African Journal of
Microbiology Research

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Microbiol. Res.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1996-0808
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJMR
  • Start Year: 2007
  • Published Articles: 5239

AJMR Articles

Isolation, biochemical and molecular characterizations of riboflavin-producing lactic acid bacteria from Nigerian fermented food products

January 2025

The purpose of this research was to explore lactic acid bacteria (LAB) from Nigerian fermented foods that can be used to produce riboflavin. In this study, LAB were isolated from “wara”, “nono”, and “ogi”. Total number of colonies of LAB in triplicates ranged from 3.9 × 106 to 4.2 × 106 CFU ml-1. A total of 321 LAB were isolated. Of these LAB isolates, 129 (40%) belong to...

Author(s): Joy Abiola Onipede and Oluwatoyin Rebecca Afolabi

Practice of prophylactic antibiotic use in elective orthopedic procedures at a national teaching and referral hospital in Kenya

November 2024

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommendations, antibiotic prophylaxis should only be used when necessary. The judicious use of prophylactic antibiotics, following evidence-based guidelines, leads to optimal outcomes, including reduced infection rates and the prevention of antimicrobial resistance. This study examines the practice of prophylactic antibiotic use in elective orthopedic...

Author(s): Shabir Najmudin Adamjee and Fred Chuma Sitati

Detection of carbapenemase-producing strains of Gram-negative bacilli in University Hospital of Angre in 2021

November 2024

The spread of carbapenemase-producing Gram-negative bacilli (GNB) poses a significant threat to public health. In Africa, data on carbapenem-resistant bacteria are poorly defined. This study aimed to determine the prevalence of carbapenemase genes among GNB isolated from patient samples at Angre University Hospital. A cross-sectional study was conducted in 2021 at the medical biology department, where...

Author(s): Ivanne Alexia Yapi, Gninwélé Anne-Edwige Coulibaly, Gninissemet Armel Bahan, Sodji Emilie N’Goran, Yéperi Marina  Coulibaly, Ivanne Marie Edi, Jaures Yapi, You Christine Essoh and Adèle Kacou N’Douba,  

Detection of norovirus in fresh fruits, vegetables, wastewater and manure from irrigated farms in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

October 2024

Noroviruses are the primary cause of foodborne infections associated with fresh products. The aim of the present study was to assess agricultural practices and the presence of noroviruses in fruits and vegetables, manure, and irrigation wastewater sampled from the urban and peri-urban irrigated plots of Ouagadougou. A face-to-face survey was conducted using a questionnaire on market garden production practices. A total...

Author(s): Kuan Abdoulaye TRAORE, Aimée FAWA DJINGTOUIN, Madou SANOU, Jean Bienvenue OUOBA, Lalidia Bruno OUOBA, Pierre ROQUES and Nicolas BARRO

Anti-biofilm formation effects of aromatic and medicinal plant extracts on Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. Phaseoli

September 2024

Common bacterial blight (CBB) caused by Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli (Xap) have been recorded as one of the most important seed-borne destructive diseases on beans. Chemical compounds which are incessantly used on beans to manage CBB disease cause serious damage to natural ecosystems and sometimes they show frequent failure for controlling CBB. These consequences are attributed to the use of by-products from...

Author(s): Tibebu Belete

Recent developments and future prospects of extremozymes in detergent applications

August 2024

Extremozymes are stable and active under harsh conditions, which is useful in industrial processes where mesophilic enzymes are destroyed. The applications of such enzymes are found in detergent industries due to their special characteristics. Microorganisms that survive in hot springs, cold regions, soda lakes, and even contaminated environments are explored for extremozyme production. The addition of these enzymes to...

Author(s): Abdullah A. Al-Ghanayem

Epidemiology, prevalence and seroprevalence of COVID-19 among vulnerable people in Thies region, Senegal

June 2024

Cases of pneumonia linked to a new Coronavirus have been noted in Wuhan city, Hubei province in China. This epidemic caused by the new Coronavirus called COVID-19 by the WHO, quickly became a global pandemic. This study is to assess the epidemiological situation as well as the prevalence and seroprevalence of COVID-19 in 213 vulnerable patients in the Thies region. This is a prospective study, targeting vulnerable...

Author(s): R. Ka, M. Ndao, R. Diagne, M. E. B. Diakhaby, S. C. Niang, A. Berthe, O. Diop and S. Lo,

Antimicrobial properties and antioxidant activities of pigeon pea seed protein hydrolysates

June 2024

In recent times, the biological activities of enzymatic digests of plant and animal proteins have been investigated and have been shown to exhibit multidirectional effects against microorganisms involved in the pathophysiology of a number of diseases. The present study evaluated the antimicrobial and antioxidant effects of pigeon pea protein hydrolysates. Proteins were hydrolyzed using the enzymes pepsin, trypsin and...

Author(s): O. E. Ekun, W. K. Aribisala, R. G. Ekun, A. O. Olusola, S. O. Bada and O. S. Bakare

Phytochemical study and evaluation of the antimicrobial activities of three plants in the treatment of typhoid fever in Togo

June 2024

Typhoid fever, an infectious disease impacting millions worldwide, has led to the utilization of a traditional medicine recipe in Togo consisting of Carica papaya, Cocos nucifera, and Persea americana. This study aimed to assess the phytochemical properties and antimicrobial activities of the traditional medicine recipe against typhoid fever. Qualitative tests, employing characterization reactions, were employed to...

Author(s): Yao HOINSOU, Luckman GBATI, Fo-doh Clefasse KOULA, Sossawè POLI, Ablam ALOGNON, Minyo Ega Sossa MONTANT, Tibangue DOUMONGUE, Akouétévi Gérard TOUDJI, Efui Holaly GBEKLEY, Bouraïma DJERI and Damintoti Simplice KAROU

Resistance profile of bacteria isolated from Broncho alveolar lavage fluid (BALF) of patients with severe acute lung disease at the University Hospital Center of Cocody in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire

May 2024

This study aimed to characterize the microorganisms responsible for severe acute respiratory infections in adult patients hospitalized at the University Hospital Center of Cocody in Abidjan. The biological material consisted of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF). Isolation and identification of bacterial strains, along with susceptibility testing, were performed using standard microbiological techniques. The bacteria...

Author(s): Sopi Anne-Michèle Sandrine N’chott, Victoire Gadou, Marc Olivier Koffi, Abalé Anatole Toty, Kigninlman Horo, Adèle Kacou-N’douba, Allico Joseph Djaman, and Hortense Faye-Kette,

A metagenomic analysis reveals changes in the bacterial community structure due to infection by the rice yellow mottle virus

May 2024

This research aimed to explore the pathobiome to enhance the understanding of the roles played by disease-associated microbes. A comparative analysis of microbiomes in rice samples was conducted to shed light on the potential impact of the rice yellow mottle virus on microbiome composition. Forty samples were collected from rice fields of the Office du Niger in Mali. Bacterial DNA was extracted at the LaboREM-Biotech...

Author(s): Kangaye Amadou Diallo, Mamadou Wele, Doulaye Dembele, Thomas Shier, Trevor Gould, Sognan Dao, Aïssé Bah and Amadou Hamadoun Babana

Exploring the antimicrobial modulatory potential of the sap from oil palm tree

April 2024

The sap from the oil palms (Elaeis guineensis), harbours complex microbiota and provides a rich source of therapeutic metabolites. This study investigated the antibacterial modulatory activity of sap from Elaeis guineensis on selected bacteria. To test how well the sap from the oil palm tree affects bacteria, the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of some common antibiotics was found by mixing the sap from the oil...

Author(s): John Antwi Apenteng, Kwadwo Amanor Mfoafo, Hayford Odoi, Emmanuel Orman and Cornelius Cecil Dodoo

Resistance profile of urine isolate enterobacteral strains at Donka University teaching hospital in Conakry, Guinea

April 2024

The objective of this study was to describe the resistance profile of enterobacterals isolated from urine samples at the laboratory of Donka National Hospital. Urine samples were collected from both outpatients and hospitalized patients. Cultures were performed using standard techniques, strains were identified using the API 20E kit, and antibiotic susceptibility testing was carried out using the ATB™ UR EU (08)...

Author(s): Djiba KABA,, Ousmane NIABALY#, Issiaga DIALLO,#, Ibrahima Sory Nana SYLLA#, Castro G. HOUNMENO‡, Kadio Jean-Jacques Olivier KADIO‡, Aly Badara TOURE‡, Boubacar SALL, Emile BONGONO, Lancei KABA, Alpha Ousmane BARRY, Maladho DIABY, Thomas BALAMOU, Pascal KOIVOGUI, Ouo-Ouo Yaramon KOLIE, Mariama Sadjo DIALLO,, and Mohamed CISSE

Mycoplasma galliscepticum: An overview

March 2024

The prokaryotic microorganism Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG) belongs to the phylum Firmicutes, the order Mycoplasmatales, the family Mycoplasmataceae, and the genus Mycoplasma. MG parasitizes the respiratory tract of various poultry species, causing a range of symptoms from indistinct features to tracheitis and air sacculitis. Common signs include respiratory tract infection indicators such as coughing, asthma, a runny...

Author(s): Ruizhi Yang, Xi Lin, Huiqi Song, Hongmiao Zhou, Shuang Li, Xuejiao Li, Bin Hao and Lianrui Li,,

Characterization of novel potential probiotic strains of lactic acid bacteria from rat faeces

March 2024

This study aimed to isolate and characterise novel probiotic strains from the faeces of healthy albino Wistar rats. Lactic acid bacteria were isolated on MRS agar, and their probiotic properties were assessed through in vitro tests, including tolerance to simulated gastrointestinal juices, auto-aggregation assays, and antimicrobial activity. The antibiotic susceptibility and haemolysis tests were performed to assess the...

Author(s): Dieudonné Nyamaifofe, Amos Mbugua and Kevin Mbogo

Antibiotic resistance profile of Escherichia coli isolates among patients suspected of urinary tract infections at the Souro Sanou University Hospital Centre of Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso

February 2024

This study aims to describe the antibiotics resistance (antimicrobial resistance [AMR]) profile of Escherichia coli isolates among patients suspected of urinary tract infections (UTIs) at the Souro Sanou University Hospital Center (SSHUC) of Bobo-Dioulasso in Burkina Faso. A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted from June 1 to August 31, 2021 at SSUHC. An exhaustive sampling was performed and the urine samples...

Author(s): Merci Muhigwa, Dinanibé Kambriré, Herman Karim Sombié,, Fernand Michodigni, Ruth Anagossi, Nina Gouba and Abdoul Salam Ouédraogo,

Microbiological evaluation and possible origins of the microbial contamination of vegetables in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso)

February 2024

This study aimed to contribute to the health safety of widely consumed vegetables in Ouagadougou by investigating the potential contamination of onion, tomato, cucumber and lettuce with pathogenic microorganisms. A survey was conducted, involving 102 producers in fields, 102 vendors in markets, and 205 consumers. The most commonly consumed vegetables were identified as onion, tomato, cucumber and lettuce. A total of 264...

Author(s): Hanseni Bognini, Assèta Kagambèga, Bertrand Tiendrebéogo, Abdallah Sawadogo and Nicolas Barro

Antibiotic sensitivity patterns of nosocomial infections bacterial isolates in National Hospital in Niamey, Niger

January 2024

Nosocomial infections are recognized as a global public health issue, with causative bacteria often exhibiting high levels of antibiotic resistance. However, there is a paucity of data on multidrug-resistant bacteria in nosocomial infections in Niger. This study aimed to determine the antibiotic sensitivity of bacteria isolated from specimens of patients suffering from nosocomial infections. Samples collected from...

Author(s): Laouali Boubou, Alio Mahamadou Fody, Allassane Halawen Mohamed, Ali Moussa, Eric Adehossi Omar, and Lassana Sangare

Antibacterial activity and phytochemical investigation of leaf and root extracts of Aloe gilbertii Reynolds

January 2024

The objective of the study was to test the antibacterial activities of crude extracts of roots and leaves of Aloe gilbertii Reynolds against clinical pathogens. The crude extracts were prepared via maceration technique employing n-hexane, acetone, chloroform, dichloromethane:methanol (50:50% V/V) and methanol solvent system. The phytochemical screening tests of the dichloromethane:methanol (50:50% V/V) root extract of...

Author(s): Dagne Addisu, Kibret Fekadu, Salah Hamza and Legesse Adane

Microbiological quality and safety of poultry processed in Africa: A review

January 2024

Poultry is the second most consumed meat in the world. In Africa, chicken production and processing are practiced both formally and informally, with smallholders constituting the majority in this sector. Informal practices are vulnerable to the production and processing of chicken, which is easily contaminated by pathogens such as Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella, and Campylobacter. The growth of the...

Author(s): Noémia André Mugabe, Abdulsudi Issa-Zacharia and Jamal Kussaga

Molecular identification of biofilm-producing Bacillus species and yeasts isolated from food sources and their interaction with Lysinibacillus louembei strain

December 2023

The microorganisms contained in fermented foods are known to harbor metabolic products, possibly improving human and animal health. However, despite several studies on the functional effects of fermented foods, isolation and identification of the effective Bacillus species strains are still in progress. The objective of this study was to molecularly identify biofilm-producing Bacillus spp. (BPB) and yeasts from...

Author(s): Moise Doria Kaya-Ongoto, Christian Aimé Kayath, Nelly Josiane Awah-Lekaka Niebi and Etienne Nguimbi,

The assessment of contamination level of multidrug resistant bacteria and antibiotic residue in chicken manure

December 2023

This study aimed to assess the contamination level of chicken litter by antibiotic residues and multidrug resistant (MDR) bacteria. A total of 28 chicken litter samples were aseptically collected in Abidjan poultry farms in December 2021. The bacteria including Salmonella, Escherichia coli and Staphyloccocus aureus were isolated on specific culture media and were identified using biochemical tests. Antibiotics...

Author(s): Romuald Christ Kipré, Bernadette Gblossi Goualie, Monique Aiza Ainyakou-Sanga, Daniel Kouamé Kra and Germain Alfred Karou  

Acute bacterial meningitis ecosystem in Cote D'ivoire from 2012 to 2020

December 2023

Bacterial meningitis remains a health concern in meningitis belt countries. The objective of this study was to ascertain the bacterial profiles of meningitis in Côte d'Ivoire from 2012 to 2020. The study, conducted retrospectively at the National Center of Reference of Meningitis of Cote d’ivoire, analyzed 5046 cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) samples from January 2012 to December 2020. Epidemiological data...

Author(s): Sophia Chiayé Okpo, Clarisse Kouamé Elogne, Tatiana Asseh Kangah, Jean Claude Blessa Anné, Kouadio N&#;guessan, Solange Kakou-Ngazoa and Mireille Dosso,

Prevalence, antibiotic resistance of Staphylococcus aureus isolated from layer farms (eggs, droppings/litter) in the outskirts of the city of Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

December 2023

Eggs are susceptible to microbiological contamination by various pathogens on farms, particularly those belonging to the genus Staphylococcus, which are zoonotic bacteria capable of contaminating humans, animals, and/or birds, posing a significant public health concern. In Burkina Faso, limited data exists on the prevalence of Staphylococcus aureus, prompting this study to investigate the prevalence and antibiotic...

Author(s): Abdallah Sawadogo, Assèta Kagambèga, Daniel Soro, Henseni Bognini, Michel Dione, Haoua Cissé, Ibonyé Dieni and Nicolas Barro

Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE): An alternative culture independent method for bacterial screening in bovine milk sample

November 2023

Bovine mastitis is a disease that has a great impact on Brazilian livestock production. Some bacteria described as mastitis-causing agents are not easily cultivable in conventional media, making their diagnosis difficult. The aim of the present study was to detect bacteria present in milk from mastitic and non-mastitic quarters of dairy cattle in Rio de Janeiro-Brazil, using a culture-independent and culture-dependent...

Author(s): Bruno Oliveira de Carvalho, Danilo Alves de França, Dayanne Araújo de Melo, Shana de Mattos de Oliveira Coelho, Irene da Silva Coelho and Miliane Moreira Soares de Souza

Evaluation of the impact of the efflux pump modulation process on the anti-adhesion and antibiofilm activities of analogues of natural marine compounds in a marine bacterium

November 2023

One strategy for enhancing the effect of natural marine antifouling compounds has been to combine them with coumarin-type molecules (VL2, VL17 and VL19). These molecules are known to have an inhibitory effect on the efflux pumps (EP) of a large number of Gram-negative bacteria. To this end, they have been used as adjuvants to natural marine compounds (OB1, AS194 and AS162) to enhance their antibiofilm activity. On the...

Author(s): Emmanuel Gozoua, Romuald Sonan Assi, Nestor Beda Kimou, Rose Koffi-Nevry and Yves Blache  

Effectiveness of temocillin on extended-spectrum beta-lactamase producing Escherichia coli isolates from patients attending the Niamey General Reference Hospital

November 2023

Extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL)-producing Escherichia coli urinary tract infections represent a major global health problem, constituting a public health emergency with high patient morbidity and mortality. Temocillin serves as an alternative antibiotic for treating these infections and conserving carbapenems. A total of 209 isolates of uropathogenic Escherichia coli were collected in the Microbiology Laboratory...

Author(s): Alassane Halawen Mohamed, René Dembélé, Laouali Boubou, Alio Mahamadou Fody, Alix Bénédicte Kagambèga, Hiliassa Coulibaly, Frédéric François Bado, Alkassoum Ibrahim, Eric Adehossi Omar, and Nicolas Barro  

Molecular detection of pathogenic Leptospira from cattle in peri-urban areas of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

October 2023

Leptospirosis is a bacterial, zoonotic disease caused by pathogenic Leptospira. Rodents are known to carry pathogenic Leptospira, but livestock are also important hosts. The disease is economically important in cattle, causing abortion, decreased fertility and decline in milk yield. Pathogenic Leptospira are shed in cattle urine and can survive in the environment. Only a few studies have been performed in Ethiopia to...

Author(s): Marrigje J. Kreuger, Woldaregay Erku, Antoine Stuitje, Zewdu Terefework, Gemechu Chala and Siobhan M. Mor,  

Growth, root colonization and yield attribute responses of five groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) varieties toward arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal inoculation in a Senegalese agricultural soil

October 2023

The aim of this study was to isolate the most specific and effective arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) for groundnut and to determine the degree of variability in the response of groundnut varieties to inoculation. The seeds of five varieties: 55-437, Fleur 11, Sunu Gaal, Amoul Morom, and Essamaay were inoculated individually with five AMF (Funneliformis mosseae, Rhizophagus aggregatus and Rhizophagus fasciculatus, the...

Author(s): Godar Sene, Nibourou Top, Nogaye Niang, Maimouna Cissoko, Cheikh Ndiaye, Issa Faye, Mansour Thiao, Saliou Fall, and Samba Ndao Sylla,  

Effect of sanitizers combined with ultrasound on adhesion of microorganisms isolated from fish from the Amazon region

October 2023

Attachment of undesirable microorganisms to surfaces that contact food is a source of concern, since it can result in product contamination leading to serious economic and health problems. Bacteria aggregated to form biofilms are more resistant to environmental stress than planktonic cells. The objective of this paper was to evaluate the bactericidal effect of sodium hypochlorite and peracetic acid associated with...

Author(s): Evelyn Ivana Trindade Damasceno, Hamilton Mendes Figueiredo and Antonio Manoel Da Cruz Rodrigues

Screening groundnut rhizobia for multiple plant growth promoting activities in Ethiopia

September 2023

Rhizobia could exhibit plant growth-promoting mechanisms besides nitrogen fixation. In search of efficient rhizobia with multiple PGP traits, 72 groundnut nodulating rhizobia isolates were screened in vitro for their plant growth promoting traits like phosphate solubilization, production of indole acetic acid, ammonia, hydrogen cyanide, production of different hydrolytic enzymes and antifungal activity. About 72% of the...

Author(s): Asnake Beshah, Fassil Assefa, Driba Muleta and Gudina Legese

Density and diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in Anacardium occidentale L. plantations in Senegal

September 2023

Cashew nut cultivation plays an important socio-economic role in Senegal. However, it suffers from several problems, including declining soil fertility which leads to low productivity. To overcome these constraints, the use of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) could be a sustainable alternative. However, the positive effects of AMFs may depend on their infectious potential, density, and diversity. So far, little...

Author(s): Khémes Marie Odile THIOCONE, Abdoulaye SOUMARE, Mohamed Mahamoud CHARAHABIL, Landing NDIAYE, Fatou NDOYE, Saliou FALL, Valérie HOCHER and B. A. AMADOU

Effect of methylprednisolone on the morphology of acute lymphoblastic leukemia cell line in vitro model by Atomic Force Microscopy

September 2023

Despite the recent knowledge of the molecular mechanisms of corticosteroid drugs in lymphoid leukemia, information about the nanostructured surface morphology of the process of cell death is limited. Therefore, the main objective of this work is to analyze the effect of methylprednisolone on the morphology of B lymphoblast CCRF-SB cell line by Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM). Morphological parameters such as height, cell...

Author(s): Amairani Moreno-Caro, Edgar Sandoval-Petris, Josue Juarez, Miguel A. Valdez, Leonardo Ibor Ruiz-Ortega, Homero Rendón-García and María G. Burboa-Zazueta

Beneficial microorganisms as affecting root development of upland rice

August 2023

Multifunctional microorganisms can significantly affect root and shoot development of upland rice seedling that could provide an increase in the crop grain yield. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of single and combined microorganism on the root and shoot development of upland rice seedlings. The experiment was arranged in a completely randomized design with treatments consisting of the upland rice...

Author(s): Adriano Stephan Nascente, Ishola Zainab Temitope, Marta Cristina Corsi de Filippi and Dennis Ricardo Cabral Cruz

Phytochemical screening and antifungal activity of Cassia alata (Linn.) crude leaf extracts

August 2023

The antimycotic effect of Casia alata (Linn.) commonly used for the treatment of skin diseases by local people in Nigeria was evaluated against dermatophytes (Trichophyton tonsurans, Trichophyton rubrum, Trichophyton mentagrophytes, Microsporum audouinii, Microsporum canis, Microsporum gypseum, Epidermophyton floccosum). Ten-fold serially diluted extract concentrations were subjected to phytochemical screening and the...

Author(s): Emmanuel Edegbo, Martin-Luther Oseni Okolo, Adetunji Sunday Adegoke, Cornelius Arome Omatola, Benjamin Mudi Idache, Joseph Oyiguh Abraham, Monday Eneojo Akor, David Adeiza Zakari, Adebayo Zainab Alaba, Sunday Omale, Abdulrazaq Yahaya, Qasim Musa and Danjuma Muhammed

Morphological, pathogenic and molecular characterization of fungal species associated with mango fruits in Mexico

August 2023

The characterisation of the causal agents of postharvest diseases, as well as their pathogenicity in different mango cultivars of economic importance in Mexico was evaluated. In total, 37 fungi were isolated from diseased mango (Mangifera indica L.) of the cvs Ataulfo, Hayden, Manila, Peach, Haden and creole. For the morphological characterization, the isolates were seeded in potato dextrose agar media and described by...

Author(s): María Alejandra Istúriz-Zapata, Silvia Bautista-Baños, José Luis Acosta-Rodríguez, Mónica Hernández-López and Laura Leticia Barrera-Necha

Prevalence of Bartonella spp. in rodent and shrew species trapped in Kigoma and Morogoro Regions, Tanzania: A public health concern

July 2023

Bartonella spp. bacteria are responsible for bartonellosis in humans and animals for which rodents are the main natural reservoirs. Common bartonellosis symptoms include fever, chills, weakness, and headache. This study aimed to determine the prevalence of Bartonella spp. infection in rodents and shrews of the genus Crocidura in the Kigoma and Morogoro regions of Tanzania. Blood culture and conventional PCR targeting a...

Author(s): Ginethon G. Mhamphi, Abdul S. Katakweba, Apia W. Massawe, Rhodes H. Makundi, Robert S. Machang’u, Erick V. G. Komba and Ladslaus L. Mnyone,

Cross-site comparison of coastal bacterial occurrences and diversity at selected sites along the North Atlantic Ocean in Monrovia, Liberia

June 2023

Coastal marine sites were examined for the occurrences and diversity of indigenous bacterial populations using high resolution 16S rRNA gene pyrosequencing approach to further understand the ecological importance of environmental variables. Samples containing slurries of seawater and sediments were collected from nine different sites along the north Atlantic Ocean in Monrovia, Liberia and were divided into three...

Author(s): Ola A. Olapade

Multiple adaptations of bacteriophages in Lagoon Ebrie: Indicators of permanence microbiological pollution in the environment, Côte d’Ivoire, West Africa

June 2023

The Lagoon Ebrié in the city of Abidjan is a typical aquatic ecosystem that can be used to predict the existence and circulation of water pathogens. Phages are viruses that infect bacteria and can be used for the detection of their bacteria host. In this study, bacteria colonies were investigated in their natural habitat within the Lagoon by using phages as indicators. Their impact on pollution was also...

Author(s): Solange NGAZOA KAKOU, Audrey A. ADDABLAH, Aristide KOUDOU, Fred MBOMRO, Emmanuella ADIOUMANI, Serge AOUSSI and Mireille DOSSO

16S rRNA gene sequence analysis of the microbial community on microplastic samples from the North Atlantic and Great Pacific Garbage Patches

May 2023

The exponential increase in plastic production has led to their accumulation in the environment, particularly in oceans, polluting these environments from the shore to the open ocean and even sea ice in the pole regions. Microbial communities were compared on plastic particles, known as "Plastisphere", collected from the Atlantic and Pacific ocean gyres in the Summer of 2019 and subsequently inspected for...

Author(s): Dkawlma Tora, Ute Hentschel, Stefan Lips, Mechthild Schmitt-Jansen and Erik Borchert

Effect of Piper nigrum, Thymus vulgaris and Syzigiuim aromaticum essential oils on the microbiological and sensory quality of Pork sausages during preservation

May 2023

The use of essentials oils (EOs) as alternative of nitrites and nitrates in sausages will be proposed in this study. For this purpose, the minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) of white Piper nigrum of Penja, Thymus vulgaris and Syzigiuim aromaticum EOs were determined in vitro against Escherichia coli ATCC25922, Salmonella enteritidis 155A and Staphylococcus aureus NCTC10652. It follows from this study that, T....

Author(s): TCHIKOUA Roger, FOGANG FOKA Desoeuvres, SADO KAMDEM Sylvain Leroy and ESSIA NGANG Jean-Justin

Prevalence of rotavirus group A and associated genotypes detected in calves in Southern Highlands and Eastern Tanzania

May 2023

Rotavirus group A (RVA) causes neonatal calves diarrhoea, causing massive economic losses in many countries due to deaths, treatment costs, and stunted growth. However, little is known about Tanzanian cattle's RVA burden and genotypes. The prevalence and genetic diversity of rotaviruses circulating in cattle in Southern and Eastern Tanzania regions were investigated. A total of 272 faecal samples collected from...

Author(s): Joseph Jaili Malakalinga,, Gerald Misinzo, George Mutani Msalya, Mariana John Shayo and Rudovick Reuben Kazwala

Antibiotic and heavy metal resistance genes in hospital effluents and streams in Benin

April 2023

Poor effluent management is known to release antibiotic resistance genes and heavy metal resistance genes into streams. The objective of this study was to investigate the occurrence of antibiotics and heavy metals in hospital effluents and streams in Benin. The extraction of genomic DNA from multidrug-resistant bacterial strains isolated from stream and hospital effluents samples was performed according to the...

Author(s): Victorien Tamègnon DOUGNON, Alidehou Jerrold AGBANKPE, Elodie GBOTCHE, Hornel KOUDOKPON, Kafayath FABIYI, Kevin SINTONDJI, Jean Robert KLOTOE, Honoré Sourou BANKOLE and Nelly KELOME

Molecular characterization of heavy metal resistant Proteus species

April 2023

Heavy metals are silent killer of mankind and the cause of environmental pollution. The ability of some microorganisms to resist heavy metals makes them useful in bioremediation. The aim of this study was to molecularly characterize heavy metal-resistant Proteus species isolated from the soil of a cement factory. Proteus species were tested for resistance to lead, chromium, copper and iron at concentrations 0.00, 0.25,...

Author(s): A. Adebo, E. U. Umeh and I. O. Ogbonna

ICU COVID-19 patients with bacterial and fungal super-infections in Saudi Arabia

March 2023

Bacterial and fungal infections in COVID-19 patients were reported all over the world. A retrospective study was conducted to determine the prevalence of bacterial and fungal superinfections in COVID-19 positive patients between April 2020 and December 2021. This research included patients admitted in a specialized medical center in Saudi Arabia. A total of 2643 patients with confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19 via reverse...

Author(s): Manal M Darwish, Mohammed Ahmed Garout, Altaf A. Abdul Khaliq and Magda R. Abdultawab

Molecular cloning and functional research in drug-resistance of transposase gene in Burkholderia pseudomallei

March 2023

Transposons are widely used in genetic engineering research and play an essential role in microbial drug resistance research. Transposase is the key to constructing efficient transposons, but no studies have reported transposons in Burkholderia pseudomallei. In this study, a new transposase gene was cloned and identified from HNBp001 isolated from Hainan province. Blast and phylogenetic tree analysis showed that the...

Author(s): Hao Xiu, Jie Hou, Yunfan Quan, Tingting Fu, Sufang Dong, Chuizhe Chen, and Qinhui Sun,

Aflatoxins contamination in raw and roasted cashew nuts in Mtwara, Tanzania

March 2023

The aim of this work was to determine the contamination levels of raw and roasted cashew nuts sold in Masasi and Newala districts of Mtwara region in Tanzania. A total of 60 samples including 40 roasted (24 samples from Newala and 16 from Masasi) and 20 raw samples (12 from Newala and 8 from Masasi) were collected. Determination of total aflatoxins levels in raw and roasted cashew nuts samples was carried out by immune...

Author(s): Catherine Leonard Akwilapo, Beatrice M Kilima and Alex Wenaty

Antimicrobial susceptibility profile of Enterococcus species isolated from cows with clinical mastitis and from bulk milk tanks in Brazil

February 2023

Vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE) have been reported as a major hazard to human and animal health, causing problems like clinical mastitis in dairy cattle and nosocomial infections in humans. The aim of this study was to determine the in vitro microbial susceptibility profile of enterococci isolated from dairy farms in São Paulo and Minas Gerais states, Brazil. A total of 310 samples of Enterococcus species...

Author(s): de Moraes Gustavo Nunes, Guimarães Felipe de Freitas, Fornazari Felipe, Joaquim Sâmea Fernandes, Guerra Simony Trevizan, de França Danilo Alves, Possebon Fábio Sossai, Pantoja Jose Carlos de Figueiredo, Lucheis Simone Baldini, Rall Vera Lucia Mores, Hernandes Rodrigo Tavanelli, Ribeiro Marcio Garcia, Leite Domingos da Silva and Langoni Helio

The role of effector Ssc1 in Sclerotinia Sclerotiorum and pathogenicity of Botrytis cinerea in the early infection stages

February 2023

In this experiment, the action mechanism of the gene Ssc1 was studied in the process of interaction with plants through heterologous expression, subcellular localization and fluorescent PCR technology. It was found that the gene Ssc1 could enhance the pathogenicity of Botrytis cinerea through heterologous expression. Fusing the promoter, SP and CTP of Ssc1 with GFP and expressing in tobacco, it was found that the...

Author(s): Li Xiaolong, Ren Aizhi, Shang Na, Guan Mengjiao, Zhang Jialin, Wang Lijun, Sun Shulei and Zhao Peibao,  

Phenotypic characterization and antimicrobial susceptibility testing of Klebsiella isolates from Rattus rattus captured at university of Abuja metropolis

February 2023

The aim of this study is to phenotypically characterize Klebsiella isolates from rats. A survey  was  conducted on 100 swaps samples  obtained  from  captured  house  rats  in University of Abuja main campus from May to August 2021. Isolation and identification of the Klebsiella species was done using conventional cultural and biochemical techniques. Of the 100 samples analyzed,...

Author(s): Samuel Mailafia, Victor Bitrus Shammah, Kabiru Wazehorbor James, Casmir Ifeanyichukwu Cejatan Ifeanyi, Hakeem Olufemi Onigbanjo, Martha Echioda-Ogbole and Bridget Maria Jessica Adah

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