers who have not only experienced food insecurity, but also economic constraints. The smallholder farmers are ignorant of agricultural and weather early warning systems. They rely on congenital techniques to cope with climatic and weather-related...
Article in Press
Soybean is an important legume crop which has high contents of protein, vitamins and minerals. The productivity of the soybean crop at national and particularly at study area was very low. To improve such low productivity, adoption of high yielding varieties with appropriate fertilizer application was very important. This study was tried to investigate the challenges of adoption status make variation among farmers on...
Genetic variability and Heritability of medium maturity group’s Soybean (Glycine max (L.)) Genotypes
Article in Press
Field experiment was conducted to assess the extent of genetic variability and heritability in soybean genotypes for yield and its related traits. A total of thirty six soybean genotypes were evaluated using simple lattice design at Fadis eastern Ethiopia during 2018 cropping season. Data were recorded for major quantitative traits and analyzed using appropriate statistical software. Analysis of variance revealed that the...
Assessment of Adoption Rate of Climate Change Adaptation Strategies in Kishi, Oyo State, Nigeria
Article in Press
The level of Adoption of introduced climate change adaptation strategies in Kishi, Oyo State, Nigeria was assessed in this study. The study also investigated the factors influencing the adoption rate of the technologies with a view to identify the constraints vis-a-vis suggesting solutions for improving adoption. In an attempt to carry out the said objective, data were obtained through a structured questionnaire...
Article in Press
The experiment was designed in a split plot design with three replications where the two maize varieties (Melkassa 2 and Melkasa 4) were main plot treatments, while treatment control options were sub-plot treatments, which included T1 (Sole maize), T2 (Neem), T3 (Indoxacarb 150 SC), T4 (intercropping with haricot bean), T5 (Neem + intercropping with haricot bean), T6 (Indoxacarb 150 SC + intercropping with haricot bean),...
Article in Press
The eastern Ethiopian lowlands are characterized as semi-arid and has low and erratic precipitation, soil erosion and poor soil fertility are the major constrainning factors responsible for limited crop production in the area. An on farm Conservation Agriculture (CA) trial was conducted in two districts (Jigjiga and Gursum) for three consecutive years (2013–2015) with the aim of evaluating various cropping systems under CA...
Cherry tomato production with different doses of organic compost
Article in Press
: Cherry tomato cultivation in protected environments ensures production in the off-season, reaching yields up to 100 t ha-1 with 150 days of cultivation. Fertilization with organic composts can influence the production components of cherry tomato. From this perspective, this study aimed to evaluate different doses and organic composts, based on their nitrogen contents, on the production components of cherry tomato. The...
Bibliographic survey of articles on the importance of school vegetable gardens in basic education
Article in Press
The implementation of the use of educational vegetable gardens in primary schools, belongs basics agricultural educational sciences and their interdisciplinarities. Have great advantages in the didactic-pedagogic area, but also major problems related to the construction, development and maintenance. Thus, in view of the low amount of scientific production in the area, and the positivities that the use of vegetable gardens...
Article in Press
This review assessed climate change and variability and its impact on crop production in Ethiopia. Comprehensive review of available secondary data from internet (Google Scholar and Scinapse) was used to access the impact of climate change on crop production. The result showed that now a day’s climate change and variability is a real phenomenon and affecting agricultural productivity, especially crop production (the most...
Article in Press
The study was carried out in Kedida Gamela Woreda of Kambata Tambaro Zone, Southern Ethiopia with the objectives of assessing the major dairy cattle feed resources, the feed quality and the feeding systems of dairy cattle in relation to agro-ecologies and seasons in the study area. A total of 160 respondents were included for the formal cross sectional study. Feed samples were analyzed in duplicates for dry matter (DM),...
Article in Press
This review is focused on rural households engaged in livelihood diversification strategies and pursuing livelihood outcomes in Ethiopia. The target is specifically to review the effect of income diversification on livelihood outcomes situation, to review determinants of participation and level of income generated from off/non-farm activities in Ethiopia. In this article review, both published and unpublished materials...
Evaluation of the vibration levels issued by agricultural tractors
Article in Press
Vibration is one of the most relevant aspects, when dealing with the subject of ergonomics in agricultural tractors, although there are still few studies developed to evaluate this parameter and its implications for occupational health. This work aimed to evaluate the levels of vibration emitted by agricultural tractors with different powers, comparing the results with the norm in force in Brazil, in addition to evaluating...
Article in Press
The study was carried out to analyze determinants of producer's participation decision and level of participation in milk marketing in East Gojjam Zone. Survey was employed to get primary data using questionnaire as a main tool from 204 respondents from Dejen and Machakel Woredas'. Besides descriptive and inferential statistics, Heckman two step selection econometric model was employed for data analysis. Sex of a household...
Article in Press
This study was devoted to isolate and assess the symbiotic efficiency of faba bean (Vicia faba L.)-nodulating rhizobia isolate at few faba bean growing areas of the eastern Hararghe highlands of Ethiopia. A total of 50 isolates were obtained from soil samples of three Woredas (districts) of the eastern Hararghe highlands using the host trap method. Out of these 50 isolates, 40 of them were presumptively identified as...
Article in Press
Credit is a major constraint to agricultural production in Nigeria. This study therefore analyzed the impact of cooperative loan on cassava-based farmers’ production in Oyo State Nigeria. A random sampling technique was used to select 1120 respondents in the study area and structured questionnaire was administered to collect relevant data. Descriptive statistics and propensity score matching (PSM) for the study. The result...
Article in Press
This experiment was conducted in 2019 major cropping season in the Semi-deciduous forest Agro-ecological zone of Ghana to solve low maize yield and improve maize productivity and enhance farmer’s income using foliar and soil applied fertilizers as nutrient sources. Eight treatments (T) were used; T1= {N, P2O5, K2O (90-60-60) kg/ha} at 2 & 6 Weeks After Sowing (WAS); T2= {Poultry manure (4 t/ha)} at 2 Weeks Before Sowing...
Population dynamics and determination of sample parameters for the major insect-pests of safflower
Article in Press
In this study, sample unit size and number of samples for major insect-pests of Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) were estimated during 2015-2016. The experiments were laid out in randomized complete block design with three replications in which the experimental area measuring 2000 m2 was divided into 45 subplots. Four samples of different unit sizes were taken as one plant in an area of 0.12m2, two plants in an area of...
Article in Press
Dams spur economic development especially in drought-prone regions in sub-Saharan Africa. In Zimbabwe, Chiredzi District in the south eastern lowveld, sugar plantations and citrus estates have benefited from dams like Mutirikwi, Tugwi Mukosi, Manjerenje and others. Communal areas around and downstream the dams have not realised any significant direct economic benefit from these water bodies as the water was regarded as...
Modern poultry farm actors’ current status in Togo
Article in Press
The issue of the animal protein requirement has led Togo authority to focus their attention on modern birds breeding activities through training and education programme entrusted to CERSA (Centre d’Excellence Regional sur les Sciences Aviaires). To assess the current situation of the sector, especially about egg and poultry meat producers, a survey was carried with hundred applicants selected and trained. The investigation...
Prediction of body weight from linear body measurements for Horro sheep breeds in Oromia, Ethiopia.
Article in Press
The study consisted of measuring the live weight Body weight, Body length, Height at wither, Chest girth, Chest width, Rump length and Pelvic width for each animal. A total of 1589 Horro sheep (1131 females and 456 males) reared in Bako Agricultural Research Center’s sheep farm and Horro district were measured to determine relationships between body weight and these linear body measurements. Correlation and regression...
Article in Press
Among the renewable sources for bioenergy production, sorghum is a crop that has high energy potential and desirable agroindustrial characteristics. Thus, the objective of this work was to evaluate the adaptability and phenotypic stability of sweet sorghum hybrids and varieties to bioethanol production using the Annicchiarico and GGEbiplot methodologies in several environments. Twenty-five sorghum genotypes were evaluated...
Article in Press
The aim of this study was to assess the effect of using Multi-Nutritional Blocks and roughage processing as alternatives for the resilience of beneficiary households in the study area. The study was carried in the rural communes of Sakoira and Kourtheye (department of Tillaberi) through a survey of 32 producers of multi-nutritional blocks and treated straw. The structure by age class reveals, among the Peulh ethnic group,...
Article in Press
Black Bengal goat (BBG) is a potential farm animal genetic resource of Bangladesh. The aim of this study was to investigate the genetic improvement of growth parameters in-situ through a community based breeding program under a low input production system in three villages; Gangatia, Borochala and Pachpai at Bhaluka upazila in Mymensingh district. Data on a total of 451 individuals taken from 2009 to 2015 in three...
Article in Press
The effects of geographical locations on the chemical characterization of Erkence olive oil variety which cultivated in six different locations were evaluated in the west of Turkey. The agricultural ecological map of each location was created using GIS. Olive oil samples were analyzed fatty acid, sterol and phenolic and also, LC IMS Qtof spectrometer and Progenesis QI software were used to determine the geographical...
Phosphorus management issues for crop production: A review
Article in Press
Phosphorus(P) is an essential element for plant growth. On account of its low solubility in soil, P is often a limiting factor to optimum crop growth and therefore P fertilisation is an important aspect of nutrient management plans to ensure profitable and sustainable crop production. Plant P availability is controlled by sorption, desorption and precipitation of P from P released during weathering of P minerals and...
Article in Press
The adoption of rope and washer water-lifting technology is influenced by several factors though it is suitable, easy to operate and maintain, and is multipurpose technology. The main objective of this study is to assess the status of adoption Rope and Washer water-lifting Technology and its Effect on household income. Data were collected by employing quantitative and qualitative data collection techniques like household...
Article in Press
The effects of diet with different inclusion levels of baobab seed meal inclusions on the growth and gross margin analysis of Clarias gaiepinus fingerlings was evaluated under a controlled laboratory condition. Five inclusion levels of Baobab Seed Meal (BSM) to replace soya bean meal were studied at 0%, 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% dietary protein. The experimental diets were uniform by targeting 40% crude protein with energy...
Study on the Optimum Nutrient Solution Concentration for the Growth of Mint (Mentha genus)
Article in Press
Mint (Mentha genus) is an herbaceous herb that is fragrant useful for centuries with spices and medicinal herbs. Study on optimum nutrient solution sufficient to meet the plants’ demands regarding soilless culture of mint would be helpful for its application in plant factory, but was less reported. In current study, 0.5 fold (×), 0.75×, 1.0×, and 1.25× concentrations of Yamazaki formula nutrient solution were applied to...
Mapping Livestock census and crop performance in Pakistan
Article in Press
Livestock and crops subsectors play a pivotal role in agrarian economy of Pakistan. Livestock contributes approximately 60.56% in agricultural value addition and almost 11.69% to the gross domestic product (GDP). The crops subsector constitutes of 21.73 percent serves as a basic accelerator of growth in agriculture sector as well as overall GDP. Therefore, to analyze the performance of livestock population and area under...
Article in Press
This 10-week study evaluated effects of graded levels of Gut Balance Booster (GBB) on performance of weanling pigs. Thirty-six Large White X Landrace piglets, aged six weeks were randomly assigned into four groups of 9 piglets. Each treatment was replicated thrice with three piglets in a replicate. They were fed diet A (normal starter diet without GBB), diet B (starter diet with GBB at 1.00 Kg/ton), diet C (starter diet...
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