African Journal of
Agricultural Research

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Agric. Res.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1991-637X
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJAR
  • Start Year: 2006

AJAR Articles in press

Recent Advances in Breeding for Disease Resistance to Stem Rust of Wheat

Article in Press

Throughout the history, stem rust has been considered a major threat to the wheat production. The spread of stem rust race Ug99 and variants are threat to worldwide wheat production and efforts are being made to identify and incorporate resistance. A primary source of concern at present is that Ug99 (TTKSK and its variants TTKST and TTTSK) has overcome major sources of stem rust resistance genes eg Sr31, Sr38 and other...

Author(s):sheikh fayaz

Adaptation of mungbean varieties/genotypes under irrigation condition of eastern Amhara (kobo), Ethiopia

Article in Press

Abstracts Mung bean (Vigna radiata L.) is the most important crop in Ethiopia and becoming sixth commodity on Ethiopian exchange floor. But it is not well-studied and introduced especially in eastern Amhara regions. Eastern Amhara region, particularly Kobo district is one of the potential for mungbean production. In this district there is wide irrigable land. Therefore, mungbean becoming the priority crop for crop rotation...

Author(s):Kassaw Seyoum

Triadimefon and hexaconazole induced changes in photosynthetic pigments and histochemical localization of starch and ascorbic acid in Raphanus sativus L.

Article in Press

The field experiment was carried out to analyse the effect of triazole compounds such as triadimefon and hexaconazole on radish (Raphanus sativus L.). Each plants was treated with one litre of aqueous solution containing 20 mg-1 triadimefon (TDM) and 20 mg-1 hexaconazole (HEX) on 23, 35 and 53 days after sowing (DAS) by soil drenching. The plants were harvested on 30, 45 and 60 days after sowing. The determination of...

Author(s):Ramalingam Sridharan

Germination, Vigour Index and Yield Potential of Wheat as Affected by Micronutrients

Article in Press

An experiment was conducted to study germination, vigour index and yield potential of wheat as affected by micronutrients. The experiment consisted of two factors i) three modern wheat varieties viz. Prodip, Shatabdi and Bijoy and ii) six levels of nutrient management viz. control (T0), NPK (T1), NPK+B+Mn+Zn (T2), NPK+B+Mn (T3), NPK+B+Zn (T4) and NPK+Mn+Zn (T5). Prodip produced significantly the highest grain yield (3.93 t...

Author(s): Md. Shamiul Alam

Standardization of acetosyringone concentration to induce hairy root in carrot for in vitro AM inoculum development

Article in Press

Carrot hairy root induction by two different strains of Agrobacterium rhizogenes - MTCC- 532 and MTCC- 2364 grown in YEMA culture media was studied in carrot (Daucus carota). The maximum hairy root induction was observed when carrot was simmered with 48 hours old culture of A. rhizogenes MTCC-532. With different concentrations of acetosyringone (AS) tested, addition of 150 µM/l acetosyringone was found to enhance the...

Author(s):Marimuthu Srinivasan

The Impact of Government Intervention in Sudan’s Sheep Production in the North Kordofan State: Policy Analysis Matrix Approach

Article in Press

The general objective of this study is to examine the competitiveness of sheep production in the North Kordofan state. The specific objectives are to examine impact of government intervention on efficiency and sustainability in the use of domestic resources and tradable inputs of sheep production and to analyze the comparative advantage of the sheep production in North Kordofan. The study utilizes primary data which was...

Author(s):Elsedig Elbadawi

Effect of Calotropis gigantea leaf extract spray on weed control

Article in Press

Field experiments were conducted during summer 2012 and winter 20012-13, at Agricultural College and Research Institute, Madurai (Tamil Nadu Agricultural University) to study the effect of pre-emergence application of Calotropis gigantea leaf extract spray on weed control in cotton. The results revealed that the pre-emergence application of Calotropis gigantea leaf extract spray at 30 % concentration followed by hand...

Author(s):N Malarkodi

Development of oat added ready to drink milk

Article in Press

The purpose of this study was make available a ready to drink milk with an enhancement of regular consumption of milk in domestic and national arena by children, adolescents, women and older. The synergistic quality of milk and oat flour was formulated after sterilization. Sterilized oat added milk drink was prepared by taking double toned homogenized and pasteurized milk having 10.5% TS (1.5% fat and 9% SNF) and 6.6 pH....

Author(s):Qureshi Mehar Afroz

Influence of Silicon and Phosphorus on Si, P, Fe & Mn Content and Nutrient Ratio of P-Stressed Maize (Zea Mays L.)

Article in Press

A pot trial was conducted in 2012 in the conservatory of the Anand Agricultural University Anand Gujarat (India). The effort was made for study the influence of silicon and phosphorus supply on available Si, P, Fe and Mn Content and Nutrient Ratio of P-stressed maize. Treatments were arranged in a factorial completely randomized design with silicon factor at five levels (0, 100, 200, 300 and 400 ppm) and two levels of P (0...

Author(s):Malav J K JKM

In vitro and In vivo studies on antioxidant potential of methanolic extract of Pomegranate fruits

Article in Press

The present study was aimed at investigating the antioxidant activities of the methanolic extract of pomegranate (Punica granatum) fruit. The antioxidant activities of extract have been evaluated by using in vitro assays and in vivo model. In case of in vitro studies, the antioxidant activity of methanolic extract of pomegranate fruit was 198.31 mg/100g; 192.25 mg/100g; 181.13 mg/100g and 143.24 mg/100g by DPPH, nitric...

Author(s): B karpagavalli

Correlation and path coefficient studies in induced mutants of blackgram [Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper]

Article in Press

Correlation and path coefficient analysis were carried out using M2 generation of VBN 4 blackgram. Seed yield had the highest positive and significant correlation with pod length, number of pods per plant and protein content. Other characters viz., plant height, number of branches per plant and number of clusters per plant showed positive correlation with seed yield, while days to 50% flowering, 100 Seed weight and number...

Author(s):Usha Rani

Emergence of Sulphur Deficiency in Soils of Kheda, Anand, Vadodara and Panchamahals Districts of Middle Gujarat India

Article in Press

Soil surveying and mapping is an important operation, since it plays a key role in the knowledge about soil nutrients and how it can be used for agriculture. One thousand six hundred seventy four surface soil samples were collected from Kheda, Anand, Vadodara and Panchamahals districts of middle Gujarat during 2010-11 under GPS and GIS based soil fertility mapping project. Analysis of these soil samples revealed the...

Author(s):Malav JK

Agricultural food export performance in Ethiopia: An error correction approach

Article in Press

This study investigated the determinants of food export supply of Ethiopia for the period 1980-2011, for 32 years. In this study, policies under taken by the different regimes in relation to export policies were assessed in the short and long run operation. To test the relationship of food export supply and other variables there was implementation of co-integration and error correction approaches in the regression...

Author(s):Negussie Zeray

Genetic Variability, Heritability and Genetic Advance of yield and its component traits in Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.)

Article in Press

The present was carried out during Kharif season of 2014-15 at Vegetable Research Farm, Department of Horticulture, College of Agriculture, JNKVV, Jabalpur (M.P.). The experimental material for the present investigation was comprised of 38 genotypes of onion. These genotypes were sown in Randomized Block Design (RBD) with three replications, to estimate the genetic variability. Analysis of variance revealed highly...

Author(s):Prajapati Sunil

Management of sweet potato weevil (Cylas formicarius fab) on sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas lam).

Article in Press

The incidence of the sweet potato weevil under the field condition were studied in two different cultivars namely Villupuram local (Red) and Karur local (White). The insects population Cylas formicarius were assessed first, second and third spray at 30 day after interval of planting. The lowest insect population was recorded in stem cuttings dipping with imidachloprid @ 22.25 g a.i. ha-1 (4.83) followed by acephate @...

Author(s):Devi Mani

Effect of pretreatment on the quality characteristics of osmo dried mango slices

Article in Press

Osmotic dehydration is a novel technique for the production of shelfstable, nutritious and tasty products.Mango is a fruit which is highly relished in both raw and processed form. Various studies have indicated that pretreatment of fruits prior to osmotic dehydration improved the quality of the product. Hence an attempt was made to study the effect of various pre-treatments in the quality characteristics of osmo dried...

Author(s):Preetha Palanisamy

Variability and heritability studies in winged bean (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus (L.) DC.) for seed yield and component characters

Article in Press

In the present study, twenty one diverse genotypes of winged bean from different sources were evaluated for assessing various genetic parameters in different seed characters under Kerala conditions. This study helps in identifying the characters which mainly contributing to the seed yield. The analysis of variance showed significant difference among all the genotypes for seed yield and its component characters studied....

Author(s): Prasanth K

Effect of canola and mustard cake on groth performance of crossbred lactating cows

Article in Press

The objective of this experiment was to investigate the effects of replacing conventional mustard cake with canola cake on feed intake, digestibility and body weight change of lactating crossbred cows. CP and TA were higher in canola cake while OM, EE, CF, ADF and NDF were higher in mustard cake. The digestibility coefficient of DM, OM, CP, EE and NDF did not differ significantly (P>0.05) irrespective of dietary...

Author(s):Mengistu Russom Araya, Madan lal Kamboj

The impact of Nickel on oxidative stress of bean leaves and roots

Article in Press

Heavy metal contamination represents a serious threat for terrestrial ecosystems. Thus, theses metals could be accumulated in living organisms. Bean (Vicia faba) plants were exposed, for three months in pots, to increasing nickel concentrations (C1: 150 mg/kg, C2: 250 mg/kg and C3: 500 mg/kg). They were tested for growth inhibition and oxidative stress response in roots and shoots. The examined parameters were biometric...

Author(s):Sondes Helaoui, Sabrine Hattab, Sarra Hattab , Marouane Mkhinini, Iteb Boughattas, Mohamed Banni

Adequacy of electrical conductivity test according to the physiological potential of Citrullus lanatus cv. citroides seeds

Article in Press

Citrullus lanatus cv. citroides is a widely used species as a food and water source for ruminants in regions with low rainfall such as the Brazilian Semi-arid. Studies on adequacy methodology involving the physiology of this species have been aimed at producing more vigorous seeds that originate healthy seedlings with uniformity and higher yield. However, the objective of this work was to adapt the methodology of the...

Author(s):A. K. F. Ramos, A. C. F. Demartelaere, R. O. Capistrano, M. D. Pereira, E. M. Aguiar

Effect of Watering Frequency and Growth Media on Seed Germination and Seedling Growth of Cardamom (Elleteria cardamomum)

Article in Press

Cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum, Maton - small) popularly known as the queen of spices. Productivity of cardamom is much lower mainly due to lack of improved varieties and poor agronomic practices. The long duration for seed germination is considered as one of the major issues in the propagation of cardamom. Effects of seven different growth media composition (Forest soil, Top soil, Forest soil+ Top soil, Forest soil+...

Author(s):Hassen Seid

Biopesticide of duku pericarp extract (Lansium domesticum Corr) as a controller of nettle caterpillar (Setora nitens) in South Sumatra

Article in Press

Oil palm plants are a superior commodity in South Sumatra Province. The area of oil palm plantations in South Sumatra reaches 10.78% of the total area of oil palm plantations in Indonesia. The development of oil palm cultivation impacts on the emergence of plant disturbing insects (S. nitens). This causes losses for oil palm farmers. Therefore, the solution to this problem is required. A relatively safe alternative to...

Author(s):Irham Falahudin, Ike Apriani

Analysis of Proximate, Physical and Mechanical Properties of Blackbean (Pheosolus Vulgaris)

Article in Press

The wide spread occurrence of malnutrition in affecting the diet of many people in developing countries of the world has raised the importance of legumes as excellent but cheap source of protein.The objective of the present study is to evaluate the proximate, physical and mechanical characterization of black bean (Pheosolus vulgaris) to determine the nutritional values.The physical, mechanical properties of black bean,...

Author(s):Simon Iyidobu Nwani, S.I. Oluka, C.D. Nwani

Effect of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) variety and plant spacing on grain and fodder yield

Article in Press

Plant spacing is a very important agronomical practice in legume production. Spacing is about the number of crops planted in a unit area and the distance between one plant and another. With reducing arable lands as a result of climate change, farmers want to fully exploit their land by getting the best yields from improve groundnut varieties and at the same time sustain the productivity of their farms. A field experiment...

Author(s):Boakye Boateng, Augustine; Wilson, Godfre

Yield Response of Oyster Mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) Cultivated on Creeping Bent Grass (Agrostis sp) Biomass Supplemented with Wheat Bran, Waste Paper, and Different Rates of Cotton Seed Waste.

Article in Press

Nowadays more attention has been given to mushroom production as new sources of nutrients, medicinal uses; especially for degenerative diseases and environmental sustainability through solid organic waste recycling. The yield of oyster mushroom (Pleurotusostreatus) grown on the substrate composed from creeping bent grass (Agrostis sp.), waste paper, wheat bran supplemented with cotton seed waste indicated the positive...

Author(s):Asefa Keneni

Functional properties and secondary metabolites of Rhizopus oligosporus -treated rice (Oryza sativa) Husk

Article in Press

A study was carried out to determine the effect of fungal treatment of rice (Oryza sativa) husk on its physical properties and secondary metabolites/potential anti-nutrients using Rhizopus oligosporus fungus. Properties studied were particle size, water solubility, ethanol solubility, water absorption capacity and biomass loss. Secondary metabolites studied include saponins, tannins, phytates and phenols. The rice husk was...

Author(s):Ogunbajo, S. A., Belewu, M. A

Farmers’ Awareness and Attitude towards Aquaculture The Case of Wonchi Woreda, Oromia: Ethiopia.

Article in Press

A study was conducted in Wonchi woreda, where aquaculture had been practiced for about 10 years. Despite the number of years spent and efforts to promote aquaculture in the study area, the awareness and attitude of farmers towards the sector have not been known. Therefore the current study was conducted to give feedback for monitoring and evaluation of outputs achieved from the farmers’ side as a result of the...

Author(s):Yared Mesfin, Abebe Cheffo, Mesay Yami, Getnet Workiye

Response of early maturing maize (zea mays l.) to foliar application of tamarind (Tamarindus Indica L.) leaf extracts under low nitrogen in the dryland ecology

Article in Press

An experiment was carried out at the Teaching and Research Farm of the Faculty of Agriculture, Bayero University Kano (12ᵒ 03.53’N; 8ᵒ 06’ E 543 asl) in the 2013 rainy season to determine the effect of foliar application of aqueous leaf extract of tamarind (ALET) on growth, yield and quality of maize. Treatments consisted of four levels of aqueous leaf extract of tamarind solution at 0%, 2% (40ml of extract in...

Author(s):Ismail Ibrahim Garba

Production of Alfalfa Sprouts with Application of Vegetable Regulators

Article in Press

The aim of this work wasto evaluate the application of commercial products containing giberelic acid in their compositions on production of alfalfa sprouts crioulacultivar. The experimental design was completely randomized factorial 2 x 5, with 5 GA3 doses being 0, 100, 200, 300 and 400 mg L-1 and two products: PROGIB® and Stimulate®. The treatment of alfalfa seeds with commercial product Stimulate® is recommended in...


Agro-Morphological based Evaluation and Proximate Analysis of Garlic (Allium sativum L.) Varieties at Sheka Zone, South West Ethiopia

Article in Press

Garlic (Allium sativum L.) is an important food and cash crop for rural households in Shaka Zone. Despite the nutritional and economic significance of garlic, to date there are no any research efforts pertain to recommend adaptable cultivars with due consideration of the environmental condition of the zone. The aim of this study was to evaluate eight garlic genotypes using agro-morphological and nutritional quality traits...

Author(s):Bewuketu Haile, Sefawdin Berta, Biruk Getnet ,Habitamu Kassaye

Selection Criteria and Breeding Practice of Indigenous Goat Population in Abaya and Yirgachefe Districts, Ethiopia:

Article in Press

The objective of this study was to identify selection criteria of goat and breeding practice of the goat under farmer management condition. The survey conducted in two National Regional States of Ethiopia: Oromiya regional states (Abaya district) in West Guji zone and South nation nationalty and peoples region (Yirgachafee district) of Gedio zone. Data were collected through structured and semi-structured questionnaire and...

Author(s):T Muluneh, Y Tadesse, E Kefena

Factors Affecting Decision to Participate in Beef Cattle Fattening and Quantity Supplied of Beef Cattle to Market: Case of Degga Woreda of Bunno Bedele Zone Southwest Ethiopia

Article in Press

This study aims at Factors Affecting Decision to Participate in Beef Cattle Fattening and Quantity Supplied of Beef Cattle to Market: Case of Degga woreda, Bunno Bedele zone in Southwest Ethiopia. With the Specific objectives to identify the factors affecting decision to participate in beef cattle fattening and quantity supplied of beef cattle to market. Both primary and secondary data were used. Primary data was collected...

Author(s):Gashahun Gezahegne, Zekarias Shumeta, Mequanent Muche

Effects of the planting time on the growth and nutrient uptake of carrot cultivars

Article in Press

This research aimed to evaluate the growth and macronutrients accumulation of carrot cultivars as a function of two planting times, under high temperatures in the Brazilian semi-arid. The experiments were laid out in randomized blocks design, with ten treatments and four repetitions. Treatments consisted of ten carrot cultivars sowed in two planting times. The characteristics evaluated included: plant growth (plant height,...

Author(s):Victor Emmanuel De Vasconcelos Gomes

Evaluating the effects of different tillage practices on the performance of NABE 14 bean variety in Nkozi Sub-County, Mpigi DIstrict, Central Uganda

Article in Press

This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of different tillage practices on the performance of NABE14 common beans. Three different tillage practices, namely, zero tillage (ZT), minimum tillage (MT) and conventional tillage (CT) were studied in a Complete Randomized Block Design (CRBD) with five replicates. Common beans were planted under different plots prepared by different tillage practices. Weeds infestation was...

Author(s):Byabasaija Syliver , Isaac Mubashankwaya, Byalebeka John

Effects of processing methods on proximate composition of decorticated Castor seeds (Ricinus communis L.)

Article in Press

Nutritive values in raw, autoclaved, boiled, fermented, soaked and toasted castor oil seeds (Ricinus communis L.), Zibo Castor No. 3 variety, collected from Ado-Ekiti metropolis, Nigeria were evaluated. The treatments consisted of six processing methods and three levels. Samples exhibited significant difference (p˂0.05) compared to the control sample and among one another in terms of all the parameters examined. There was...

Author(s):Agboola, E.O, Adebayo, I. A

The role of agroforestry for climate change adaptation in Wamakko Local Government Area, Sokoto State, Nigeria.

Article in Press

The study assessed agroforestry for climate change adaptation in Wamakko Local Government area of Sokoto State. Four (4) districts were purposively selected for the study base on the dominance of agroforestry practices in the study areas. Two villages were randomly selected from each of the selected districts. From each village, 30 farmers were conveniently selected given a total sample size of 240 respondents. Structured...

Author(s):Gwimmi, D. P, Bello, A.G, Umar, I, Ambursa, A.S., Atiku, M, Nafiu A. K., Wele, H. K.

Length-weight relationship and condition factor OF Nile Tilapia Oreochromis Niloticus (L) in Kiri Reservoir, Adamawa State, Nigeria

Article in Press

Length-weight relationship is used in morphometric inter-specific and intra-specific population comparisons to assess index of well-being of the fish populace. The Total length (cm) of each fish was taken from the tip of the mouth to the extended tip of the caudal fin using a measuring ruler to the nearest 0.1 cm. Standard length (cm) for each fish was taken as measurement from the tip of the mouth to the caudal peduncle...

Author(s):Vandi, P., Chessed, G., Daniel, J. L., Augustine, L. M., Pindar, W., Bello, V. B. and William, E.

Trichogramma atopovirilia releases in citrus groves to control the citrus fruit borer

Article in Press

Here we evaluated the impact Trichogramma atopovirilia (Oatman & Platner, 1983) releases for the control of Gymnandrosoma aurantianum (Lima, 1927) in two commercial citrus groves located at the São Paulo state (Brazil). The releases were performed at different frequencies in the fall and winter of 2006, and he number of released parasitoids a function of the G. aurantianum eggs in the field. 72 and 288 parasitoids per egg...

Author(s):Mariuxi Lorena Gómez-Torres, Nivia da Silva Dias-Pini, Diego Portalanza Peralta, José Roberto Postali Parra

Effect of seed treatment insecticides on Russian wheat aphid, Diuraphis noxia (Homoptera: Aphididae) and its effect on yield and yield components of wheat

Article in Press

Wheat (Triticum spp.) is one of the most important cereal crops world-wide and it is grown in many countries. Their yields have decreased significantly in the last century, mainly due to different factors including insect pests like wheat aphids. The experiment was conducted during 2018 in West Shoa, Ambo and Toke kutaye districts, Ethiopia . The experiments were laid out in randomized complete block design within three...

Author(s):Tadele Shiberu

Farmers’ pesticide use practices and perception on insect pollinators in Taita Hills, Kenya

Article in Press

In agricultural production, insect pollinators play a significant role in the quality and quantity of agricultural production. Use of chemical pesticides affect insect pollinators, which improve agricultural yields for farmers. Farmers’ perception on insect pollinators may have influence on how they conserve them. The objective of this study was to investigate and document farmers’ pesticide use practices and their...

Author(s):Duncan K. Mwinzi, John H. Nderitu, John W. Kimenju,Esther N. Kioko

Ecophysiological Response of “Chemlali” Olive cultivar Grown in Different Soils Types

Article in Press

The aim of the study was to examine how soil type affects subsequent olive tree performance. The experiment was conducted from March to June during two crops seasons (2013 and 2014) in two sites distant of 2 Km and they have different soil type. (i) Sandy soil (1.4% organic matter content, with a water content of 12% at field capacity and 6.5% at the wilting point, and (ii) clay loam soil (0.8% organic matter content, with...

Author(s):Mohamed Bagues, Béchir Ben Rouina, Kamel Nagaz, Mokhtar Guerfel

Constraints to agricultural production in Lebialem highlands, South West region of Cameroon.

Article in Press

This paper has examined the constraints to agricultural production in Lebialem highlands, so as to propose ways of improving upon agricultural production in order to meet the food requirements of the rapidly increasing population. Data was obtained from both primary and secondary sources. The data was analyzed using descriptive and quantitative statistical analyses. The findings show that the government has been...

Author(s):Terence Simbo

Relative abundance of Chilo partellus (Swinhoe) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) and its natural enemies at different growth stages of sorghum crop at Kalu, Bati and Dawa Chefa districts

Article in Press

The invasive, Chilo partellus (Swinhoe) in Africa is attacked by diverse natural enemies in sorghum ecosystem. Field survey were conducted during 2016/17 and 2017/18 across Kalu Bati and Dawa Chefa districts of south Wollo and Oromia zones, Ethiopia to determine the relative abundance of C. partellus and natural enemies at all developmental stages of sorghum. 9 sorghum fields each was sampled at all growth stages using 4m2...

Author(s):Adem Nega, Emana Getu

Traditional Breeding objectives of Arsi cattle breed and Production Constraint in the East Shoa and West Arsi Zones of Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia

Article in Press

The study was conducted in East Shoa and West Arsi Zones of the Oromia Regional State of Ethiopia with objective to assess purpose of keeping Arsi cattle and production constraints. Accordingly Adami Tulu Jidokombolcha and Bora from East Shoa Zone and Dodola, Shala and Nagele-Arsi from West Arsi Zone were purposively selected. About 240 respondents were identified using random sampling techniques. The average of age and...

Author(s):Aman Gudeto

Traditional regression versus Artificial Neural Networks models in sawing yield prediction

Article in Press

The present work was developed with the objective of obtaining regression models and Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) for accurate prediction of lumber recovery factor of Pinus caribaea var. caribaea in the sawmill Combate de Tenerías, belonging to Macurije forest company, Pinar del Río-Cuba. The inputs of the models were: log smaller diameter (D), diameter at breast height (DBH) and log taper or conicity (Con.). The...

Author(s):Ouorou Ganni Mariel Guera, José Antônio Aleixo Silva, Rinaldo Luiz Carraciolo Ferreira, Daniel Alberto Álvarez Lazo, Héctor Barrero Medel

Effect of nozzle size, operating pressure & nozzle elevation on uniformity of water application under sprinkler irrigation systems

Article in Press

A field investigation was conducted to study the effect of nozzle size, operating pressure and nozzle elevation on uniformity of application. The coefficient of uniformity was computed using the equations proposed by Christiansen (1942), Hawaiian Cane Society Specialists Hart and Reynolds (1965), Wilcox and Swailes (1947), Karmeli (1978), Criddle et al. (1956), Benami and Hore (1964), and Beale (1966).Uniformity of...

Author(s):Jitander Kumar, Dheeraj Kumar

Perception and adoption level of urban horticulture technologies in, Nairobi County of Kenya

Article in Press

Recent years have witnessed a significant improvement in the adoption and promotion of horticultural technologies among smallholder farmers world-wide and in particular, developing countries. This study is aimed at analyzing the perception and adoption level of urban horticultural technologies among farmers in the study area. A sample of 580 respondents was used, 138 in Kasarani, 195 in Mathare and 247 in Kibera....

Author(s):Oyaro and Mukundi

Management of the nematode of the nodule of Meloidogyne incognita in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) with extracts in a biospace condition

Article in Press

For the managenent of nematode of nodule of Meloidogyne incognita in plants of Solanum lycopersicum L., it was determined the effectiveness of plant extracts: Ruta graveolens, Eucalyptus spp., Ocimum basilicum, Acacia farnesiana, and Nicotiana tabacum, and as a control fungus Paecilomyces lilacinus 6.5x1013 UFC/g were used. For each treatment were used 5000 nematodes J2 of M. incognita/plant. The extracts were applied per...

Author(s):Aquino Bolaños T, Matadamas Ortiz PT, López Vásquez C F and Inés Vásquez S

Effects of Sowing date on Yields of Field Pea (Pisum sativum) Varieties at Shambu Campus Gitilo Research Site, Western Ethiopia

Article in Press

Field pea (Pisum sativum) is one of the pulse crop mainly cultivated in high land area of Ethiopia for human consumption. The amount of yield gain per hectares bases are very low because lack of information concerning appropriate sowing dates, plant density, biotic factors and lack of improved varieties which constitute the major challenges on field pea production in the study area. The field experiment was conducted to...

Author(s):Alemu Beyene Aleka, MD. N. S. Hasan;

Canopy position affect rind biochemical properties of ‘Marsh’ grapefruit during postharvest cold storage at non-chilling temperature

Article in Press

Effect of canopy position on rind biochemical properties of ‘Marsh’ grapefruit during postharvest non-chilling cold storage was evaluated on fruit harvested from different production regions. Inside canopy (IC) and outside canopy (OC) fruit were harvested at commercial maturity from two commercial farms located at KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) and Limpopo (LMP), South Africa during two seasons. Rind biochemical analyses...

Author(s):Olaoluwa Omoniyi Olarewaju, Lembe Samukelo Magwaza, Olaniyi Amos Fawole, Samson Zeray Tesfay, Umezuruike Linus Opara

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